東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師arataのブログ

東京田町の小学生~大人まで『基礎英語力』習得を目指す英語学校English Plus英語講師の英語・日本語表現ブログ

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英語講師の留学経験 - トロントの日本食レストランの思い出

2012-01-15 10:07:07 | 英語講師のカナダ・トロント留学経験
Good morning and thank you for visiting this English Plus' blog!
Today, I'd like to write about my study abroad experience in Toronto, Canada.
Toronto is the biggest city in Canada and there are a lot of people from all over the world there.
A lot of people living in one city means there are wide varieties of food and restaurants there!
There are a lot of international restaurants, such as Greek, Chinese, Korean, Indian, Italian, Polish, Brazilian, and of course Japanese.
In downtown Toronto, there are some Japanese restaurants, but most of them can serve sushi.
Some restaurants offer all-you-can-eat sushi buffet at a reasonable price!
Speaking of a buffet restaurant, I remember this story that when I was in Toronto, basically I didn't miss Japanese food.
However, one time I really wanted to eat Japanese food, so I went to an all-you-can-eat sushi buffet restaurant.
At first, I enjoyed eating a lot of sushi, but after a while I realized that I ate too much...then, I felt sick and I regret eating too much.
One thing I learned from this experience is that I shouldn't stuff myself!
By the way, here is some sushi-related vocabulary that you can use at a Japanese restaurant abroad!
・Nigiri-sushi = hand-shaped sushi
・Maki-sushi = sushi roll
・Inari-sushi = sushi rice stuffed in a fried bean curd
・Chirashi-sushi = assorted sashimi on rice
・Gari = pickled ginger, vinegared ginger
・Wasabi = Japanese horseradish
・Shoyu = soy sauce

おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。

本日は“英語講師の留学経験 - トロントの日本食レストランの思い出”です。









・にぎり寿司 = hand-shaped sushi

・巻き寿司 = sushi roll

・いなり寿司 = sushi rice stuffed in a fried bean curd

・ちらし寿司 = assorted sashimi on rice

・がり = pickled ginger, vinegared ginger

・わさび = Japanese horseradish

・醤油 = soy sauce

それでは今日の英語での一言:"Don't eat too much!"

東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

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英語講師の留学経験 - トロントのスーパーマーケットとスーパーで役に立つ英語トリビア

2011-08-29 09:14:41 | 英語講師のカナダ・トロント留学経験
Good morning, and thank you for your checking out this blog!
Today, I'm going to write about another story from my study abroad experience. *The related episode of "the first negotiation in Toronto, Canada" is here:
This time, I'd like to write about one of my favorite supermarkets in Toronto, Canada and useful English there.
It was just coincidence, but wherever I lived in Toronto, there was “No frills”, which is a supermarket, near my place.
The first place I started living was near Runnymede station and there was No frills.
Another time I lived was near Dufferin station and there was No frills.
The other time was near Sherbourne station, and there was No frills too.
The prices of products at No frills were not expensive, and it was very convenient for me to go grocery shopping anytime!
As you may know, supermarkets in Canada (or in the U.S.) are much bigger than those in Japan, and they have a wide variety of food!!
However, the bad point is that supermarkets are too big and sometimes it’s not easy to get what I want at a supermarket.
In this situation, let's learn the following knowledge of vocabulary because it might help you at a supermarket!
If you go to a supermarket and look for something, you should look for a sign like these…
・frozen food section
・produce section
・deli section
・beverage section
・snack section
・beauty section
・meat section
・bakery / pastry section
・dairy section
Hopefully, this knowledge will help you somehow in the future!


本日は“英語講師の留学経験 - トロントのスーパーマーケットとスーパーで役に立つ英語トリビア”です。

*関連記事の“英語講師の留学経験 - スーツケースを買うための値段交渉の巻”はこちら:http://blog.goo.ne.jp/artismart/e/a4d751e21346f5e078e712446803531f

トロントで暮らしていた頃、自分が借りた家(部屋)の近くには必ずと言っていいほど偶然にも、”No frills”というスーパーマーケットがありました。

トロントで初めてお借りした家(部屋)はRunnymede駅の近くで、No frillsがありましたし、引っ越した後のDufferin駅の近くにもNo frillsがあり、Sherbourne駅の近くの家ではNo frillsが目の前にあるような環境でした。

No frillsで取り扱っている商品の価格はとてもリーズナブルで、いつも近くにあったためとても重宝しました。




・frozen food section(冷凍食品コーナー)

・produce section(青果コーナー)

・deli section(惣菜コーナー)

・beverage section(飲料コーナー)

・snack section(製菓コーナー)

・beauty section(美容コーナー)

・meat section(精肉コーナー)

・bakery / pastry section(パンコーナー)

・dairy section(乳製品コーナー)


それでは英語での一言:"Remember trivia might help you when you get lost at a supermarket"

東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ

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2011-08-16 07:56:46 | 英語学校設立・創業
Good morning.
Thank you for reading this blog!
This past weekend, I went to some shops to check some furniture and things that are necessary for my English school.
What I checked was desks, tables, chairs, whiteboards, and so on because I needed to check their prices as well as their sizes.
There isn't so much time left until September, so I'll check them again and decide which one will suit my English school and purchase.
I'll just do what I need to do step by step!!







