
2016-10-13 18:56:13 | シャル君
As I stepped out of my car in the parking lot of the club today, I felt very cold and shivered as the cool wind of autumn started to blow and kissed my skin. The cool autumn wind has finally arrived again. The morning of Thursday, the 13th was so chilly. During this time, there is a big difference in the temperature between night and day. And also weather changes each day.
I hope this changing weather won’t affect the horses health conditions.
I let Charle roamed around the ground. It looked like the wind would carry him away. He cantered so beautifully.
Surprising Mrs. F who is a former member of our club together with her two dogs dropped by. They live nearby. One of her dogs was a stray dog. He was abandoned by his owner and wandering around. Mrs. F saved his life. He is a pretty hunting dog but sometimes he is very cautious of strangers. I think it tells about his past sad life.
Gratefully this cold wind had stopped flies from coming to the horse's body. So during the lesson Charle and I could concentrate on the lesson.


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