文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

That it is that contrary to the providence of God, they will get their lumps, someday, it comes

2015年08月07日 18時29分20秒 | 日記

That it is that contrary to the providence of God, they will get their lumps, someday, it comes inevitably.

But, because Japan that should become hegemon in the correct sense, not the case, the world is now, it extremely unstable.

Japan, through the Asahi and Mainichi, it was manipulated to such is, for example, that it is a Kang Sang-jung, the fact there is no mistake.

From the time that I knew him for the first in the "live TV until morning," he came kept saying to "Japan must not become a superpower", or “learn to Germany." and so on.

Surprisingly, rather than, in the dreadful thing, the Japanese mass media, joined to NHK, incredible to, came in handy this man.

As a result, there is a "20 years lost", and Japan receives relentless attack from China and South Korea, due to their "bottomless evil" and "plausible lie".

It is no longer the matter that cannot be settled with a stupid.

The Asahi is not an exaggeration to say that it is the biggest criminal against Japan, fabricated articles that are handed out to the world.

... Yesterday, editorial committee, which disgusted that was introduced is not only tweeted but the real intention that has arisen from the constitution of the Asahi.

Him, where it was cut to as off the tail of a lizard, constitution of Asahi is not changed.

This article continues
