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Repost!The U.S. presidential election is the final war between the Deep State (D.S.) and Trump

2024年08月29日 16時23分20秒 | 全般
The following is from an article by Masayuki Takayama in the monthly magazine Will, released yesterday.
This article is full of his determination and is published in three columns from p. 242 to p. 255.
This paper also proves that he is a unique journalist in the postwar world.
It also proves that no one else deserves the Nobel Prize for Literature or Peace.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.

The U.S. presidential election is the final war between the Deep State (D.S.) and Trump.
D.S. has even embraced the judiciary and will assassinate anyone they don't like.
The Shock of Trump's Shooting 
I still cannot get over the shock of the Trump shooting. 
Fortunately, he was not fatally injured, but the surrounding area is still very suspicious.
The assassins had flown a drone over the rally site to scout it out, but no one was suspicious.
Just before the shooting, several people saw a suspicious person on the roof, and when officers climbed up a ladder to check on the suspicious person on the roof, "the suspicious person pointed a gun at them, and they quickly backed away.
It is hard to imagine from the usual image of arrogant and violent U.S. police officers. 
What is even stranger is the Secret Service, which is in charge of protecting dignitaries.
Far from putting his own life on the line like Clint Eastwood and others, there was even unbelievable testimony that, while checking out the assassin, he ordered, "If he fires, fire back."
If someone fires, we will fire back, is the argument of Japan's exclusively defensive defense advocates.
As expected, the female director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, resigned, but the female staff of the dignitary guard on the scene, as seen in the video, struggled to hide behind Trump.
She was removed from Trump's protection but went straight to protecting vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance. 
This shooting overlaps with Abe's time, including sloppy security measures.
The FBI, which is part of the Deep State (D.S.) if you want to get a sense of it, knew about this young shooter early on. 
They were praying for his success behind the scenes, saying, "If he does it, we won't have to."
But they failed, so it is widely assumed that the FBI quickly disposed of him. 
D.S. thinks, "Trump must be assassinated.
Some say, "If this happens, it must be done by professionals, not amateurs.
Republican officials say that the danger of assassinating Trump has by no means passed.
In connection with this, several puzzling facts have emerged about the gunman who was shot and killed.
One of them is that the 20-year-old shooter, Thomas Crooks, was appearing in a T.V.commercial for BlackRock, the most significant investment firm close to the Biden administration.
Still, now that Crooks has been shot dead, the truth is likely to be lost, as it was with Oswald. 
This series of "Trump and the Presidential Race" has revealed that the United States is not functioning properly.

Crude, but not vulgar. 
What were the four years of the Biden administration, anyway? 
Biden was the Democrats' forced candidate, but he won strangely, and once he took office, he made everything the liberals advocated into policy. 
First, he stopped increasing shale oil and gas production to curb global warming, and then gasoline prices skyrocketed.
Then LGBTs started running rampant, initiating a process to pardon veterans found guilty of homosexual acts.
Trump's construction of a border wall with Mexico was halted, and a massive influx of illegal immigrants from places not yet lidded, worsening public safety. 
Shale and border wall were all done by Trump, and U.S. citizens were relieved.
Trump also ordered Xi Jinping to "not let in" fentanyl, which is a hundred times more dangerous than opium, poisoning and killing 30,000 people every year.
That somewhat improved security, but Biden also stopped deterring fentanyl.
The raw materials are now sent from China to Mexico, where they are smuggled in and poured through the unwalled border.
The annual death toll is over 50,000, approaching the number of Vietnam War casualties. 
Trump has criticized the border, saying that it was the most secure border in history and now that he is Biden, it is the worst border in history, and that if he is re-elected, he will seal the holes in the border wall and deport 15 to 20 million, illegal immigrants.
The illegal immigrants include a large number of Chinese, which are pouring in with the fentanyl, but China has said it will not accept deportations. 
Trump also says he will work to expand shale oil and gas production, which Biden stopped, and that gasoline will be cheap again. 
He also says he will review his LGBT policies.
Republican governors' states, such as Florida (Gov. Ron DeSantis), have decided to ban transgender people from girls' sports. 
Meanwhile, Democratic California (Gov. Gavin Newsom) has passed a new law stating that parents who disagree with their child's transgender choice will lose custody and visitation rights.
It is outrageous.
Elon Musk reacted to California's new law passing by saying, "I'm losing my patience."
If you have a wealthy home, you can't raise respectful children.
One of Musk's sons is a transgender couple who changed his name to Vivienne following his sex change to female and is applying for a new birth certificate. 
Anyway, Trump's policies are really quite decent and obvious.
What he says sounds crude, but it is not vulgar. 
However, the Asahi editorial, "U.S. Presidential Election: Let's Reshuffle the Policy Debate," compared Trump to Biden, saying, "Trump is a New York businessman. Trump is a New York businessman, and his background, generation, gender, and race are all in stark contrast. The difference between Trump and Biden is that Trump is a New York businessman whose background, generation, gender, and race are all in stark contrast to Biden's. Some differences do not fit into the traditional conservative-liberal divide between equality and public assistance, such as expanding welfare, and competition and self-help, such as tax cuts for the wealthy. 
It is nothing short of manipulation of the impression that "Trump and the Republican Party are evil."

