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3A in Sept

2009-05-12 06:04:55 | Weblog
from OPDX news

3A, MONACO (IPA Op). Gab, HA3JB (SU8BHI), will be active as 3A/HG3IPA
between September 23-30th. Activity will be good for the Hungarian Inter-
national Police Association Award (HA-IPARC Award). For details on the
award, visit: http://www.ha3jb.com
He also plans be an entry in the 2009 CQ DX RTTY Contest (September
26-27th). Also, a new online log search is available at:
Those who send for a QSL, please write your E-mail address on your card,
and he will advise you by E-mail when your QSL arrives. QSL via HA3JB:
Gabor Kutasi, H-8601 Si=F3fok, P.O.Box 243, HUNGARY, EUROPE.


2009-05-12 06:03:03 | Weblog
from OPDX news

J48/SV8, GREECE (IOTA Op). Laci, HA0HW, will once again be active as
J48HW and SV8/HA0HW from Thassos Island (IOTA: EU-174, GIOTA: NAS-037,
MIA: MG-124, WLOTA: LH-4186, QRA: KN20HS) between May 28th and June 6th.
He will operate mainly CW, with some SSB, RTTY and PSK31 as well, on the
HF bands (mainly on 40, 30, 20 and 17 meters) and on 6 meters. His activity
will include the CQ WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st) as J48HW. His rigs are
a FT-840 with a MOS-FET amplifier and an IC-706 (for 6m only) with monoband
Gps and dipoles on fishing poles. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by
the HA Bureau.