


2021-02-05 21:52:24 | ビルマ/ミャンマー

BBC Myanmar coup: Beer giant Kirin pulls out of partnership 5 Feb 2021


Japanese beer giant Kirin said it is pulling out of a partnership in Myanmar which it runs with a conglomerate linked to the country's military.

The company has a joint venture with Myanmar Economic Holdings, which is overseen by commander-in-chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

On Monday, he led a military coup which seized control of the government.


Kirin is one of the world's biggest brewing companies, owning brands like Kirin and Tooheys, as well as a major stake in San Miguel and a number of craft beers brewed in the UK and US.

 ところでこのMyanmar Economic Holdings。すでに2018年には国連から名指しされていたそうで。つまりここ二年ほどは、「ロヒンギャの血でそまった手と握手」しつづけていたといえるわけで―まあその、そういう面の皮の厚さというか、清濁併せ吞む態度と言うか、そういうところも日本企業の良くも悪くもあるところ―とは思うのだ。

A United Nations (UN) investigation uncovered MEH's links to its military and Min Aung Hlaing. MEH has a significant portfolio across many industries including banking, tourism, real estate, transportation, gems and metals.

In 2018 a UN mission investigating atrocities against the Rohingya people in Myanmar said that doing business with MEH posed "a high risk of contributing" to human rights violations.


BBC Military coup likely to damage Myanmar's economy 2 Feb 2021

Businesses and analysts predict that the coup in Myanmar is likely to damage the country's economy.

Companies say the coup has already put billions worth of foreign investment at risk.

The US has already said it is considering imposing additional sanctions on Myanmar, which is one of the region's poorest countries.

However, the impact of US sanctions could be limited because most of the country's investment comes from Asia.

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