We can no longer call the U.S. a democratic nation. 
In the first place, the Democrats have been destroying all kinds of rules while claiming to have a "politics that is inclusive of diverse people. 
Even in the 2020 presidential election, no candidate could compete with the maverick Trump.
He knew he would lose, so he made Biden, who had no record of success in the past, a token presidential candidate.
Biden knew he was going to lose, so he raised money for his campaign. However, he only did a very modest amount of the money-consuming campaign work, such as traveling to each state to set up speaking venues.
Mostly, he just gave campaign speeches in his basement and broadcast them on T.V.
It sharply contrasted with Trump's energetic tours of the U.S. and speeches throughout the country. 
But then came the Corona disaster.
The Democrats even brought the dead back to life and let them vote, and they won.
The last-minute mix-up of zombie ballots caused a strange curve in the vote count.
It was what we call a "high-ten jump." 
Trump was pissed.
It's bizarre that the Biden vote increased by 120,000 votes in the last hour," he said.
Kanji Nishio also wrote the following in his book, "Let Japan Teach America Democracy! (Business, Inc.), wrote the following. 
Late on the night of the vote, NHK TV reported that Trump had effectively won the election. They said there was a slight chance that Highten would overtake Trump, even if you add in several other districts. I went to bed, relieved. I jumped out of bed the following day, startled by my wife's voice, 'Dad, Biden is president. I don't remember the days or weeks that followed, but I spent them in a foxhole of a mood that I couldn't shake. 
Mr. Nishio and many Japanese people must have been surprised by the Biden jump.
The Japanese media, however, did not report the bizarreness of the Biden jump but instead pilloried Trump with the pillow talk of "claiming the election was stolen without grounds. 
Nishio wrote that he was astonished by the subsequent court decision to invalidate the election, saying, "Even the judiciary is too partisan to look at the facts.

The U.S. is no longer a democratic or decent country.
The Baggage of the Biden Administration Biden came into this presidential election as a strong incumbent president.
Still, it was through his debate with Trump and the exposure of his "almost dementia" to the entire United States that the world finally became aware of Biden's abnormality. 
Biden withdrew from the presidential race due to the opinions of those around him and Camara. Harris received the official nomination from the Democratic Party.
Since she was the first black female candidate, the media wrote articles lifting Harris.
Japanese newspapers also reported that the situation was unfavorable to Trump and favorable to Harris as if to say, "The crisis of the loss of Biden is now over. 
Asahi and other newspapers ran front-page headlines such as "Harris' Whirlwind: Democracy on the Rise" and "Approval Rates Even with Trump" (July 25), hyping the Harris whirlwind in a way that even UU.S.newspapers would be embarrassed to write about. 
However, perhaps put off by the falsehoods, the middle page of the July 25 edition of the paper wrote the exact opposite: "Harris is as unpopular as Biden" and that "his leftist solid image makes it difficult for him to penetrate independents.
Readers would never read such a small, middle-page article, but they are scheming so that when Trump wins, they can excuse it by saying that "the coverage was fair. 
Since it would be troublesome for him to say so himself if he is later found to be off, he has outside scholars such as Prof. Mio Unno of Meiji University and Prof. Kazuhiro Maejima of Sophia University, who are known as "Democratic Party supporters," and comedians such as Pacun and Dave Spector speak for Asahi Shimbun in what it wants to say. 
What is the absolute truth about the popularity of Harris as a substitute?
If you look at Harris' accomplishments as Vice President, it is hard to believe that he is famous by any means.
He has done nothing on the illegal immigration issue.
He just went to the side of the wall (laughs). 
Recently, he complained that "the U.S. immigration system is broken" and said that he would promote "comprehensive reform" to strengthen border control and deal with immigrants' acquisition of citizenship, but how can he give citizenship to more than 10 million illegal immigrants?
Harris has also been a liability to the Biden administration, with many staff members leaving their jobs because of his powerful harassment of subordinates. 
He also nominated Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as his vice presidential candidate.
The Japanese media had been calling Walz "the kind of guy you meet at a barbecue" and actively promoting his good-natured personality. 
The reality, however, is quite different.
He is a man with a far-left ideology who actively supports the activities of BLM (Black Lives Matter). 
Many people need to know just how dangerous the Democratic Party of the United States is.
This article continues.


22024/8/26 in Onomichi