それでは今日の英語での一言:"Step by Step!"

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2011-07-31 09:15:33 | すぐに使える英語 - 英単語
How are you doing?
Thanks a lot to visit this blog!
Today, let’s learn how to read price (numbers) correctly!
*The related blog of “How to read numbers” is here:
As I mentioned in the link above, it’s important to read numbers correctly in our lives.
This fact is especially true when we think about money!
However, there are two ways to read price in English, so let’s learn how to read price in English today and we should get used to price!
For example…
$1.50 = one dollar and fifty cents OR one-fifty
$2.99 = two dollars and ninety nine cents OR two-ninety nine
$140 = one hundred forty dollars OR one hundred forty
Now, let’s try some quiz!
1. $4.75
2. $15.50
3. $109.95
4. $1875.50
Did you handle the price well?
Here are the answers…
1. four dollars and seventy five cents OR four seventy five
2. fifteen dollars and fifty cents OR fifteen-fifty
3. one hundred nine dollars and ninety five cents OR one hundred nine-ninety five
4. one thousand and eight hundred seventy five dollars and fifty cents OR one thousand and eight hundred seventy five-fifty
How was the quiz?
Was it easy for you?
When you go shopping in Japan, try to think the price in English!
In the curriculum of my Travel English course, there is a lesson of shopping and you can learn how to read price and pay correctly.
So, if you take the Travel English course, I’m sure you can learn something practical and useful when you go shopping abroad!









$1.50 = one dollar and fifty cents OR one-fifty
$2.99 = two dollars and ninety nine cents OR two-ninety nine
$140 = one hundred forty dollars OR one hundred forty




1. $4.75

2. $15.50

3. $109.95

4. $1875.50






それでは今日の英語での一言:“Let's master how to read price!!”

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
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2011-06-21 07:54:41 | ビジネスでも使える英語&英語表現
Good morning, and thank you for visiting!
Today, let’s learn some useful phrases for business negotiation.
*The related topic to this episode is here:
To negotiate in business, there are a lot of ways to negotiate.
However, the basic and fundamental rule is that you ought to use polite expressions.
For instance, when you negotiate, you can say…
・Would it be possible to reduce price?
・Would you give me a discount if I ordered another?
・Could I get a discount if I ordered 100 units?
When you agree to the proposal, you can use these…
・That sounds fine.
・(It looks like we have a) deal.
When you disagree to the proposal, you can say…
・I’m afraid but I can’t accept your offer.
Let’s use polite phrases especially when doing business!



*関連記事の“英語講師の留学経験 - スーツケースを買うための値段交渉の巻”はこちら:



・Would it be possible to reduce price?

・Would you give me a discount if I ordered another?

・Could I get a discount if I ordered 100 units?


・That sounds fine.

・(It looks like we have a) deal.


・I’m afraid but I can’t accept your offer.


それでは今日の英語での一言:"Learn something new every day!"

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英語講師の留学経験 - スーツケースを買うための値段交渉の巻

2011-06-02 09:24:40 | 英語講師のカナダ・トロント留学経験
Good morning, and thank you for visiting this blog!
Today, I’m going to write about my story about the first negotiation when I was in Toronto, Canada.
*The previous episode of "the experience of English instructor's study abroad" is here:
Have you ever tried negotiating in your life when shopping?
As for me, yes, I have and it was the first time to negotiate in my whole life.
It was in the summer of 2005 just before coming back to Japan.
I stayed in Canada for almost 2 years and had a lot of stuff, so I needed a bigger suitcase to pack every valuable thing I had.
Therefore, I went to the China town and searched for a suitcase.
Actually, without a problem, I could find a lot of suitcases there, however, the only problem was they looked all similar and the only difference was the price.
So, I decided to talk to an owner, who looked kind, if he would be willing to give me a discount or not.
Here’s a part of the negotiation…
I asked him, “Hi, how much is this?”
He replied, “It’s $40.”
I said, “Oh, really? That’s a little expensive. Could you give me a discount?”
His first reaction was not so positive, and said “hmm…”
I said, “how about $35?”
He said, “No. $38.”
I said, “If I can get it for &36, I can introduce your shop to my friends.”
He said, “Hmm…okay. You can get it for $36.”
I don’t remember the story exactly, but it was something like this.
As a result, it was my first negotiation ever and I was able to get 10% discount!
This is another story but after that one of my friends needed to buy a suitcase when going back to Japan, I recommended him this shop.
I went there with him and he was also able to get some discount!
Toronto is a multicultural city and it means there are a lot of people.
We can’t negotiate in some shops, but if you have a chance, why don’t you try?
It’s a good chance to experience something new!!


本日は“英語講師の留学経験 - スーツケースを買うための値段交渉の巻”です。

*前回の“英語講師の留学経験 - カナダ・トロントの祝日に関して”はこちら:








arata:“Hi, how much is this?”

オーナー: “It’s $40.”

arata:“Oh, really? That’s a little expensive. Could you give me a discount?”(本当に?少し高いなぁ。少しディスカウントしてくれますか?)

