
The Oak Treeを地方ことばに訳すことを始めました


2011年04月01日 | 資料

Dear Taka-san,

After many days of helping with the fires in Mexico, a certain word has continued to resurface again and again as we try to strengthen each other to continue battling the blazes: ANIMO!

ANIMO in Spanish means to “encourage, to not lose heart, to keep fighting, to lift in spirit.”

We have lost many ranches, animals, and livelihoods. However, we continue to shout: ANIMO!

During these terrible fires, there has been much talk about Japan and how you all demonstrated your perseverance and strength during the crisis as we all watched you on television. In most other countries, everyone would have been in chaos, behaving badly toward one another. But because of what the world has seen in the Japanese people, it has been an encouragement to us in MEXICO! I heard ranchers who were losing their houses say “I have to be positive, because look at what Japan has lost, and they have stayed strong.”

After so much devastation and loss, I know that it is very difficult for Japan to maintain their strength, but please be encouraged – THIS TOO SHALL PASS. The debris will be cleaned, houses will be rebuilt, and orphans will be adopted into new families. It is so important at this time not to allow any individual to be alone, but to be adopted into new families whether they are young or old – Japan is a very large family.

One day Japan will again be strong, but now, Japan’s children are being impacted by your own courage and strength. Just like tiny acorns, those youngsters will then grow up to bring Japan into a new era of restoration, and THEY WILL BE VERY STRONG OAK TREES.

I was reading about acorn production in oak trees. After fires, the white oaks can produce acorns after only one year. The red and blue oaks may take up to 4-5 years, but they produce the most substantial acorns. The most critical time for bears here in Mexico after the fire is to simply ENDURE DURING THIS CRITICAL TIME WHEN THERE IS NO SUPPLY. If the bears can survive this bad year, then they will be able to make it in the future. We may have to provide the bears with a temporary support system until they can recover.

I also learned that the oak tree has very deep roots, but it also has an intricate surface root system that provides the tree with critical nourishment. Japan’s surface root system has been damaged, but we - YOUR FRIENDS - are your temporary support system to strengthen the surface roots and nourish the tree back to recovery.

Meanwhile, we need to just STAY STRONG. Every day the people must put one foot in front of the other, resist depression and the temptation to give up, and do SOMETHING GOOD every day to carry them to the next day. Every time they do something GOOD, it will make them feel better, and give them inspiration to continue with the next step. Day by day the tree will become stronger. Japan has done this once before, and they will do it again.

Part of the nourishment we send is in the form of Shelter Boxes, but we also send important nourishment in the form of a shout: ANIMO JAPAN! ANIMO!! DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED!

Taka-san, I have a very strong belief in my God and His power, and I know how much He loves the Japanese people. We have a strong prayer group called “New Country” where most of us are biologists and ecologists. We will continue to pray for the STRENGTH and SAFETY of the Japanese people, keeping the oak tree in mind. One famous quote in my bible says “I will weep with those who weep, and I will laugh with those who laugh.” One day soon I hope we will all be laughing together.

Please let me know if there is anything else we can do – I am sorry this letter is so long, but I am full of the emotion of the situation, and do not want to let my life be wasted on my own comfort when so many others are suffering.

I hope to meet you someday soon, and I would like to consider coming to Japan in the autumn to perhaps help clean up and rebuild.

Arigato Taka-san!!





*「ローマ人への手紙」12章15節。日本聖書刊行会による「新改訳聖書」では「喜ぶ者といっしょに喜び、泣く者といっしょに泣きなさい。」となっています。これは第二人称になっていますが、ダイアナさんの英語では「I will weep」となっているので、私は「私は」と一人称にしました。詳しい人が説明してくださると助かります。



