HAM radio
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DX news


2008-06-24 20:41:44 | Weblog
SP7VC, Mek, plans to be QRV from Bornholm Island (EU-030) June 25th
through 27th
. OZ/SP7VC activity is expected on 80, 40, 20 and 2


2008-06-24 20:39:05 | Weblog
DK9VZ, Wolfgang plans to stay on Korfu Island (EU-052) from July 1st
to 15th, including the IARU HF World Championship, where he will use
special call J48D on July 12th and 13th. Wolfgang will be mostly on
CW on HF and 6 meters. QSL via DK9VZ.

4W6R went QRT

2008-06-24 20:37:33 | Weblog
The Iberian 4W6R team have finished their East Timor DXpedition. They
went QRT around 2258Z on June 22nd. Their on-line log search shows
15,632 QSOs. An antenna was installed and left at the University of
Dili. The team flew home on Monday, June 23rd, around 2300Z. Plans
are to update the log search after their arrival home.

VE2008VQ special event station

2008-06-24 07:01:04 | Weblog
VE2008, CANADA (Special Event). Look for special event station VE2008VQ
to be active from June 28th to July 27th. Activity will be on 80-6 meters
to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the foundation of Quebec City.
Operators will be VE2HO, VE2AWR, VA2RIO, VE2TKH and others from Quebec
City. QSL card for this event is via Serge, VE2AWR, direct or by the


2008-06-24 06:59:15 | Weblog
GT7, ISLE OF MAN (SOTA Activity). Phil, G4OBK, will be visiting the Isle
of Man this week and will be using the Scarborough special events callsign
GT7OOO/P to activate several of the summits on the Island for SOTA award.
His activity will be mainly on 40 meters CW. He expects to be active for
up to 8 hours during the daylight in several sessions between Monday,
June 23rd and Friday, June 27th, from the top of the hills. QSL is via
the Bureau to G0OOO. Phil mentions that this will be the first time that
the GT7 prefix has ever been aired on HF.


2008-06-23 21:14:45 | Weblog
SX5C Special Call DxPedition STROGILI & Lighthouse IPSILI.

The following Greek hams: SV1GE John, SV1JG Cliff, SV1RC Spiros, SV1RP
George,SV1EEX Nikiforos, SV1GRM Theodoros, SV1GYG John, SV1HER Sotirios &
SV1JCZ Daniel
will activate the rocky islet STROGILI, IOTA: EU-001, GIOTA: DKS 001, MIA:
MGD-022 with lighthouse ham activation of the islet.

Lighthouse named IPSILI: WLOTA: L-0237, ARLHS: GRE-123.
The lighthouse was manufactured in 1917. The altitude of tower is 9 metres
and the height of focal plane is 85 metres.

All the above hams are also members of the Radio Amateur Association of
Greece (http://www.raag.org).

It will be the first time that this islet is going to be activated for ham
purposes and so does the lighthouse "IPSILI".

"We are very glad to announcement the participation to SX5C, one (1)
operator of VP6DX, DUCIE Island Dxpedition & five (5) operators from the
YK9SV,ARWAD Island Dxpedition".

The Stroggyli Kastellorizou also called Strongili or Strogili or Ipsili, is
a Greek islet which lies in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, about five (5)
nautical miles south-east of the island of Kastelorizo. The islet is about
1.5 km long, and up to 700 m wide. It covers an area of about 0.9 km2. It is
rather flat and covered with macchia. Strongili is the easternmost Greek
Territory. It is not inhabited, and has a lighthouse named Ispili, which has
the characteristic of being the easternmost building in Greece.

Strongili (Strogili,Stroggyli,Ipsili) ist eine kleine, unbewohnte
griechische Insel der ostlichen Dodekanes. Strongili liegt etwa 5km ostlich
der Insel Kastellorizo und ist damit die ostlichste Insel Griechenlands. Sie
ist lediglich gut 3km vor der turkischen Kuste entfernt. Die Insel ist ca.
1,5 km lang, bis zu 0,7 km breit und hat eine Flache von etwa 90 ha.
Strongili ist eher flach und kaum bewaldet. Da sie landwirtschaftlich nicht
mehr genutzt wird, bestimmen Buschwerk und Macciabewuchs das Ausssehen. Die
geschichtlich unbedeutende Insel ware auch wohl nicht weiter erwahnenswert,
wenn sie nicht die ostlichste Stelle Griechenlands darstellen wurde, und der
auf ihr stehende Leuchtturm das ostlichste Gebaude Griechenlands ist.

