文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If I had devoted the vast amount of time I spent on this task to marriage activities,

2023年12月03日 15時08分54秒 | 全般

The crime of search obstruction perpetrated by criminals known to Goo readers against the "Turntable of Civilization" from June 2011 to Today is terrible!
As readers know, in the current Japanese justice system, it costs too much for victims to sue!
Nothing is more cartoonish in its sheer ridiculousness than the fact that it costs victims so much money to sue.
So, I let it go.
I've been following Kukai's words and pounding in good deeds daily in this column.
The other day, I came to a sobering realization.
For reasons readers know, I have sacrificed a great deal in this work that I have been doing, without compensation, day after day, without fail, for Japan and the world since my appearance in July 2010.
A lot of sacrifices.
In terms of money, I have paid more than 17 billion yen in taxes in just the last ten years of my life as a businessman.
Undoubtedly, I have lost more than 1 billion yen in profits.
As my friends know, I lead the life of an unmarried person.
It is not what I wanted at all.
It is also the greatest regret, if I may raise one, I have in my life.
If I had devoted the vast amount of time I spent on this task to marriage activities, there is no doubt that I would have found a spouse by now.
Above all, working on a keyboard while sitting in a chair for a long time is unhealthy and dangerous.
I have spent a great deal of time trying to solve this problem.
It was a problem that could no longer be left unaddressed.

Even here, there is still a troublesome problem.
If I had been in the middle of my business life, I would have asked my legal advisor for help.
I need a suitable lawyer or law firm to handle this matter.
What a pity this is a costly matter! I am thinking, "What the heck!
Since it is a considerable sum, the lawyer and the firm must be able to make a 100% case.
As mentioned, I learned about the district attorney's attitude when I filed three criminal complaints in 2012 alone.
(They came to the district attorney's office about three years after 2012!)

The wrong choice of attorney and firm could be fatal.
And yet, I need to find a lawyer who I can be sure of winning the case.
To begin with, this is a disgusting story that could not be more true.
I want to hire someone who knows me.

If any readers of this column are lawyers,
Please contact me at "Note," which I have started since September as a parallel and complement to this blog.
It is because "Note" is a blog site for developing writers, and it has a message section that readers can send only to authors, and only authors can see it.

The following is something I wouldn't say I like to write about.
I have many overseas readers who are so-called celebrities.
It is not an exaggeration to say that a person who has suffered a criminal act on the Internet in Japan has no 100% chance of winning a case unless they hire a well-known law firm to prosecute and convict them so that they will not be victimized again by the other party.
The starting fee alone will cost at least 1 million yen.
Fortunately, I will first file this criminal lawsuit against CyberAgent, a company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime.
I have been writing and sending the same article as this column on Ameba, operated by CyberAgent, from July 16, 2010, until August 8, 2023, in parallel with this column. I intend to supplement it and spread it further.
The number of the writings reached 200,000!
Then, on 8/8, they suddenly deleted all of them.
There is 100% no doubt that the above offenders are involved.

On 9/8/2023, I appeared on the beautiful, author-building blog site NOTE to break the ice.
Soon after, this offender followed me by creating and registering a handle such as "Terms and Conditions Violated."
It says nothing; it must have been created by the offender in question just for the sake of it.
In other words, this criminal made up and reported violating the terms and conditions to CyberAgent, Inc. because he revealed himself to me.
If I were to hire a well-known Japanese firm to file a lawsuit against CyberAgent, I am 100% sure that I would win the case.
The applicable crimes are copyright infringement, violation of property rights, and so on.
CyberAgent violated the Blogger Liability Limitation Law, enacted in Japan several years ago, requiring the parties concerned to be notified at least seven days in advance.
I had yet to receive an email from them.
The other party is a prime TSE-listed company.
Even though the Japanese judiciary is 180 degrees different from the U.S., and the victim is vulnerable, the company will surely pay the legal fees in this case.
The defendant company caused me a great deal of psychological pain and suffering for several days from August 8.
It would be a substantial compensation payment in the U.S.
If any of my readers would be willing to contribute to the initial payment, you would significantly reduce my psychological burden. 
It would be doubly stressful for me to have to pay a million yen in legal fees on top of the indescribable damage I have suffered.
If no one offers to help me, I will have to come up with the money myself, and I am prepared to do so.
I would appreciate any help from those who know from experience that stress can harm one's health.
In 2010, I was defrauded of more than 100 million yen by a villain for starting this column, and my anger and regret turned into killer stress.
As already mentioned, the doctor in charge of my case declared that I had a 25% chance of living, and I spent eight months fighting the disease at Kitano Hospital in Osaka.
I am not a person who is short of more than 1 million yen of money.
I am the exact opposite.
The problem is stress; assistance helps, and that stress fizzles out. 
As such, I would like to file a criminal complaint. 
I would appreciate a good reply.

2023/12/2 in Kyoto


