琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする

中国と無関係の琉球沖縄独立運動/Unrelated Okinawa Ryukyu independence movement with China

2014年01月30日 23時06分34秒 | 日記
中国と無関係の琉球沖縄独立運動/Unrelated Okinawa Ryukyu independence movement with China

「中国は沖縄が欲しいから、独立運動を煽っているのです。その尻馬に乗った馬鹿な男がわめいているだけ」← 琉球沖縄独立運動の最大の障害は、妨害する側のこのような琉球沖縄独立運動そのものがまるで中国の手先であるかのような説を持ち出す意見だ。

「彼らは1995年の10,21以来、既存基地の即時撤去を言うのを彼らは止めにしているが、私はそれを貫いている/They have to stop they 10, 21 since 1995, to say the immediate removal of the existing base, but I'm through it、、、」




2014年1月30日 沖縄県浦添市港川2-10-8 本村 安彦
電話番号 098ー876ー5536番
"Because China wants Okinawa, China officials'm fueled Ryukyu independence movement. Independence movement, stupid man of the" to follow the lead of China "is just screaming"
← The biggest obstacle of this Okinawa Ryukyu independence movement. It's opinions Okinawa Ryukyu independence movement itself of such disturbance side bring up the theory, such as if it were a hand of China at all.

But I completely different.
「彼らは1995年の10,21以来、既存基地の即時撤去を言うのを彼らは止めにしているが、私はそれを貫いている/They have to stop they 10, 21 since 1995, to say the immediate removal of the existing base, but I'm through it、、、」

I this in '20. It is a movement associated with the independence of the Ryukyus in Okinawa in a private capacity consistently. However, there is no possibility that any other country in the world, let alone the Chinese government also was even any contact. It's so irrelevant.

For example, two years ago. The arrested unfair "cooked up" in 2012 New Year's Day, the morning of April 27 to ~ were detained in detention Naha Branch. However, it was released that the trial was held in the morning of the 27th of the last day of his detention, in fact, was a false accusation becomes clear.

The four months. And my children, including college students and high school and junior high school and my wife left the house, and discredited important that everyone involved customers and about 100 people and friends and acquaintances and relatives of I was examined were. Since then, were destroyed and life honor.

Police, prosecutors, the court found that my family and I, that it is independent of any religious organization or political organizations of foreign and domestic. Was then released and also found that it's a single individual in the good citizens of all. However, I have to pursue to reverse now because there is no apology at all until today.
Okinawa Urasoe Shiminato river 2-10-8 Motomura Yasuhiko January 30, 2014
No. 098-876-5536 phone number

「先ず、台湾と琉球の民衆連合。First, the people of the United Ryukyu and Taiwan.」

2014年01月26日 14時06分30秒 | 日記
このページはThis page
ーからつづいています。followed from

「先ず、台湾と琉球の民衆連合。First, the people of the United Ryukyu and Taiwan.」琉球沖縄とアジアの人々の国-3/Country of people of Asia and Ryukyu Okinawa-3

First, the people of the United Ryukyu and Taiwan. And people of Union and East Asia → South Korea → unification → China people. It is very beneficial for the balance of peace in Asia?

Hey, just wondering. Who's side are you on? Are you Anti-Japanese?

I am personally in the Ryukyu people only. I am a speech activity in '20. Seven of the wife and children I am seized with the hostage in the Japanese police from three years ago that such a home became famous nationwide. So it is anti-Japanese now.
It is a newspaper article when this became famous that. ↓

I will continue still↓


2014年01月25日 15時52分00秒 | 日記
I feel "new evidence went up. Story! White apology!'m From it in Korean first, the Japanese government" and.

"I killed Pick up children came out when pregnant women hung up. Belly had one person to. During military of Japan killed at once 83 people Koreans Unplug the sword all at once"
関東大震災での朝鮮人虐殺 犠牲者身元を初確認=韓国
聯合ニュース 1月21日(火)16時36分配信
The first check = Korea Korean massacre victims of identity in the Great Kanto Earthquake
36 minutes delivery (Tue) 16:00 January 21 Yonhap News


2014年01月25日 03時39分27秒 | 日記
Makoto Shibata‏@bonaponta

陸自情報保全隊元隊長の証言許可、防衛相が拒否 : 社会 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/news/20140121-OYT1T00284.htm?from=tw …







(2014年1月21日22時20分 読売新聞)


Are those who sees the earthquake and tsunami in eastern Japan which was the foundation of the Fukushima nuclear accident and attacks from other countries to dignitaries of the Japanese government .

Thus, the Japan of today , are those who are aware of the state to combat among the members of the Diet from all political parties and all , including the opposition .

In addition, the fire was on the ass in Japan has become a debt of 800 trillion yen debt up years of blistering . But Japan , so had been gone through the plans to 10 trillion yen at a time every year reduction in measures such as regional system , there was a room that does not show the true nature of Japanese soldiers still at that time .

However , the bailout of 3,11 in 2011 and without being able to run , true character became the dew will not go wrong . Since its determination that there is only war Yasukuni Shrine of August 15 of the 5 months later , Japan , seems to have decided that going to war among such system .


2014年01月25日 00時12分52秒 | 日記
彼らは1995年の10,21以来、既存基地の即時撤去を言うのを彼らは止めにしているが、私はそれを貫いている/They have to stop they 10, 21 since 1995, to say the immediate removal of the existing base, but I'm through it

The writing staff, there is light and shade, but, or a civil servant in Japan, they have activities and fund financial resources from a population that continues to received a military land rent of U.S. military bases and aid from the Government of Japan today once . It is pro-Japanese of Okinawa Governor Nakaima like everyone speaking at that point.

