


2019-08-08 22:03:22 | Newsメモ

BBC China condemns Australian MP's Nazi Germany parallel 8 Aug 2019

Andrew Hastie, the head of a parliamentary security committee, said on Thursday that Australia was failing to recognise threats posed by China.

Beijing said it deplored Mr Hastie's comments and his "Cold War mentality".

Australian PM Scott Morrison said Mr Hastie was entitled to his own views.

Australia has struggled in recent times to balance its traditional security alliance with the US with its economic reliance on China.

He argued that Australia has failed to sufficiently prepare, comparing the situation to France's military defences during World War Two.

"Like the French, Australia has failed to see how mobile our authoritarian neighbour has become," he wrote in the piece published by The Sydney Morning Herald.

 駐在中国大使館曰く「"History has proven and will continue to prove that China's peaceful development is an opportunity, not a threat to the world."」ええまあ、中国が平和的に展開している限りにおいては周辺諸国も安寧ではありましょうがね、ここ最近、平和的とはいいかねる展開をなさっておいででしょう。

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