
埼玉女子短期大学 エアライン・ホスピタリティコースの活動を紹介していきます。

Tip チップ制度

2017-08-27 08:04:39 | 留学
Hello everyone! I’m Noguchi.

I went to Victoria for a day trip again.🚢⚓️
I’m going to talk about a conversation with a friend. It is the about tip.💰

The tip system is my first experience of coming to Canada. I really like this system because I feel pleasant when the server’s response is very good.

Japan has "KOKORO DUKE". 💴When my family went to the Japanese hotel, my mother paid the KOKORO DUKE I often took a look it. 👨‍👩‍👧

But recently not many rules restaurant or shops do not accept it. Therefore even if there are bad clerks and good clerks in store or restaurant, we can just say only claim, complain or “her or his serve was very good.” only such as impression I think that’s waste.

I can’t give my thanks to the clerk. If I can spend a very good time in a restaurant or some store, we should pay a tip I think it is worth paying.🍽💴

We went to Victoria, then I and my friend’s opinion was different about tips.🍽💰

That restaurant was popular and crowed but the atmosphere of the restaurant was good.👍🏻

The food and bill/check was very late. The server didn’t apologize. But they were smiling and their talk made me happy and felt good so I paid a good tip. But my friend didn’t feel good so she didn’t pay a tip about waiting a long time.

I think I and my friend are both correct. It was because the server’s response was good that I wasn’t bothered by being kept waiting.
However the main point is food in a restaurant for my friend. From the point of my friend’s mind, it is “OUT” that the service is delayed. Of course meal was very good!

If I was a server, I think I need apologize and explain why your meal is behind schedule. Also I’ll say “Your meal will be late, so if you want bread, I can give it to you.” Because the customer is very hungry, but that’s important point!
What should I do if take bread to the customer, but customer will be full of only bread! 🥖🍞
They don’t eat the main meal well. That’s terrible.

In Japan if happen something, we will apologize, but I am always saying and hearing ”Thank you” more than “sorry” from when I came Canada. And it will be warmer to thank you more than to be apologized, so I thought this situation is "thank you for waiting" better than apologize. Of course apologize is important too.

If you are clerk, what will you do? And if you are customer how much will you pay the tip?

By the way my pronunciation tip is "chip" so I was Pointed out "it pronunciation is Chips of snack!" From friend. I'll be cerefull😓

Thank you for reading!
I also posted the “study abroad blog” if you curious about study abroad please take a look.
See you next time and have a nice week!











また日本では何かあったら謝ることが多いですが、カナダに来てからThank youと言ったり聞いたりすることが圧倒的に多くなりました。また謝られるよりも感謝されるほうが心が温かくなりますよね。ですから、ここでは謝罪も大事ですが待ってくださったことへの感謝の言葉のほうが合っているのではないのかな?と思いました。


余談ですが、チップは英語の発音だとティップだそうで、わたしはチップチップ言っているのでその発音はスナックのチップスだと毎回友達に指摘されます🍪🍭😓 今後気をつけます。

最後までお読みいただきありがとうございました。埼玉女子短期大学のstudy abroad blogにも留学について投稿しております。気になった方はぜひ覗いてみてください。
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