In the past, Okinawa, the Japanese government had to control the Ryukyu people of pro-Japanese of the 5% to hold 100 percent of the Ryukyu people the "power and wealth and fame." However, the revolution of the common people of Ryukyu 95% our boundary August 15, 1994 19 years ago, it is funny that has become the Ryukyu independence.

But they've have continued to silence this 19 years, the important phenomenon.

Ryukyu people, which is used to bluff of the population that continues aim is to get a military land rent of U.S. military bases and aid from the Japanese government of the pro-Japanese Ryukyu people of the 5% of "Ryukyu independently" that the thing to notice early.

I was sixtieth birthday last year, but there is no possibility that it will be imprisoned or have been dominated by both physically and spiritually both from anyone this 60 years. Ryukyu people like 95% of other living in won fair and square Copy all the Baie is a true Ryukyu people. It is to isolate the last 20 years by the fact that through '20 that the position that different standing with them.

In other words, they had become a pro-Japanese and flatter in Japanese hiding in the Ryukyu people until yesterday. It is that it is flowing in the same direction right now they the same ruling of the 5% only about remains wrote Cross-legged on the seat nonchalant as it is called? Whether.

Ryukyu people true of 95% of all our citizens, it does not now and now, even yesterday was or become a pro-Japanese and Japanese or flatter.

In fact, to the co-author and out this doing this also is not a flow for the common people of the Ryukyu true.

They's a mistake the means for the end Nakaima Governor of Okinawa Prefecture same, this is a fine line of distinction between vested interests of maintaining pro-Japanese.

As proof, they have to stop they 10, 21 since 1995, to say the immediate removal of the existing base, but I'm through it.
Urasoe Shi minato gawa 2-10-8, telephone 098-876-5536, Motomura Yasuhiko

On Fri, 2014/1/24, 屋良朝助 <7777777@ntt-i.net> wrote:

> 出版情報です 「環」最新号「沖縄はなぜ日本から独立しなければならないか」 グループのメインページ|掲示板Yahoo!グループ-ヘルプ
> [ml_ryukyu_400130]グループの掲示板に投稿があったことを、Yahoo!グループよりお知らせいたします。
> ---
> 出版情報です
>  ツイッター  上田 章 @akiradaeu1
> 藤原書店から出版されている総合学芸誌「環」最新号の小特集は「沖縄はなぜ日本から独立しなければならないか」?執筆陣は松島泰勝、大田昌秀、新川明、三木健、普久原均、海勢頭豊、石垣金星、仲村渠克、親川志奈子諸氏。 ガンディーやマンデラのような人達が沖縄にも出現するかも知れない予感がする
> ヘルプページ: http://help.yahoo.co.jp/help/jp/groups/
> グループページ: http://groups.yahoo.co.jp/group/ml_ryukyu_400130/
> グループ管理者: mailto:ml_ryukyu_400130-owner@yahoogroups.jp

2011年5月30日と8月13日の辺野古弾薬庫/Henoko arsenal of August 13 and May 30, 2011

2014年01月23日 11時45分38秒 | 日記
2011年5月30日と8月13日の辺野古弾薬庫/Henoko arsenal of August 13 and May 30, 2011



↓検索(在日米軍の核 - 山崎淑子の「生き抜く」ジャーナル!)<... NBC長崎放送 報道局-関口達夫さん渾身のアメリカ取材レポート=TBS報道特集:『今タブーを破る!>


Following URL accusation of " core which is sealed ," which was broadcast on NBC Nagasakihoso at midnight on the 30th of the 5th after the raid to Urasoe police station home on May 24, 2011 three years before the " Okinawa nuclear secret agreement " is a video coverage . I also recorded appearance .

In addition , this report is five p.m. Saturday 13 to threatened Urasoe police station and Okinawa Women's Center is to restrain his wife in August 12 the same year of its three months later , it hits on the day following the day on which was kidnapped my daughter it has been broadcast again in TBS news feature from the half .

"Nuclear 4_CIA of 20,110,813 U.S. military in Okinawa in the nucleus during training ... " I use as part of the finish in the second half of the last image of Dereruere , a former U.S. soldier is my image . In addition , the term " architect of Okinawa" casters et al use the " confidentiality of nuclear 5_ U.S. forces in Japan 20,110,813 of U.S. forces in Japan " ending of the show we are talking about me.

↓ Search ( nucleus of U.S. forces in Japan - Yoshiko Yamazaki and " survive " journal !) <... NBC news bureau Nagasakihoso - American coverage report = TBS special coverage of the whole body Sekiguchi Tatsuo : to break the " taboo now ! >

The '17 before ↓

1994年5月11日の辺野古弾薬庫/Henoko arsenal of May 11, 1994

Henoko arsenal of May 11, 1994.
It is one of the base where there are storage warehouse of nuclear weapons only based on Okinawa nuclear secret pact has been reported to the U.S. military base.
It would violate national policy of Japan and "three non-nuclear principles" of Article 9 in the "Weapons of mass destruction".

琉球沖縄とアジアの人々の国-2/Country of people of Asia and Ryukyu Okinawa-2

2014年01月21日 16時47分17秒 | 日記
このページはThis page

ーからつづいています。followed from

琉球沖縄とアジアの人々の国-2/Country of people of Asia and Ryukyu Okinawa-2







Once again , the beginning of the thing was "leaving Ryukyu (Okinawa ) " began to emerged by increasing independence and Ryukyu ( Okinawa) Aiden tea at the time in April 2012 .
Shintaro Ishihara was governor Tokyo ( budget equivalent to the national budget of Mexico and South Korea in some cases) of those days . It was declared the Senkaku decisive battle " over the head " of Okinawa Ignore Shintaro Ishihara was such a well-paid worker .

Then, the plot fiction " crisis " by wealthy Japan , China , the U.S. ( finance) .

