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2009-05-04 08:03:38 | Weblog
from OPDX news

TP60, FRANCE (Special Event). To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the
Council of Europe, look for TP60CE to be active between May 8-10th.
Activity will be on CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL via F5LGF. An online
log search will be available at: http://ewwa.free.fr

about QSL route

2009-05-04 08:01:17 | Weblog
from OPDX news

Third U.S. Call Area QSL Bureau, reports that the following "should not"
be QSLed to the 3rd Bureau:
4L0ABC - K3PD was the QSL Manager, but became a "SK" on June 19th,
2008. NO QSL route known at this time.
4L0HQ - K3PD was the QSL Manager, but became a "SK" on June 19th,
2008. As to 4L0HQ, they understand that the new manager for
this station is UA9LP, so the 3rd U.S. Bureau now forwards
4L0HQ cards to him via the Russian Bureau.
5B/K3UY - The QSL info for this station is to the operator's home
callsign, RA3AUU.
7X5VRK - W3HC is NO LONGER the QSL Manager. As of April 8, 2008,
W3HC had retired from being a QSL manager. 7X5VRK has not
agreed to have anyone be his QSL Manager. The best advice,
QSL 7X5VRK direct, including sufficient means for return
HI8A - K3WGR is NOT the QSL Manager. For the last several years,
Chikin, the former HI8RV, has held the callsign HI8A. He
does NOT have a QSL manager and handles his QSLing duties
himself. Our understanding is that he does answer bureau
KO3A - Please note that the licensee of KO3A is YT6A. QSLs for
KO3A and 4O3A (ex-YT6A) go via AI4U (for USA/Canada stations)
or the Serbian Bureau.
KP2/W3AVO - Please be advised that the QSL Manager for this operation
is JA3AVO, the home callsign of the operator. They forward
such cards to the JARL Bureau.
LZ9W - AA3AX is NOT the QSL Manager. According to QRZ.com, the real
QSL Manager for LZ9W is LZ1ZD.
NP3U - QSL Manager is WP4U. PLEASE NOTE: Callsigns with the prefixes
KP3, NP3 and WP3 should go to Puerto Rico which has its own
QSL bureau at: Puerto Rico QSL Bureau, Box 9021061, San Juan,
PR 00902-1061. Puerto Rican stations are not served by the
3rd U.S. Bureau, and they have to forward cards received
for them to the Puerto Rican Bureau. Exceptions are WP3C,
WP3R, and NP4A which CAN be handled by this 3rd Bureau
because W3HNK is their QSL Manager.
SV/W3FN - (or W3FN/SV) Please note that the QSL route for this station
is the home callsign of the licensee, SV2BFN.
VQ9X - W3MR is NOT the QSL Manager. Please note that W3MR handles
VQ9 cards ONLY for his own VQ9 callsign, VQ9MR. QSL direct
WP4U - AA3BG is NOT the QSL Manager. Please note that WP4U handles
his own cards.
ZS4RY - K3IRV is NOT the QSL Manager for ZS4RY. QSL direct.

Fred states that for the QSLs which were received, the only recourse
(for most cards) are to forward such cards to their following perspective
QSL Bureau.

Special event station LZ2009KM

2009-05-04 07:56:29 | Weblog
from OPDX news

LZ2009, BULGARIA (Special Event). Look for special event station LZ2009KM
to be active from the HQ of the Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs
between May 1-31st. Activity is to celebrate national "St. Kiril and
Methodius Day" (creators of Cyrillic alphabet). Operations will be on
all bands and modes. QSL via bureau to LZ1PJ. Logs will be uploaded to
LoTW. More information is available at: http://www.qrz.com/db/LZ2009KM


2009-05-04 07:55:31 | Weblog
from OPDX news

KP2/NP2, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS. Operators Larry/K3VX, William/W3WH, Ron/W3WN,
John/W9UK and Carl/K9CS will active from here between May 28th and June
2nd. Operators will be signing homecall/KP2, but during the CQ WPX CW
Contest, they will be signing NP2SH (possibly as a Multi-2 entry). QSL
W3WN/KP2 via W3WN. QSL all others via K9CS.


2009-05-04 07:54:29 | Weblog
from OPDX news

J8, ST. LUCIA. John, W5JON, will once again be operating from the hilltop
QTH overlooking the Caribbean Sea and Marigot Bay in St. Lucia, between
October 20-30th. His callsign will be J68JA. Reference numbers are: IOTA
NA-108 and Grid Square FK93. Activity will be on 160-6 meters (including
60m) on SSB. He will use an ICOM IC-7000, KL-400 Amp (350 watts) into
the following antennas: Alpha Delta DX-LB and DX-EE Dipoles, and a 3
element yagi on 6m. Activity will also include the CQWW DX SSB Contest
(October 24-25th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via W5JON. John
adds, "As in the past, XYL Cathy/W5HAM will be very busy pool side."


2009-05-04 07:52:51 | Weblog
from OPDX news

C2, NAURU (Update/Change). Dani, EA4ATI/9M2TI, in Malaysia, informs OPDX
some details have been changed for their DXpedition to activate Nauru in
the Pacific (refer to OPDX.894). The callsign C21TI will remain the same
as well as operating frequencies. However, Dani states, "Our webmaster
(EA4YK) has changed the Web site as we had a lot of hackers..... The
DXpedition is postponed to June and exact dates will be announced soon."
Looking at the new Web page, dates have now been posted. Operation is
expected to take place between June 16-26th. Visit their new Web page
at: http://c21ti.madrono.net/index.html