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7W 10月に

2008-06-02 21:09:45 | Weblog
7W0, ALGERIA. Mike, DB1JAW, will be active as 7W0JAW (or 7X/DB1JAW) from
Bou-Saada and possibly other locations in the Algerian Sahara, October
. Activity will be on 80-10 meters, but with a focus on 20/17/12
meters using SSB and PSK31. QSL only direct to DB1JAW; he is no longer
a member of DARC. SAE is not required as Mike prints computerized

9L3  来年

2008-06-02 21:08:20 | Weblog
9L3, SIERRA LEONE (IOTA Op). Operators Alfeo/I1HJT, Silvano/I2YSB, Carlo/
IK1AOD, Vinicio/IK2CIO, Angelo/IK2CKR, Marcello/IK2DIA and Stefano/IK2HKT
are expected to be active from Sherbro Island (AF-056) next year, between
January 25th and February 13th. Callsign is to be determined. QSL via
I2YSB, direct or the G6MBY Bureau.


2008-06-02 21:04:26 | Weblog
FH/DK7LX, Mayotte Island (AF-027), from 11-23 June

I will be active as FH/DK7LX from Mayotte Island from 11. 06. 2008 - 23.06. 2008.

References: IOTA AF-027, WLOTA L 0376

Operation will be HOLIDAY-STYLE, in mainly CW, focus on 30, 40, 80 m.
All other bands according to conditions.

The equipment is going to be an Icom IC-706 MKIIG and a
HF9V-Multiband-Vertical that might be placed next to the sea.



You can send your QSL either via bureau or direct.

Special full-color/photo-QSL?s will be available as soon as possible afterwards.

If QSL via direct, please make sure to include a SAE, self-adhesive, as well as sufficient return-postage:

If sending green-stamps, please be advised about the fact that Germany is vy expensive:
1 letter to outside EU costs 1,70 EUR.
1 letter to inside EU costs 0,70 EUR.
For those who can:
You can also send me VALID GERMAN postal stamps of the above amount.

If you are not in a hurry, go ahead and use your QSL-bureaus, it keeps them alive.
Turn around-time might be up to 1-3 years as a minimum, depending on the destination.

Insufficient postage contribution will result in "QSL via buro".



Georg Knoess
Am Weiderweg, 12
D-35510 Kirch-Goens/Butzbach

or via DARC QSL-Bureau


2008-06-02 21:02:31 | Weblog
S7, SEYCHELLES. Wolfgang, DL6NBR, will be active as S79WF between June
14th and July 4th. Activity will be on SSB, with 200 watts on 40-10 meters
and 100 watts on 6 meters. QSL via his home callsign, by the DARC Bureau
or direct.


2008-06-02 21:01:45 | Weblog
LZ17, BULGARIA. Members of Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs will
activate special event station LZ17EXPO between June 7-30th. Activity
will be on all bands and modes. Operations are to commemorate the 17th
anniversary of the "HOBBY RADIO EXPO" held at the "Culture House ARSENAL"
in Kazanlak on June 14-15th. QSL via LZ1YE.


2008-06-02 20:56:15 | Weblog
The ops who brought us IOTA operations with the callsigns TB0DX, YM0DX
and TC0DX from Turkey, plan an operation again this summer, June 7-11
from AS-159. Ops will be TA2ZAF (also known as OK1MU), OK1TN and
OK1HRA, with the callsign TC0W. They will be on Kefken in the Black
Sea. They will be on CW and SSB, 20-10M using a SteppIR and lops for
40 and 30. They will look for Es openings on VHF. TA2RC has been
helpful setting things up. QSL via OK2GZ bureau or direct.