Economic freedom and a variety of limited property was the sea coast and the Ryukyu 1.4 million (Okinawa ) person is impaired by it .

On the other hand , Shintaro Ishihara, the person of the real culprit is praised , has been praised from the power of the ( financial ) wealthy Japan , China and the United States .

At the same time, about the leader of the parliamentary party of Japan in the hand the platinum handshake , and continues to get the revenue expensive to prominence .

With the Amami , I should hasten the Ryukyu ( Okinawa) independent for Ryukyu people play a decent self-reliance as a human being again .

양육정 Okinawa was leave Japan

That's right. It's a sight to see how far the Japanese media can do silence!

양육정 so sad T-T all those pictures make me so mad

Japanese soldiers did the same thing also in Okinawa. Okinawans also share the same anger.

양육정 Those people who think China and not Japan Nazi, are just ignorant and stupid, they really dont know the real threat

Wong Dora They are either absent mind or with retarded heart

Of normalization talks at the time of the conclusion of Japan and China in 1972 "silence clause" cause. Shelved theory of the Senkaku Islands is famous. In fact, at the same time, the Chinese government and the Japanese government has negotiated with the negative legacy of each other not reported.

Alfredo Telles Mosquera yeah!!! The battle of Okinawa
Hiroshima and Nagasaki too
terrible atomic bombs
The war is for "economic interests" only this.

The nuclear weapons storage. In fact, it is done in such Okinawa. Japan while deception in the "bombed the only country" and "three non-nuclear principles" to the international community it.

Kofi Timeさんが質問を投稿しました。

This is an outrage!

also google yahoo also can not be displayed.

1994年5月11日の辺野古弾薬庫/Henoko arsenal of May 11, 1994

Henoko arsenal of May 11, 1994. It is one of the base where there are storage warehouse of nuclear weapons only based on Okinawa nuclear secret pact has been reported to the U.S. military base.
It would violate national policy of Japan and "three non-nuclear principles" of Article 9 in the "Weapons of mass destruction".

2011年5月30日と8月13日の辺野古弾薬庫/Henoko arsenal of August 13 and May 30, 2011



↓検索(在日米軍の核 - 山崎淑子の「生き抜く」ジャーナル!)<... NBC長崎放送 報道局-関口達夫さん渾身のアメリカ取材レポート=TBS報道特集:『今タブーを破る!>


Following URL accusation of " core which is sealed ," which was broadcast on NBC Nagasakihoso at midnight on the 30th of the 5th after the raid to Urasoe police station home on May 24, 2011 three years before the " Okinawa nuclear secret agreement " is a video coverage . I also recorded appearance .

In addition , this report is five p.m. Saturday 13 to threatened Urasoe police station and Okinawa Women's Center is to restrain his wife in August 12 the same year of its three months later , it hits on the day following the day on which was kidnapped my daughter it has been broadcast again in TBS news feature from the half .

"Nuclear 4_CIA of 20,110,813 U.S. military in Okinawa in the nucleus during training ... " I use as part of the finish in the second half of the last image of Dereruere , a former U.S. soldier is my image . In addition , the term " architect of Okinawa" casters et al use the " confidentiality of nuclear 5_ U.S. forces in Japan 20,110,813 of U.S. forces in Japan " ending of the show we are talking about me.

↓ Search ( nucleus of U.S. forces in Japan - Yoshiko Yamazaki and " survive " journal !) <... NBC news bureau Nagasakihoso - American coverage report = TBS special coverage of the whole body Sekiguchi Tatsuo : to break the " taboo now ! >

The '17 before ↓

1994年5月11日の辺野古弾薬庫/Henoko arsenal of May 11, 1994

Henoko arsenal of May 11, 1994.
It is one of the base where there are storage warehouse of nuclear weapons only based on Okinawa nuclear secret pact has been reported to the U.S. military base.
It would violate national policy of Japan and "three non-nuclear principles" of Article 9 in the "Weapons of mass destruction".

彼らは1995年の10,21以来、既存基地の即時撤去を言うのを彼らは止めにしているが、私はそれを貫いている/They have to stop they 10, 21 since 1995, to say the immediate removal of the existing base, but I'm through it

The writing staff, there is light and shade, but, or a civil servant in Japan, they have activities and fund financial resources from a population that continues to received a military land rent of U.S. military bases and aid from the Government of Japan today once . It is pro-Japanese of Okinawa Governor Nakaima like everyone speaking at that point.

In the past, Okinawa, the Japanese government had to control the Ryukyu people of pro-Japanese of the 5% to hold 100 percent of the Ryukyu people the "power and wealth and fame." However, the revolution of the common people of Ryukyu 95% our boundary August 15, 1994 19 years ago, it is funny that has become the Ryukyu independence.

But they've have continued to silence this 19 years, the important phenomenon.

Ryukyu people, which is used to bluff of the population that continues aim is to get a military land rent of U.S. military bases and aid from the Japanese government of the pro-Japanese Ryukyu people of the 5% of "Ryukyu independently" that the thing to notice early.

I was sixtieth birthday last year, but there is no possibility that it will be imprisoned or have been dominated by both physically and spiritually both from anyone this 60 years. Ryukyu people like 95% of other living in won fair and square Copy all the Baie is a true Ryukyu people. It is to isolate the last 20 years by the fact that through '20 that the position that different standing with them.

In other words, they had become a pro-Japanese and flatter in Japanese hiding in the Ryukyu people until yesterday. It is that it is flowing in the same direction right now they the same ruling of the 5% only about remains wrote Cross-legged on the seat nonchalant as it is called? Whether.

Ryukyu people true of 95% of all our citizens, it does not now and now, even yesterday was or become a pro-Japanese and Japanese or flatter.

In fact, to the co-author and out this doing this also is not a flow for the common people of the Ryukyu true.

