








Proposal for the establishment of a new United Nations (2) – method
 The current United Nations has deviated considerably from its original form, with the permanent members getting in the way. It is said that the cancer is the veto power, which means that if even one of the five permanent members of the Security Council, the United Kingdom, the United States, Russia, China, and France, opposes, the resolution cannot be passed.

 There are two possible ways to change this state. One is the way to reform the current United Nations, and if it is possible, it is natural that this is the better way.
 The other is to create a new United Nations. Adopting first idea, the veto power gets in the way and nothing can be done, so isn't it impossible to reform the United Nations with this idea? I would like to consider the reason why I think so, taking the case of starting a new business in a company as an example.

 When starting a new business in a company, there are two methods: the method of starting a new business within the company, and the method of starting a new company. At first glance, it may seem that this method is advantageous when starting a business within a company, as it allows the use of the company's management resources, but this is not necessarily the case. The reason is as follows.

(1) New businesses almost always is in deficit in the early stages, so when they are founded within a company, they are often criticized by the profitable business divisions.
(2) Intra Company rules and various restrictions make it impossible to make optimal decisions and activities for new businesses.
(3) Since the person in charge of overseeing the new business will be in the position of the head of a small and weak department within the company, an independent spirit cannot be expected, and the speed of judgment and action will be slow.

 On the other hand, in the case of establishing a new company, business activities can be carried out freely, but since the organization is small and management resources are scarce, it is necessary to supplement what is lacking in funds, human resources, information, etc.
 A new company also needs a personnel department, accounting, sales, etc., and since these parts overlap, they are useless parts compared to starting a business within a company. However, the advantage of being able to freely conduct business activities will have a greater meaning.

 Whether it's reforming the UN or creating a new UN-like organization, we need a study team, but I think it's better for smaller countries to get together and study it. The five major powers with nuclear weapons would be better off not joining the study team.





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