文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

she appeared in the world like a phoenix with a real sound that can only be said to be beautiful

2020年04月18日 11時38分35秒 | 全般

In 2011, I was hospitalized for seven months after being proclaimed to have a 25% chance of living.
It was December 16 when I was discharged from the hospital after a severe illness was completely cured.
The following year, I spent most of the 300 days of the year exploring Kyoto every day. I lived not only in the history of Japan, Japan itself but also in the spring, summer, autumn, and winter, in the beauties of nature. 
I took countless photos. My favorite camera is SONY α99.
Fujiko Hemming and I were friends at Umemiya Taisha, and when I said so, my companion laughed with Ahaha.
The moment I heard Franz Liszt's "Un Sospiro" with another player, I was convinced that Fujiko Hemming was terrific.
She graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts and was studying music in Europe. She suffered from hearing loss on the very day of her study because she was an impoverished student life.
Therefore, she could not prove to the world that she was an authority when she was young.
However, she appeared in the world like a phoenix with a real sound that can only be said to be beautiful.
I hear lamentation whenever she plays and listens to this song.