They's a mistake the means for the end Nakaima Governor of Okinawa Prefecture same, this is a fine line of distinction between vested interests of maintaining pro-Japanese.

As proof, they have to stop they 10, 21 since 1995, to say the immediate removal of the existing base, but I'm through it.
Urasoe Shi minato gawa 2-10-8, telephone 098-876-5536, Motomura Yasuhiko

On Fri, 2014/1/24, 屋良朝助 <7777777@ntt-i.net> wrote:

> 出版情報です 「環」最新号「沖縄はなぜ日本から独立しなければならないか」 グループのメインページ|掲示板Yahoo!グループ-ヘルプ
> [ml_ryukyu_400130]グループの掲示板に投稿があったことを、Yahoo!グループよりお知らせいたします。
> ---
> 出版情報です
>  ツイッター  上田 章 @akiradaeu1
> 藤原書店から出版されている総合学芸誌「環」最新号の小特集は「沖縄はなぜ日本から独立しなければならないか」?執筆陣は松島泰勝、大田昌秀、新川明、三木健、普久原均、海勢頭豊、石垣金星、仲村渠克、親川志奈子諸氏。 ガンディーやマンデラのような人達が沖縄にも出現するかも知れない予感がする
> ヘルプページ: http://help.yahoo.co.jp/help/jp/groups/
> グループページ: http://groups.yahoo.co.jp/group/ml_ryukyu_400130/
> グループ管理者: mailto:ml_ryukyu_400130-owner@yahoogroups.jp

Makoto Shibata‏@bonaponta

陸自情報保全隊元隊長の証言許可、防衛相が拒否 : 社会 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/news/20140121-OYT1T00284.htm?from=tw …







(2014年1月21日22時20分 読売新聞)


Are those who sees the earthquake and tsunami in eastern Japan which was the foundation of the Fukushima nuclear accident and attacks from other countries to dignitaries of the Japanese government .

Thus, the Japan of today , are those who are aware of the state to combat among the members of the Diet from all political parties and all , including the opposition .

In addition, the fire was on the ass in Japan has become a debt of 800 trillion yen debt up years of blistering . But Japan , so had been gone through the plans to 10 trillion yen at a time every year reduction in measures such as regional system , there was a room that does not show the true nature of Japanese soldiers still at that time .

However , the bailout of 3,11 in 2011 and without being able to run , true character became the dew will not go wrong . Since its determination that there is only war Yasukuni Shrine of August 15 of the 5 months later , Japan , seems to have decided that going to war among such system .

I feel "new evidence went up. Story! White apology!'m From it in Korean first, the Japanese government" and

"I killed Pick up children came out when pregnant women hung up. Belly had one person to. During military of Japan killed at once 83 people Koreans Unplug the sword all at once"
関東大震災での朝鮮人虐殺 犠牲者身元を初確認=韓国
聯合ニュース 1月21日(火)16時36分配信
The first check = Korea Korean massacre victims of identity in the Great Kanto Earthquake
36 minutes delivery (Tue) 16:00 January 21 Yonhap News

I will continue still↓

1994年5月11日の辺野古弾薬庫/Henoko arsenal of May 11, 1994

2014年01月20日 20時30分07秒 | 日記
1994年5月11日の辺野古弾薬庫/Henoko arsenal of May 11, 1994

Henoko arsenal of May 11, 1994. It is one of the base where there are storage warehouse of nuclear weapons only based on Okinawa nuclear secret pact has been reported to the U.S. military base.
It would violate national policy of Japan and "three non-nuclear principles" of Article 9 in the "Weapons of mass destruction".

平和は、世界で最も重要なものです/Peace is the most important thing in the world

2014年01月19日 00時29分06秒 | 日記
平和は、世界で最も重要なものです/Peace is the most important thing in the world

Should we Ryukyu Okinawa correct to the peace-loving nation and Japan from now on in peace for Asia. However, leaders of existing Ryukyu Okinawa began to abandon the pride of the Ryukyu people from about 20 years ago. That number is 5% of the fraction of the total population of the Ryukyu Okinawa.

All of the leaders of the Ryukyu Okinawa has turned pro-Japanese by the police crackdown of Japan now. So it has become in Japan today.



Case Study:

This ↓
Timid Japanese et al say things in the backing of the police. And leaders of Okinawa now has not been answered even the timid opinion.

(Last year, when the image was carried out protest in Tokyo all 41 municipal mayors of January. Okinawa 2013 all together)
41 municipal mayors from all of Okinawa walk ploddingly do not answer to the cowardly Japanese screaming "Get out of Japan Okinawa" and "traitor" ↓.


As you pointed out, Japanese straightening is very important for a peaceful social environment maintenance of this Asia. Try to leave us, which accounts for 95 percent of the population of the entire Ryukyu Okinawa (not the pro-Japanese) in the Ryukyu people people born and bred it?

To do this, you must Ryukyu Okinawa is separated from Japan, Ryukyu countries responsible for national power and influence to Okeru Asia Japan currently has, to maintain the economic balance.

Now, it would be the fastest way to encourage reflection and apology to the Japanese.

In addition, there is support of the potential economic, such as the following in the Ryukyu Okinawa.


Okinawa independent initiative (digest version)


Wong Dora Damn Japanese !!

29分前 · いいね!を取り消す · 2..

Wong Dora If Japanese want to hate, they should hate America , Japanese is fucking cowards.

27分前 · いいね!を取り消す · 2

U.S. military is still racist. This is a fact that came to light in ↓ 1998 . They were hidden for many years a plan to destroy nuclear weapons in the Ryukyu Islands.

Wong Dora American military does many harm to Ryukyu people, they are only in news with killing and rape !

