

Smith tips win as counting starts

2007年11月24日 | 政治
Smith tips win as counting starts
November 24, 2007 - 6:32PM

Labor frontbencher Stephen Smith says he believes the Federal Opposition will win the election.
"I think we're going to win this election campaign,'' Mr Smith told ABC TV at about 6.15pm AEDT, as the first of the votes were being counted.
Mr Smith, Labor's education spokesman, admitted it was a "courageous'' prediction given no results had arrived at the national tally room 15 to 20 minutes after polls closed in NSW, the ACT, Victoria and Tasmania.
"I think Kevin Rudd had a very good campaign,'' Mr Smith said.
He predicted Labor would win 20 seats, giving it a majority of four.
"Labor will win 20 seats, maybe 22, maybe 25 at the outside.''
Early exit polls broadcast have shown a strong swing to Labor.
A Sky News and Network Seven exit poll broadcast at 5.30pm predicted a comfortable Labor win.
The poll, which canvassed voters in the Coalition's 31 most marginal seats, predicted a Labor win with 53% of the two-party preferred vote, compared to the Coalition's 47% per cent.
Projected across the country and taking in the Labor marginal seats, it would translate nationally to 54% of the vote for Labor.
Labor needs a uniform swing of about five per cent to win an outright majority in the lower house of parliament.
Votes from NSW, Victoria and Tasmania, are starting to be counted after polls closed at 6pm.
Western Australia is two hours behind, and Queensland one hour.
"You can expect the vote count to start rolling in at about 6.30pm," Australian Electoral Commission spokesman Phil Diak said.
The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) estimates around 13.6 million voters will have cast their votes by the close of polls.



