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2008-09-04 18:36:05 | Weblog
The crew of VK9DWX wants to invite two young hams who have a passion for Ham Radio, DXing and contesting to take part in the DXpedition to Willis Island in October this year.

One young ham from 6th October till 19th October and the other one from 15th October till 28th October. You can reside in any country in the world, you hold a valid amateur radio license in your country, you have some experience in working pile-ups and you are between 18 and 29 y/o.

For qualification you have to send an email to contact@vk9dwx.de which must include an essay of 500 words minimum (in English) describing how you got started in ham radio, who your Elmer was and why you should be selected for this DXpedition opportunity. Please include also your full name, callsign and home address.

The VK9DWX crew will pay for all expenses except your flight from your home to Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Send us your application now to contact@vk9dwx.de

We will receive applications until September 15th and will make a fast decision.

We would be delighted if DX editors would publish this information as widely as possible and DXers bring it to the attention of their clubs and fellow DXers.


2008-09-04 18:34:14 | Weblog
This is an operation by M0DXR and 2E0WPX. We will be married on 20th September, and this is a honeymoon operation! Considering the nature of the visit, this will of course be a part time operation as there will be lots of other things to do… however, do please listen out for us. Equipment is IC-7000, and a half size G5RV dipole for 28Mhz - 7Mhz suspended between the palms. Activity will be on SSB and CW.
QSL via M0DXR direct or via bureau. For direct cards, please supply funds of $2 for EU responses and $3 for outside EU.