13分前 · いいね! · 1

The killing also, extension of rape against women and children there is pride enough to resistance. Power always starts.
Japanese Self-Defense Forces personnel and police officers that there is racism against the Ryukyu Okinawa people. And the U.S. military. They are convinced that the fluttering if women and children of the Ryukyu Okinawan any women and children if they have money and power. Should not give any honor to them.

アルジェリア人質事件から丁度1年/1 year just from Algeria hostage crisis

2014年01月16日 11時00分59秒 | 日記
アルジェリア人質事件から丁度1年/1 year just from Algeria hostage crisis

「自衛隊拡大と日本の若者が持つ日本人としてのプライド/ー2013,11,3日文化の日。 」

I decided in November two years ago just before the hostage crisis in Algeria, withdrawal from Japan as the Ryukyu people, independent.
I look back Algeria hostage crisis a year ago just that today ↓
". Culture Day Pride / over 2013,11,3 days as a young Japanese and Japanese Self-Defense Forces expansion has"

琉球沖縄とアジアの人々の国/Country of people of Asia and Ryukyu Okinawa

2014年01月14日 18時49分07秒 | 日記
琉球沖縄とアジアの人々の国/Country of people of Asia and Ryukyu Okinawa

”Asian People's Country”。そこでは日本国や中国、そして米国といった”大国”も単なる村役場の職員と同格に過ぎない。
"Asian People's Country". "Powers" such as the United States and China, and Japan is not only to officials and apposition of mere village office there.

Wong Dora

Look at this Japanese slut, she is yelling to kill Koreans like the way they killed in China! She represents over 69% of Japanese population those vote their right wing government . Japanese means apocalypse of humanity!!! Lets cancel them without mercy !!!!!
Japanese racists in action - We will start Tsuruhashi Massacre like the Nanjing Massacre!
Japanese living in Korea are lucky. I wouldn't be proud of my country if this kind of shit happened to Japanese town in Korea (Dongbu ichondong aka

本村 安彦
, , , With the Amami , I should hasten the Ryukyu ( Okinawa) independent for Ryukyu people play a decent self-reliance as a human being again .






This problem ↓, beginning of things was "leaving Ryukyu (Okinawa ) " began to emerged by increasing independence and Ryukyu Aiden tea at the time in April 2012 .

Thereby, Ishihara was a highly paid already at that time . It was a head over the purchase of Okinawa ignored felt the crisis of influence loss to Ryukyu .

Then , plot construction fictional " crisis " of Japan , China and the United States government, which envisaged a chain interest balance adherence of the Ryukyu Islands of eternity were made . Thereby, the property was and sea coast of the Ryukyu people of 1.4 million people began to come to be impaired . At the same time as economic freedom and a variety of Ryukyu people is limited .

On the other hand is ,

Ishihara himself has been praised by many Japanese . At the same time praised the power of Japan , China and the U.S. In addition, per the leader of the political party of Japan national politics in the hand the platinum handshake , and continues to get the revenue expensive to prominence of " runaway old man " .

, , , With the Amami , I should hasten the Ryukyu ( Okinawa) independent for Ryukyu people play a decent self-reliance as a human being again .

米軍ヘリ墜落 同型機の飛行を中止せよ2014年1月13日

江洲 和正 シナ軍の「軍靴の音」は耳に入らない新報・タイムス
シナによる尖閣諸島領空を含めた東シナ海一帯における 「防空識別圏」の一方的な設定は、シナ国防省が....

3時間前 · いいね!..

江洲 和正
尖閣周辺、中国船3隻が領海侵入 ことし初 -
琉球新報 - 沖縄の新聞、地域のニュース
Ryukyu Shimpo
January 13, 2014 case stop the flight of U.S. military helicopter crashed same model

Takaesu Kazumasa
Shimpo Times that do not fit in the ear "sound of military boots" of Chinese military

Shimpo Times that do not fit in the ear "sound of military boots" of Chinese military
Setting one-sided zone in the East China Sea, including the Senkaku Islands airspace by the Chinese military of "air defense identification zone" is .... is Sina Ministry of Defence

I hope 3 hours ago! ..

Takaesu Kazumasa
Territorial waters this year's first invasion Senkaku around, and three ships Chinese ship -
Ryukyu Shimpo - Okinawa newspaper, local news

記事全体はこの↓ページでご覧ください:Please see this page ↓ whole article:
「琉球庶民の革命が琉球独立になってきているが、、、/Revolution of the Ryukyu ordinary people have come to the Ryukyu independen 」

琉球(沖縄)独立を急ぐしかないな。Ryukyu ( Okinawa) independent for Ryukyu people - もとやすのブログ - Yahoo!ブログ

、、、やはり琉球(沖縄)人の人間としてのまともな自立のためには奄美を伴った琉球(沖縄)独立を急ぐしかないな。 , , , With the Amami , I should hasten the Ryukyu ( Okinawa) inde....

本村 安彦
千葉麗子 勝手に変えるな! - 通常国会で憲法解釈変更 政府検討、集団的自衛権(共同) http://www.47news.jp/CN/201401/CN2014011201001224.html

47NEWS > 共同ニュース
Reiko Chiba

Do not change on its own -! Constitutional interpretation change government discussed in ordinary session of the Diet, the right to collective self-defense (joint) http://www.47news.jp/CN/201401/CN2014011201001224.html

47NEWS> Kyodo News



2014/01/12 18:37 【共同通信】
The 12th, the government entered the study in the direction to do in regular session in the interpretation of the Constitution change to tolerate the right of collective self-defense exercise.

The "Council on restructuring of the legal basis of security" that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been installed, is scheduled to be submitted to the government in April a report to tolerate exercise, government policies until the session end after receiving it is expected to come up with.

It is expected that legislation developed with the interpretation change is extraordinary Diet session later in the fall.

Yosuke Isozaki assistant to the prime minister in charge of security said on Tuesday told reporters in Tokyo. It convened on May 24, June 22 is the year-end meeting if there is no extension to the ordinary Diet session.