オーナー:His first reaction was not so positive, and said “hmm…”

arata:“how about $35?”

オーナー: “No. $38.”
(ノー。 $38)

arata:“If I can get it for &36, I can introduce your shop to my friends.”($36にしてくれたら、友達にこのお店を紹介します)

オーナー: “Hmm…okay. You can get it for $36.”








それでは今日の英語での一言:"Just try before you give up!"

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英語講師からの視点 - 英語レッスンでのフリートークの良さと悪さ

2011-01-20 05:06:20 | 英語講師の日記
Good morning, and thank you for your time to stop by!
Today, I'd like to write about "Pros and Cons of free-talk-style English lesson" from English teacher's point of view.
I sometimes see English teachers give English lessons at a cafe.
Several times I've overheard those lessons and found out that the English teachers gave his/her students free-talk-style lessons.
I understand that each English teachers' lessons is different, and maybe the students are satisfied.
However, if I can point out some pros and cons of free-talk-style lesson, there will be like this…
Pros: Students can pick up their favorite subjects and can talk about them.
Cons: There is little students can learn. Free-talk-style lesson is not really a lesson based on my teaching philosophy because teachers don't prepare for the lesson, and there are NO teaching points.
So, overall, I don’t recommend Free-talk-style lesson for Beginner level learners.
If you are “high intermediate” or “advanced” level students and know what points you want to learn, I recommend free-talk style lessons.
So, when you choose an English school or English teacher, you should check their teaching style along with price and atmosphere!
Find the best one for yourself!!


本日は“英語講師からの視点 - 英語レッスンでのフリートークの良さと悪さ”です。









それでは今日の英語での一言:”Find the best one for yourself!”

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英語学校起業に向けた一歩 - かっぱ橋商店街の旅

2011-01-14 06:10:39 | 英語学校設立・創業
Thank you for stopping by!!
Before a lesson yesterday, I went to Kappabashi Dougu Street, which is famous for selling miscellaneous goods to check some stuff for my future business.
*For more information about the blog related to Kappabashi Dougu Street", click here:
There were a lot of stuff out there that I wanted to get, for example, a sign to put up outside.
It was a good chance to check the price and what I need in the future!
With the price information I got yesterday, I need to recheck my financial simulation again for the presentation!!
I’ll have to do my best to reach my dream, to establish my English school!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


本日は“英語学校起業に向けた一歩 - かっぱ橋商店街の旅”です。






それでは今日の英語での一言:"Have a wonderful weekend!”

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クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します

カナダ・トロントのショッピングの日 Boxing Day

2010-12-27 07:57:54 | 英語講師のカナダ・トロント留学経験
Good morning!
How was your weekend?
Actually, I totally forgot about the fact until this morning, but yesterday was "Boxing Day" in Canada!
Yes, December 26th is "Boxing Day" and it's a holiday in Toronto.
This day is also known as "Shopping Day" because everything is on sale!
A lot of goods are sold with a discount price at almost all of the shops in Toronto!
If you like shopping, you shouldn't miss this day in Toronto!!


本日は“カナダ・トロントショッピングの日 Boxing Day”です。

完全に今日の朝まで忘れていましたが、今先ほど思い出した事実・・・昨日(12月26日)はカナダ・トロントでは"Boxing Day"(ボクシング・デー)で、休日でした。

この"Boxing Day"(ボクシング・デー)は“お買い物の日”としても知られており、(すべてのお店で、ほとんどの商品と言ってもいいほど)たくさんの物が安く買えます!!

もし、“買い物が好き!!でトロントに行きたい!!”ということであれば、この"Boxing Day"は見逃してはいけない日です!!

今日の英語での一言:"Don't miss this Boxing Day if you like shopping!"

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英語講師の留学経験 (トロントの便利な公共交通機関)

2010-09-22 08:13:40 | 英語講師のカナダ・トロント留学経験

本日は“英語講師の留学経験 (トロントの便利な公共交通機関)”です。

前回の“英語講師の留学経験 (メジャーリーグ・トロントブルージェイズ 編)”はこちら:


トロント市内では、TTC(toronto transit commission)という会社が“地下鉄・バス・ストリートカー”を走らせています。



"Does this bus go to Union station?"(このバスはユニオンステーションに行きますか?)



Good morning.
Today, I'd like to talk about the transportation system in Toronto.
I can say that Toronto's transportation system which is operated by TTC (Toronto transit commission) is one of the best in Canada. (but not perfect though...)
TTC operates subway, bus, and street car all around the city.
The good points of TTC I personally think are...
・You can go anywhere at the same price of $3 (Sep, 2010)
・You can transfer, for example from bus to subway, subway to street car without any cost
In Japan, there is no system like this.
We have to pay each time we transfer.
Anyway, when you come from Japan, you might get to Toronto Pearson International Airport.
From there, if you use TTC, you can get your destination in Toronto at $3.
Though the subway is easy to get familiar with, the bus and the street car are a little bit complicated, so before you get lost, you should ask in English!!
e.g. "Does this bus go to Union station?"

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