
The Oak Treeを地方ことばに訳すことを始めました


2011年04月01日 | 資料
世界的に著名なアメリカの野生動物研究者であるデール・マッカラーさん(D.R. McCullough)がすばらしいメッセージをくださいました。私の「一年が経った」があまりに暗かったので、元気をつけようと思ったようです。英語が難しくて自信がありませんが、訳してみました。

Hi Seiki,

I too have thought much about the suffering of the Japanese people, and appreciate your thoughts of the larger context, that must be acknowledged to find perspective and hope for the future. I find myself taking a few more steps back to think about these things. I am inclined to think my life has been spared these harsh realities. But then I remember and contemplate. My mother, when she was a young girl of about 4 years, was nearly killed when a tornado destroyed her family's home. Their farm was ruined, and they had to move to a different area. I was born in 1933. My parents were living on a farm, and between the great depression and the extended drought in the midwest, they went broke, lost the farm, and survived on welfare. The drought lasted so long thereafter that I remember as a child the huge dust storms, and that we escaped under blankets because the dust always got into the houses, no matter how much you tried to plug the cracks. My uncle painted his house (in those days always white because paint was made at home by mixing white lead with linseed oil for houses, or red lead with linseed oil for farm buildings; that is why thousands of children have been poisoned by eating paint chips ever since), and before it dried, a dust storm blew in and painted it black.

My parents, if asked when they were old, would have told you that they lived a long happy life. I have lived a long happy life. Why do we ignore the disasters when we make these overall evaluations? Because life goes on, and we go on, and we adapt, and me make corrections in the short term and forget all about it in the long term. Should be do better on safeguarding society from natural and man-made disasters. Yes, certainly, of course. Will we? In some ways yes, but in the larger picture no. Why is this? Because I believe in some deep recession of the human brain is an understanding that our logical brain cannot fathom.

Step back, maybe easiest to do so is to sit on Mars for awhile, and look back at Earth. We humans are like insects, scurrying about building burrows, gathering seeds, mating, feeding offspring. A buffalo comes along, and as it steps, it squashes clumps of humans. The humans by the foot prints rush about in circles and wave their antenna. The humans away from the foot prints go on as if nothing happened. After awhile the humans that survived the foot step go back to normal, building burrows,......

We live our lives, find satisfaction in family, friends, work, and occasional do stupid things like making war with the neighbors on the other side of some line, an ocean, a mountain range, a religious belief. But, we think about those things in the context of history, something long ago, the two world wars, the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, the New Orleans flood. Which causes me to take an even large step back. I have a great house up on the hill that overlooks the San Francisco Bay. It is there only because of the many earthquakes over millions of years. I know that these quakes are going to continue to occur, and my house is only about one city block from the Hayward faultline. Before you finish reading this the news might come on the TV that a major quake caused severe damage in the East Bay. And like me with the tsunami, worrying about you and my other Japanese friends, you will worry about me and your other American friends. But, if you had been sitting on Mars watching all of this for the last 10 million years, you would see that the earth itself is like a living thing, bubbling, gurgling, cracking, shifting, healing, patching. In this long view this is a continuous process, that seems intermittent only because of the micro time scales we human insects view things, and dump them in the history bin as the first opportunity. But if we sort though that pile of trash we call history, we see that this fine hill my house sits on, the huge bay it overlooks is the result of these disasters. If it weren't for the subduction zone, Japan would not exist. And if there is an earthquake on the Hayward faunt, and it kills me my grand children will tell stories about the 20__ quake that killed grandpa. If I survive, like my mother and the tornado, I will tell my grandchildren about how I lived through the 20__ quake, and how I had to decide whether to rebuild, or move to another area without earthquakes, which, of course offer floods, tornados, tsunamis or droughts instead. And, of course, there is always wars that impact us even far from the scene.

All this may be little comfort in the short term. People die, lives are destroyed, societies tested. But, history and a detached view shows the living go on living, they patch, rebuild, improve government policies that failed while ignoring the policies that will come back to haunt them when the next problem is of a different kind. And, they forget. Their children in school are required to read history about these things, and wonder why they have to spend so much time on irrelevant things instead of the soccer game, the girl on the next block, or the latest electronic gadget. So the rational brain wins out, which adaptes to the here-and-now, which is a real sense is the right thing for going on, whether the last catastrophy was last week or last century. But, in the meantime, in the depths of our non-rational brain the human-insect response lives on, unnoticed, unrecognized, but ready to kick in whenever a tornado, earthquake, flood, or other natural catastrophy demands its attention.

And so, we always have, and we always will go on provided we are one of the luck ones that came through alive. If not, we will live on in history and family stories. Yes, we always depend on the rational brain. But the deeper brain is always there to carry on no matter what. Don't give up, do what you can, accept that the world and human insects will never be

Best wishes,