2014/01/12 18:37 [Kyodo News]

Wong Dora
Support the people revolutionary in Ryukyu and independence ! Japan out!!!!

本村 安彦
Thank you ~! !
Friends of the Asian People's Country! !

We will revenge them soon.

Anam Chen
All Asian peoples, never foget 731 !

Kofi Time
The biggest puzzle is why 60 percent of the Japanese vote for these far rights retards and their idiot President. And I am really perplexed why no one stood up and challenge such hate speech?

Wong Dora
Coz Most of them are zombies with no heart no mind!! That is Japanese culture , they act like programmed zombies only react to order, if they have good leader, they may have chance to act decent . But now they have devil as their leader to drag them to the demise

本村 安彦

Around this time, there were media reports that Japanese is hate speech against Ryukyu people are racism. However, I saw for the first time image for Koreans.
Reasons? For some reason, are reflected in this image.
In other words, media organizations of Japan is not allowed to report any image for Koreans. So the people of Japan can not confirm facts. (I also saw for the first time)
 日本のヘイトスピーチは警察官=国家権力が後ろ盾。例えば、中国で中国の警察が“覚醒剤村”を摘発するニュースを日本のメディアで流されているが、(01/03 23:13)↓
Hate speech of Japan is backing police officers = state power. For example, have been swept away by the Japanese media news that caught the "Village stimulant" and Chinese police in China, (01/03 23:13) ↓
(01/03 23:13) ↓
In Japan, even if it was reported in the media about the scandal and adhesion incidents of police and gangsters, it is not made public only at a later several years from the incident. (News of the 7-8 years ago flows today)
Because, gangsters = anti-democratic social forces and police in Japan. And because the dependency of darkness each other media organization.
Thus, the Japanese media and departments of police are at stake always "work scandal hidden and false accusation". About long-term relationship you have to silence together for many years. So, natural view is that there is also the secret of the donor-give-and-take of the convenience of course.
For example, it appears extremely especially because there is racism against the Ryukyu people in Okinawa the Japanese chief of police has continued in '40 ↓:

Another case:
酷過ぎ - 暴力団がホームレスを福島作業員としてリクルート 
Homeless recruited by yakuza for Fukushima clean-up
Case Study:
Too cruel - gangsters are recruited as Fukushima workers the homeless
Homeless recruited by yakuza for Fukushima clean-up

本村 安彦

And because it is important to a little more detail on how to sink bad news domestic Japan:
(TV tabloid show of lunch today. They were covered in detail the convenience donor incidents of police officers Osaka prefectural police that were in the 7-8 years ago in Osaka went to gangsters. But they did not flow as news. Therefore, people at work do not know)

Wong Dora
琉球Use to be an independent country but American government handed it over to Japan for American Interest 琉球使用が独立国であるとが、アメリカ政府はアメリカの利益のために日本に引き渡さ

배용민 I will
support the Okinawan independence...

Wong Dora
Yep!! Kick Japan out!!!

本村 安彦
台湾、日本、中国、朝鮮、フィリピン、南シナ海の国々、アメリカ。例えば、琉球列島周辺のそれぞれの国に混在しながら暮らす独立したPeopleを ”Asian People's Country”のPeoplesと仮に呼ぶとする。そうすると、我々はすでに”Asian People's Country”の住人で主役だ。
”Asian People's Country”。そこでは日本国や中国、そして米国といった”大国”も単なる村役場の職員でしかない。
Taiwan, Japan, China, Korea, Philippines, South China Sea each country, America. For example, it is assumed tentatively called Peoples of the "Asian People's Country" the People of independent living while mixed in each country around the Ryukyu Islands. Then, already we're leading role in the residents of "Asian People's Country".
"Asian People's Country". Only a staff of just a village office also "powers" such as the United States and China, and Japan in which.

Alfredo Telles Mosquera see: a sad history

To:Alfredo Telles Mosquera


To: Alfredo Telles Mosquera
I first saw this video ↓.
Was born in the Ryukyu government I am (1953) Ryukyu people. However, since the reversion of Okinawa in 1972, has become a potential Japanese Nationality Law of Japan.
So I apologize.
I am sorry.

To: RyukyuSeparation Ryukyu's independence
I first saw this video ↓.

Was born in the Ryukyu government I am (1953) Ryukyu people. However, since the reversion of Okinawa in 1972, has become a potential Japanese Nationality Law of Japan.
So I apologize.
I am sorry.

Wong Dora So you are Ryukyu but now Japanese by law?

배용민 But one thing, Ryukyu should be independence country... Not other country..

Wong Dora Great they are not Japanese , so expel Japan from Ryukyu!!

Wong Dora They used to be an independent country but occupied by Japan and gave away by America

배용민 If Ryukyu is independence country, we can isolate Japan.

>Wong Dora So you are Ryukyu but now Japanese by law?
> Wong Dora So you are Ryukyu but now Japanese by law?
ーYes, I am.
All of the people of Okinawa 41-61 years old who were born from 1953 to 1972 is the same identity with me.
And, all of the young people of Okinawa 0-40 year-old is the child of such us.
By the way, have six children of my.

양육정 Good ! China should do that too

Wong Dora Haha good idea

Wong Dora I know when Japanese occupied Ryukyu, they killed many Ryukyu people and Royal family ran to China , Japanese treat Ryukyu people so bad

本村 安彦 ありがとう!!

However, pro-Japanese faction Copy all the base of the Ryukyu Royal at that time now. The number is only 5% of the entire Ryukyu now. So Ryukyu people of genuine like me 95% is buried without being media coverage of Okinawa.

Wong Dora God damn Japanese government , they are evil! 神のいまいましい日本政府は、彼らは悪です!

