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T8 by JH1UUT

2008-09-01 19:24:53 | Weblog
from OPDX news

T8, PALAU. Sadayuki, JH1UUT, will once again be active as T88DB from Palau
(OC-009) between September 4-8th. Look for him during the ALL ASIAN DX
PHONE CONTEST (September 6-7th). Suggested frequencies are: 3795, 7085,
14200/14260, 21260/21290 and 28460/28490 kHz. QSL via his home callsign.


2008-09-01 19:23:05 | Weblog
from OPDX news

S7, SEYCHELLES. Tom, DJ6TF, will be on holiday on La Digue Island between
September 2-14th. If he can obtain a licence, look for him to be on 30
meters and RTTY.


2008-09-01 19:13:07 | Weblog
from OPDX news

PJ2, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. Viaceslav, LY4F, will be active as PJ2/LY4F
from the PJ2T Signal Point station on the Island of Curacao (SA-006, WLOTA
LH-0942), September 4-18th. He plans to use the callsign PJ2F during the
WAE DX SSB Contest (September 6-7th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power
entry. Outside of the contest, look for activity on all bands and modes.
QSL via LY1FF, the bureau is preferred.

IOTA tours

2008-09-01 19:11:32 | Weblog
from OPDX news

IOTA TOUR (Scandinavia). Operators YL Gabi/DF9TM and Frank/DL2SWW will
be traveling to several IOTAs in SM, OH and OH0, between September 5-23rd.
Look for them to use the callsigns SD7M, SD7W, OH0/homecall and OH/homecall
from the following locations:
EU-002 - Aland Islands
EU-084 - Uppsala/Stockholm County Group (Sweden)
EU-087 - Vasternorrland County Group (Sweden)
EU-096 - Lansi-Suomi (Turku) Province Group (Finland)
EU-101 - Lansi-Suomi (Vaasa) Province Group (Finland)
EU-173 - Lansi-Suomi (Pori) Province Group (Finland)

Exact dates will be announced on the following Web page under "2008
Scandinavia IOTA Tour" at: http://www.iota-expedition.com/scand/scand.html
QSL via bureau, SD7M via DF9TM and SD7W via DL2SWW.


2008-09-01 19:10:10 | Weblog
from OPDX news

J3, GRENADA. Ulf, DL5AXX, will once again be active from Grenada (NA-024,
WLOTA LH-0718) as J3/homecall between November 25th and December 9th.
Activity will include a Single-Op/All-Band entry in the CQWW DX CW
Contest (November 29-30th). He also plans to enter the ARRL 160 Meter
Contest. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau.


2008-09-01 19:08:41 | Weblog
from OPDX news

CT3/CT9, MADEIRA ISLANDS. A group of German operators from the Rhein
Ruhr DX Association (RRDXA) Contest Team will be active from here between
November 25th and December 3rd. They will sign CT9L during the CQWW DX
CW Contest (November 29-30th) as a Multi-? entry. QSL via DJ6QT. Outside
the contest, operators will sign CT3/homecall. QSL via their home
callsigns. Operators mentioned are: DJ7JC, DF1AL, DK3QZ, DL1XW, DL2OBF,


2008-09-01 19:07:42 | Weblog
from OPDX news

C5, THE GAMBIA. Members of the Spanish "DX4DX TEAM" will be active
(possibly as C56EA) between October 14-24th. Operators mentioned are:
Paco/EA4BT (Team Leader), Ramon/EA4NA, Emilio/EA7AAW, Julio/EA7JB,
Salvador/EA7SB and Jose/EA7LS. Activity will be on the HF bands and
6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY modes. For more details and updates,
visit their Web page at: http://www.dx4dx.com


2008-09-01 19:03:47 | Weblog
Members of A.R.I. Torino and Wave Master Team, will be active September 24-28th from Giglio Is.
(IOTA EU-028 IIA GR-002) as IA5IG. Activity will be with 2 or 3 stations on 160 to 2 meters
using cw, ssb and digital. QSL via IZ1DSH bureau or
direct. More info http://www.aritorino.it/IA5IG.htm
