My life


L. V. Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 Concert.

2018-05-26 23:24:39 | 音楽

I was invited to a concert by a former senior colleague.

The students of Kunitachi High School, his alma mater, sang Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.

It was held the Fuchu no Mori arts Theater on the 25th of April.

The Orchestra was the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra and they performed with a number of professional soloists, a soprano, a mezzo soprano, a tenor and a baritone and 430 students.

It was a magnificent concert.

After that we had drinks in front of Chofu Station at the Izakaya Tsubo-hachi.

We enjoyed the concert.

That’s it.

              At the Tsubo-hachi.


At the Fuchu no Mori Arts Theater.

             At the Tsubo Hachi.

