


2022-09-23 21:35:54 | Newsメモ

BBC Second suspected Ebola death in Uganda - report 22 Sep 2022

In Uganda, it is believed a second person, a young child, has died of Ebola in a hospital in the centre of the country, according to the local New Vision newspaper.

Health officials say the deceased was one of 14 people admitted to hospital with Ebola-like symptoms.

BBC Uganda confirms six new Ebola cases 22 Sep 2022 By Patience Atuhaire

Uganda's health ministry has confirmed six new Ebola cases after officials confirmed an outbreak in the country earlier in the week.

The new cases were reported in the central district of Mubende where a 24-year-old man was confirmed dead on Tuesday after showing symptoms of the disease.

The authorities are also investigating whether seven other deaths, including that of a one-year-old girl, were due to Ebola.

Experts say that the Ebola Sudan strain historically has lower levels of transmission, infections and deaths compared to the Ebola Zaire strain.


BBC East African states on alert over Ebola in Uganda 22 Sep 2022

East African countries have issued alerts after the announcement of an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Uganda.

Neighbouring Tanzania said it had already placed surveillance teams at key entry points including airports and border points.

On Monday, Ugandan health authorities announced that a 24-year-old man had died of Ebola following a fresh outbreak in years.
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