A sweet home

There is no place like home!


2006-07-10 | 語学

Hey,you're the one who insisted on getting up before dawn to catch the best fish.
I tried to pay for dinner,but Tom insisted on treating us.
Why do you insist on turning the TV volume up so loud?
The woman insisted on getting a refund for the cracked eggs.


2006-07-08 | 語学

There's no secret method for losing weight.
It's just plain old common sense.
You have to exercise more and eat less.
I'll be walking to the grocery store today.
I usually go by bicycle.
But I just saw that my bike has a flat tire.


2006-07-07 | 語学

I guess it has a heliport on top.
We're going to Maui and the Big Island.
But she seems so sullen these days.
And I think I smell diesel fumes.


2006-07-06 | 語学

He must have been relieved to find that his cough was nothing serious.
Call him on his cellphone in case you need to get hold of him.
Why don't we go window-shopping together this afternoon?


2006-07-05 | 語学

We're going deep-sea fishing.
My husband usually goes jogging for about 20 minutes after dinner.
I can tell from your breath that you've gone drinking again.
I'd rather go home tonight than go singing at a karaoke bar.


2006-07-04 | 語学

Each room has flashlights in case there's a power outage.
You're supposed to wear a life vest in case you fall overboard.
I always keep some money set aside in case there's an emergency.
He backs up his data in case something goes wrong with his computer.


2006-07-03 | 語学

You must have been happy to find that it's still here.
She must have been very disappointed to hear that news.
Wendy must have lost some weight during the summer.
You must have messed up the ratio of the ingredients.


2006-07-01 | 語学

I'll be extremely busy tonight.
My wife will be out taking a business class.
I'll have to take care of the kids.
I heard someone talking on the train.
At first I thought he was talking to himself.
But actually he was using a cellphone.

Die Stadt genieBt das Privileg,obwohl sie nicht Hauptstadt eines Staates ist.


2006-06-30 | 語学

This diet will work for just about anybody.
Take me for example.
I lost 10 pounds and never gained it back.
Let me take your picture.
Turn to the side,would you?
I want to get a profile shot.

Wie ware es,wenn wir ubermorgen nach StraBburg fahren?
Hast du ubermorgen schon etwas vor?
Ich hatte sowieso vor,in Deutschland weitere Orte des Weltkulturerbes zu besichtigen.


2006-06-29 | 語学

Excuse me,sir.
I'm afraid this is the no-smoking section.
Can I show you to the smoking area?
How do you like my car?
I haven't bought a new one.
I just repainted my old one.

Have you ever been on a sailboat?
I went on one last weekend.
It was a lot of fun.
We need a way to reduce costs.
I'd like to hear what you all think.
Does anyone have a proposal?

Was sollen wir jetzt machen?

Du kannst mal meinen Bruder fragen.