I've been writing about the nature of Japanese such in 2005:

Wong Dora Hope your dream come true, you are great people to fight for your tribe , salute

Anderson Anderson good yasuhiko brother ... we all should wipe japporn from world map

Wong Dora Yeah!!!

양육정 Really hope you get out from Japan

배용민 Someday, Ryukyu will be independence country..

Wong Dora Yes! Keep the faith Yasuhiko Motomura

>Wong Dora
> 양육정
> 배 용민
> Wong Dora
Thank you! ! Freedom to people of Ryukyu and Asia! !

Wong Dora Yes! Lets fight!!! うん! 戦うことができます!

배용민 Welcome

양육정 Fight until you get independent ! ^^

Sd Snk 琉球の人々に自由を!

アルジェリア人質事件から丁度1年/1 year just from Algeria hostage crisis

「自衛隊拡大と日本の若者が持つ日本人としてのプライド/ー2013,11,3日文化の日。 」

I decided in November two years ago just before the hostage crisis in Algeria, withdrawal from Japan as the Ryukyu people, independent.
I look back Algeria hostage crisis a year ago just that today ↓
". Culture Day Pride / over 2013,11,3 days as a young Japanese and Japanese Self-Defense Forces expansion has"


Thats why History always get changed

Japan recreate phony history in high school textbooks 日本在高中課本造成假歷史.

いいね!を取り消す · · シェア · 1月15日 22:17


あなたとSd Snkさん、他17人が「いいね!」と言っています。..

Sd Snk Japan is Novelist. but truth is only one !

1月15日 22:19 · いいね!を取り消す · 7..

양육정 Yeah indeed

1月15日 22:20 · いいね!を取り消す · 5..

배용민 Japan is good in distort history.

1月15日 23:37 · いいね!を取り消す · 4..

배용민 Thats why Korea,china,Ryukyu and Russia hate their country(japan)

1月15日 23:38 · いいね!を取り消す · 5..

Wong Dora Coz they are shameless douchebags!!!!!

1月15日 23:54 · いいね!を取り消す · 4..

Anderson Anderson I ever talk with jappornese dumbass ,they said asian country accept their soldier coz japporn free them from west imperial ,this dumbfuck victim from jappporn ultranationalist novelist brainwash

昨日 0:10 · いいね! · 3..

배용민 Many Japanese are liar.

昨日 0:12 · いいね!を取り消す · 6..

양육정 They are almost all liars

昨日 0:59 · いいね!を取り消す · 4..

Anam Chen 日常生活中的日本人,就好像是戴上了假面具的人一样,你永远不知道他们的内心里的真正想法,你也不会真正了解他们说出来的,那永远带着暧昧的语言,永远都是模凌两可,让人猜不出他们真正的涵义,你只要一不小心,就好容易造成误会.......他们会感到生气,但是却又不会表现出来,不会让你知道,所以日本人是一个很难成为真正好朋友的民族。

昨日 13:04 · いいね!を取り消す · 3..

本村 安彦 メディアから大量に流される彼ら日本人の慇懃無礼さ。沖縄ではすべての95パーセントの人々が毎日辟易している。
Feigned politeness of the Japanese they flowed in large amounts from the media. People of 95% of everything is fed up with every day in Okinawa.

昨日 17:51 · いいね! · 4


[ しきちゃん ]

2013/11/18(月) 午前 0:07







Wong Dora

That is photo of Japanese troop in China during war time, and that is why we hate Japanese guts!!!!


いいね!を取り消す · · シェア · 8時間前 · 編集済み



Alfredo Telles Mosquera cruel

8時間前 · いいね! · 1..

Wong Dora They are fiends from hell!!!

7時間前 · いいね! · 1..

배용민 They were insane... I think it was more than nazi.

7時間前 · いいね! · 3..

Wong Dora They are worst!!!

7時間前 · いいね! · 3..

Ming The HongKong Chinese-Boy Even the German Nazis and Italian Fascists at that time couldn't dare to do such inhuman behaviors !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! japs shouldn't be defined as "human beings".

7時間前 · いいね! · 3..

仲宗根 照彦 China Government and Soldiers #Must_not_do_like_this_photo in Battlefield of Okinawa,Please.

3時間前 · いいね!..

Wong Dora We are human not fiend, Chinese never kill brutally coz we are human, don't compare Japanese devil troop with any human being in this earth

3時間前 · いいね!を取り消す · 4..

Wong Dora We support 璃球人independence

3時間前 · いいね!を取り消す · 3

記事全体はこの↓ページでご覧ください:Please see this page ↓ whole article:
「琉球庶民の革命が琉球独立になってきているが、、、/Revolution of the Ryukyu ordinary people have come to the Ryukyu independen 」

War shop using the Senkaku Islands issue, around January of a year ago in the middle of it is fueled an excess of Chinese, Japanese hostage-murder of Algeria, which is choreographed excess also this had occurred was beginning.
「アルジェリア人質事件から丁度1年/1 year just from Algeria hostage crisis」

So, at that time, it is assumed that you look back below about what was restraining the Self-Defense Forces Law expanding common people and media in Japan and what kind of discussion.

 反戦塾というブログのページ⇒「中国も困っている」のコメント欄 http://hansenjuku.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2013/02/post-d24d.html 
So, it is assumed that you look back below about what had to check the Self-Defense Forces Law expansion that time the common people and what kind of discussion.
So, at that time, it is assumed that you look back below about what was restraining the Self-Defense Forces Law expanding common people and media in Japan and what kind of discussion.

