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M6 prifix

2008-09-22 18:27:05 | Weblog
from DX Newsdesk

Hello Folks,

M6 callsigns are now appearing on the bands from the UK.

The Novice callsigns in the M3 range have been used up, so new Novices are being issued with M6 callsigns.

UK Country variations apply, so

* M6 = England
* MW6 = Wales
* MS6 = Scotland
* MI6 = Northern Ireland
* etc etc

in the same way as all other UK callsigns are allocated.

Vy 73 from Sunny Bournemouth, UK

de Pete at the DX Newsdesk
dx_newsdesk@yahoo.co.ukThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


2008-09-22 07:19:08 | Weblog
from OPDX news

A6, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. Don, N1DG, is leaving shortly for A6, A7 and
A9. However, Don states that he only intends to operate from A61AD around
September 27-30th. He expects to be in the CQWW RTTY Contest (September
27-28th) for a few hours. Don adds that if anyone is desperate for an A6
contact on 20-10m inclusive, to send him an E-mail and he will be happy to
try to oblige (CW SSB and RTTY only please). Don's E-mail address is:


2008-09-22 07:06:13 | Weblog
from OPDX news

A4, OMAN. Members of the Lufthansa Amateur Radio Club (LARC) and the
Norden District of the DARC (DOK I09), will be guests of the Royal Omani
ARS (ROARS) and operate under the following two callsigns between October 30th and November 11th: A43DLH - from the ROARS HQ
A43DLH/P - from the Omani Scout camp
Activity will be around the clock on 160 meters and up on as many bands
as possible. Modes will be: CW, SSB and the Digital modes (included SSTV).
QSL Manager is Rudi, DK7PE.