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2008-06-13 22:01:02 | Weblog
JORDAN, JY. John, OZ2J is QRV as JY9JR until the end of June.
Activity is on the lower HF bands. QSL to home call.


2008-06-13 20:42:02 | Weblog

RZ3AMW/1 -- Serge ( RZ3AMW ), will be active from Ryashkov Island EU162. He plans to operate daily between 17 and 21 UTC, on 40 and 20 meters, using CW and SSB. No QSL information at this time. ** Jun 15 - Jul 05


C91 DXpedition coming soon

2008-06-13 05:10:40 | Weblog
Things are looking up for the upcoming DXpedition to Mozambique next
month. Plans are to be on the air staring the night of July 16th through 30th. They will have two complete stations, one for CW
and the other for SSB. Both stations will have T8 Log Periodic
antennas thanks to Tennedyne, which will be up at about 50 feet.
There will also be a 40 meter 4 square and possibly an 80 meter 4
square. A 72 foot high vertical will be setup for 160, 80 and 30
meters. An M2 6 meter beam will also be used. They will have
amplifiers. Thanks to the support of ZS6WB, Hal, and other ZS ops the
team will have EME equipment for activity on 6 meters through 70cm.
The current group of operators are as follows: K5LBU/C91CF, Frosty;
NQ7R/C91TK, Tom; W5SL/C91SL, Jay; 9M6XRO/C91XO(?), John; NZ5N/C91BD,
Bill; K0OK/C91OK(?), Bob; and DJ0YI/C91YI, Ben. John will be taking a
side trip to Swaziland where he will be QRV from July 18th to 23rd.
No callsign was mentioned. QSL cards for C91XO(?) go via M3SDE.
C91BD via WA4WTG. All others go via their home call. The team has a
Web page at www.tdxs.net/C9.html, which will have an online log
search, sometime after the start of the operation