Coordinates: Latitude: 36°06'49"N, or 36.1136 N ..-.. Longitude:
or 29.6358 E
Grid square: KM46tc [Location is 7.8 mi (12.6 km) from SOUTH edge of grid
square, 20.3 mi (32.7 km) from EAST edge of grid square]

Timeline 25 July - 04 August 2008.

We will be active (we hope) in all bands from 160m-2m in all modes.

QSL manager: SV1HER :-)

For anything please contact SV1HER at mobile phone: +30-693-2671602 or via
email: sv1her@raag.org .&. SKYPE: sotirios.vanikiotis
Also have a look at this page: http://sx5c.blogspot.com/

de SV1HER on behalf of the SX5C team.

C56YK will be QRV in Oct

2008-06-23 07:06:39 | Weblog
C5, THE GAMBIA. Andre, ON7YK, will once again be active as C56YK between
October 13th and November 9th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters, perhaps
also 160m, using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. He will only have 100 watts and
will use a Spiderbeam for 20/17/15/12/10m and a dipole for 80/40/30 meters.
This will be a holiday style operation. For more details and updates,
visit the Web site at: http://www.on7yk.net


2008-06-23 07:05:27 | Weblog
8P, BARBADOS. Andrew, G7COD, will be active as 8P9KA from Harts Gap
between June 28th and July 4th. Activity is planned for 40/30/20/17/15
meters with operating times taking place between 2100-2300z everyday,
concentrating on SSB with some CW. QSL via G7COD, by the bureau or direct.
For more information on QSL info, please see 8P9KA on QRZ.com.

S79 by DL's

2008-06-22 07:57:23 | Weblog
S79WF will be the callsign of Wolfgang, DL6NBR, and S79GB the call of Peter,DH3NB, working from Seychelles AF-024 between Jun 14 and Jul 4.
They will work with 200 watts in SSB on 40-10m and with 100 watts on 6m.

QSLs direct or via bureau to their homecalls.

DL6NBR: Wolfgang Faust, Steinrueckenstr. 15, D-63741 Aschaffenburg, Germany
DH3NB: Peter Butka, Hanauer Str. 73, D-63741 Aschaffenburg, Germany

A25/DL7DF Sept 23rd to Oct 6th

2008-06-21 08:04:58 | Weblog
Sigi DL7DF and Crew will be QRV from the Sedia Riverside Hotel in Maun, Botswana, between September 23rd and October 6th.
The call sign will be A25/DL7DF.
They will be active with several stations on 160m through 10m on CW, SSB. One station will be exclusively dedicated to RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV. The team members mentioned are Manfred/DK1BT, Wolf/DL4WK, Andy/DL5CW, Sigi/DL7DF and xyl Sabine, Frank/DL7UFR and Leszek/SP3DOI.
Equipment will consist of 4 transceivers (2 x K2, 1 x IC-735, 1 x IC-7000), 3 x kW linears, 3 x 18m Lowband Vertical, a 4 square for 40m, a 4 square for 30m, a Hexbeam for 20/17/15/12/10m, a Spiderbeam for 20/17/15/12/10m, some Beverage antennas as well as some laptop computers.

Pilots for this DXpedition are Bernd, DF3CB and Floyd, N5FG.
QSL via DL7DF, direct or by the bureau.

special event station VE2008VQ

2008-06-21 08:01:59 | Weblog
VE2HO, VE2AWR, VA2RIO, VE2TKH and others will operate special event
station VE2008VQ on 80-6 metres between 28 June and 27 July to
celebrate the 400th anniversary of the foundation of Quebec City.
QSL via VE2AWR, direct or bureau.


2008-06-21 07:57:51 | Weblog
Arliss/W7XU, Holly/N0QJM and Ed/W0SD will be active as TO5E from St.
Barthelemy (FK87nv) from 28 June to 6 July. QSL via W7XU. They will
concentrate on 6 metres (50103 kHz CW and SSB), with some activity
on 30 and 20 metres RTTY (10123 and 14080 kHz), CW (10103 and 14023
kHz) and SSB (14195 and 14260 kHz) "aaproximately and sporadically"
between 2 and 10 UTC. Logs will be uploaded on a nightly basis to

special event stations in EA

2008-06-21 07:56:57 | Weblog
A number of special event stations and prefixes will be aired until
15 September to celebrate the Expo 2008 in Zaragoza
(http://www.expozaragoza2008.es/). The official amateur radio
station located at the exhibition can use AO2008EXPO, AO0EXPO and
EH2O. In general, operators can replace their ordinary prefix with
AO (= EA), AM (= EB), AN (= EC). Amateur radio operators of Aragon
can use special prefixes AO08 (= EA), AM08 (= EB) and AN08 (= EC),
plus their suffix and a letter identifying their province (H =
Huesca, Z = Zaragoza and T = Teruel).