文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Jews of the world helped Japan fight against Russia.

2017年06月30日 17時34分14秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.


One of them was Luis Almeida.

"Almeida opened the Western medicine hospital for the first time in Japan in 1557, but it was a Portuguese Jewish person. There is a hospital which still has that name in Oita prefecture even now"

As Western countries advanced to Asia, many Jews visited Japan.

However, since the cruel Jewish persecution by Christians was done all over the world at that time, these Jews pretended that all of them had converted to Christianity.

"The first historian in Japan who taught at the University of Tokyo was Lewis Liese, a German-based Jew, Naftali Herz Imber who wrote the Israel national anthem honored the Emperor Meiji, dedicated many lyrics and songs”

There are a couple of such examples, but I gave Alberto Mosse.

Mosse was a Jewish German who was known for helping the drafting of the Meiji Constitution, was invited to Japan and became an advisor to the Cabinet.

"Mosse means Moses, Mosse Clan was protected by the Japanese embassy in Berlin in 1940 and they escaped being sent to Nazi concentration camps," I added.

I touched on the achievements of many Jews such as Jacob Schiff, Joseph Trumpeldor and other episodes.

Schiff played a big part in the Russo-Japanese War.

On the night before the Russo - Japanese War, Japan’s national budget was one - tenth of that of Russia and foreign currency holdings were about the same.

Since opening up the world, no one thought that Japan of a small country that has only been 30 years past will win Russia.

Schiff ran New York's Kuhn, Loeb & Co., but the Jews assumed more than half of the government bonds that Japan issued to cover the warfare of the Russo-Japanese War to be he called the Jews around the world.

Schiff was invited to Japan after the war, gifted a diet from Emperor Meiji, was awarded the highest medal.

There was a big reason for Schiff to help Japan.

In Russian it is called "Pogrom", but if today is a Jewish, it is a terrible word that anyone knows.

There was a persecution of burning and killing the Jewish village.

The Jews of the world helped Japan fight against Russia.

This draft continues.
