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2009-05-31 06:51:25 | Weblog
from OPDX news

E51, SOUTH COOK ISLANDS. Nigel, G4KIU, is now active as E51SC from the
Island of Rarotonga (OC-013). He has moved to the South Cook Islands and
is expected to be on 80-10 meters mainly on SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and with
some CW. He was heard this past week on 20 meters PSK31 between 0330-
0630z. Direct QSLs are to be sent to: Nigel Peacock, P.O. Box 880,
Rarotonga, Cook Islands (via New Zealand). Please send a SAE, plus 2 USDs
or 2 new style IRCs. Any direct cards received without the above items
will be returned via the Bureau. Bureau QSLs go to: E51SC via G4KIU/RSGB.
**IMPORTANT** There is no QSL Bureau in the Cook Islands. Cards without
G4KIU on them will NOT be received. Please "DO NOT" send direct cards
to any G4KIU address in England - they will NOT arrive. All E51SC contacts
will be loaded to LoTW about once a week. He does not use e.QSL at all.