My life


Cherry-blossom viewing.

2016-05-01 09:21:37 | 山歩き

I went to Mt. Takao for cherry-blossom viewing with the JRC Alpine Club on April 9.

I left my house with my wife and Mrs. S at 6:30 a.m. to gather with other group members in front of Takaosan-guchi Station at 8:00 a.m.

We climbed the Inariyama trail (Panoramic Ridge Trail).

We passed by the summit of Mt. Takao and hiked on to the cherry-blossom viewing area at the Iccho-daira plateau.

It was a fine day, and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom.

The JRC members cooked a lot of food.

We had Tonjiru, Yakisoba, Niratama, Baked Vienna sausages etc.

We stayed at the plateau for about two hours.

The three of us came back home by a different route from the others.

We had a great day.








Lake Sagami.




That's it.