


2021-11-11 22:50:31 | Newsメモ

BBC Haiti water shortage: 'We pray for rain every day' 10 Nov 2021

 ポンプが動かないので水が足りない。bottled waterを―と思っても、輸送車が動かない。天水頼みという状況だとか。

A fuel shortage brought about by gangs blocking the access roads to distribution terminals is throwing Haiti into further chaos.

Residents of the capital Port-au-Prince say they cannot get hold of drinking water as water pumps have stopped running due to the lack of petrol.

Deliveries of bottled water have also been disrupted meaning that many residents have to rely on rain water.

But tanker lorries carrying fuel were not being allowed to pass by gang members blocking the entrances to the port.


In the power vacuum following the president's killing, gang leaders have become more brazen and stepped up their criminal activities, which include kidnappings for ransom and extortion.

In a news conference last month, he said that his criminal alliance, G9 and Family, was behind blockades around the fuel terminal.

He said he would not allow fuel to be delivered until Prime Minister Ariel Henry stepped down.


The fuel shortages have been so severe that they have threatened the lives of patients in hospitals, which rely on fuel-powered generators to run life-saving equipment.

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