サッカー、テニス、バレエ、オペラ、クラシック音楽 そのほか

07:40 RT from Twitter for iPhone  [ 4633 RT ]
By the way, today I had the pleasure to touch Rooney's new hair!! Hahahaha!! Unbelievable!! @WayneRooney
Gerard Piquéさんのツイート

07:42 RT from Twitter for iPhone  [ 1 RT ]
Lohengrin at Bayreuth musically excellent but another hopelessly stupid production. Review will follow on blog in next few days.
Finn Pollardさんのツイート

07:42 RT from Twitter for iPhone  [ 9 RT ]
Exciting rehearsal with @lang_lang this morning. Perfect weather for my @SPAC_2012 debut tonight, featuring the great @PhilaOrchestra!
Yannick Nézet-Séguinさんのツイート

07:43 RT from Twitter for iPhone  [ 3 RT ]
Great pic received today! A family friend catching up on my @bbcproms performance last month #annabelle'sfirstbbcprom
Gerald Finleyさんのツイート

by Shevaibra on Twitter

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