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2009-05-16 16:41:37 | Weblog
J6 - John, W5JON will be active on 160-6 metres as J68JA from St. Lucia
(NA-108) on 20-30 October, including a SOAB entry in the CQ WW DX
SSB Contest. QSL via W5JON.


2009-05-16 16:05:37 | Weblog
Robert GI0NCA, Rudo OM5FM and Vlado OM7CA will be QRV as EI/home call on 80m-10m during May 25th till May 29th from Arranmore Island EU-121 (ARRLS IRE-02; WWL: IO55RA).

Austral and Marquesas pedi

2009-05-16 16:03:37 | Weblog
I am glad to inform you that the Polish group of four ham radio amateurs together with their guest Michael FO5QB will be working between 28.09.2009 and 12.10.2009 from Austral Archipelago (TX5SPA) as well as between 16.10.2009 and 22.10.2009 from Marquesas Archipelago (TX5SPM) (that's the call signs we applied for).

Our aim is to make as many qso as possible mainly with Europe on lower frequency bands. Both countries take 21th and 19th place respectively in terms of being the places in the greatest demand. It does not mean that we intend to ignore the stations from other continents. If possible (propagation) we will be working on all higher bands. We are planning to be active on CW,SSB,RTTY (maybe PSK31).
We would like to emphasise that all the costs of the expeditions are covered entirely by its participants. We do not accept any sponsors, we are going there for our own pleasure for our own money.

We would feel humble and grateful to receive any feedback from more experienced operators than ourselves, however we will be ignoring those whose only intention is to criticise others.
If you take pleasure in working with us - we are very glad. If not, you have to choices - one (an easy one) to switch of your radio or change your frequency and the other to join the expedition and show what you can do.
The QSL manager of the expedition is going to be Wojciech SP9PT.
You will hear from us soon from beautiful French Polynesia!