サッカー、テニス、バレエ、オペラ、クラシック音楽 そのほか

07:44 RT from Twitter for iPhone  [ 1 RT ]
Back from Hamburgische Staatsoper. GROSSARTIG - AWESOME, Simone Young, Schwanewilms & Botha!!! #Ariadne

07:45 RT from Twitter for iPhone  [ 1 RT ]
"Kiss Me, but Finish Singing That High Note First"
Dallas Operaさんのツイート

07:47 RT from Twitter for iPhone  [ 2 RT ]
Boris Eifman's interview for Komsomolskaya Pravda
Eifman Balletさんのツイート

07:48 RT from Twitter for iPhone  [ 3 RT ]
I would like to thank everyone for tuning in to the broadcast this past Sunday with @AilynPerez1 @LAOpera. It was a blast!
Stephen Costelloさんのツイート

by Shevaibra on Twitter

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