Comments column "China is also in trouble" on page ⇒ blog called anti-war School
The claiming of SoJun
According to the comments of people information, articles of provocation of China's was only one company Sankei Shimbun four years ago, it seems to spread to all the Japanese media this time.
「アルジェリア人質事件から丁度1年/1 year just from Algeria hostage crisis」

,,, This hoax's terrible nuisance if Ryukyu people from our house that has been living in Okinawa Ryukyu from ancestral.
No way there and firing of guns.
The busy for Okinawa to leave independence.
I want you to not rely on as before.
Extreme in unprincipled assumed coverage "in the firing of guns around Okinawa" of mass media such annoying.
The influence to Asian countries in funding the underground resources of Senkaku around "on earth, the Ryukyu Islands of some of Asia appears rapidly as" country "again, it is not than break the vested interest balance of political economy of their own three countries ? "or - hoax turmoil on the premise of" emergency "of only around Okinawa in order to interfere with the United States during the day and was made ​​as a sign of concern that the" Ryukyu independence "is the origin of the fire.
「アルジェリア人質事件から丁度1年/1 year just from Algeria hostage crisis」

,,, When it comes to, ships and aircraft of China The reason is that it will have violated the airspace and territorial waters of Japan also will be referred to as a "conspiracy of China and Japan and the United States."
Let that it should be outgoing and that, to a "virtual firing of guns around Japan" of the Ryukyu Islands other than if the virtual firing of guns any more to the United States and China when it comes to this.
「アルジェリア人質事件から丁度1年/1 year just from Algeria hostage crisis」

平和は、世界で最も重要なものです/Peace is the most important thing in the world

Should we Ryukyu Okinawa correct to the peace-loving nation and Japan from now on in peace for Asia. However, leaders of existing Ryukyu Okinawa began to abandon the pride of the Ryukyu people from about 20 years ago. That number is 5% of the fraction of the total population of the Ryukyu Okinawa.

All of the leaders of the Ryukyu Okinawa has turned pro-Japanese by the police crackdown of Japan now. So it has become in Japan today.




Case Study:

This ↓
Timid Japanese et al say things in the backing of the police. And leaders of Okinawa now has not been answered even the timid opinion.

(Last year, when the image was carried out protest in Tokyo all 41 municipal mayors of January. Okinawa 2013 all together)
41 municipal mayors from all of Okinawa walk ploddingly do not answer to the cowardly Japanese screaming "Get out of Japan Okinawa" and "traitor" ↓.


As you pointed out, Japanese straightening is very important for a peaceful social environment maintenance of this Asia. Try to leave us, which accounts for 95 percent of the population of the entire Ryukyu Okinawa (not the pro-Japanese) in the Ryukyu people people born and bred it?

To do this, you must Ryukyu Okinawa is separated from Japan, Ryukyu countries responsible for national power and influence to Okeru Asia Japan currently has, to maintain the economic balance.

Now, it would be the fastest way to encourage reflection and apology to the Japanese.

In addition, there is support of the potential economic, such as the following in the Ryukyu Okinawa.


Okinawa independent initiative (digest version)


Wong Dora Damn Japanese !!

29分前 · いいね!を取り消す · 2..

Wong Dora If Japanese want to hate, they should hate America , Japanese is fucking cowards.

27分前 · いいね!を取り消す · 2

U.S. military is still racist. This is a fact that came to light in ↓ 1998 . They were hidden for many years a plan to destroy nuclear weapons in the Ryukyu Islands.

Wong Dora American military does many harm to Ryukyu people, they are only in news with killing and rape !

13分前 · いいね! · 1

The killing also, extension of rape against women and children there is pride enough to resistance. Power always starts.
Japanese Self-Defense Forces personnel and police officers that there is racism against the Ryukyu Okinawa people. And the U.S. military. They are convinced that the fluttering if women and children of the Ryukyu Okinawan any women and children if they have money and power. Should not give any honor to them.

양육정‎Japan = Nazi Of Asia


Die Bitch

At the time this ↑ 1974 years as in this outrage has not been clarified yet figure of Japanese military personnel inhuman is ↓.




It is heart and spiritual culture of the original Japanese. The sublimation until the word "Rigai-no-ri" can not be explained by the common sense and reason normal "reason other than reasonable" in Japan, that of reason wily.

And worshiped as a secret of success in life the best "reason other than the reason" the Japanese have been mass-produced children's sly.

While expresses the "Rigai-no-ri" in the paper "Lessons / economic measures of history" and (92p ~ 113p) in the co-authored book below ↓ for the heart and spiritual culture of the Japanese wise its cunning, some opportunities I I've been held in Okinawa the "reason other than the reason" the Japanese each.

(Published by October 1, Naha publication "concept of Ryukyu Autonomous Region", 2005)
這是心臟和精神文化的原日本的。昇華直到單詞“Rigai - 無裡”不能用常識和理智正常“的原因,而不是合理的其他”在日本解釋,因此老謀深算的。


雖然表達了“Rigai - 無裡”,在論文“歷史的教訓/經濟措施”和(92P〜113P)在下面↓的合著書為日本的心臟和精神文化智慧的狡猾,有一些機會我我在沖繩舉行的“的理由比其他原因”日本每個。

그것이 일본인의 원래의 정신 문화와 마음. 일본에서는 "도리 이외의 도리"보통의 도리와 상식으로는 설명 할 수없는, 교활한 도리의 것을 "​​Rigai-no-ri"라는 말까지 승화.

게다가 일본인은 "도리 이외의 도리"를 최고의 처세술로 생각하고 교활한 아이를 양산하고있다.

그 교활한 일본인의 정신 문화와 마음에 대해 아래 ↓의 공동 저서 '역사의 교훈 / 경제 대책」(92p ~ 113p)라는 논문에서 "Rigai-no-ri"고 말해 나타낼하면서 기회가있을 때 매 일본인의 그 "도리 이외의 도리"를 오키나와 억제 해왔다.

( 「류큐 지방의 구상」2005 년 10 월 1 일 나하 출판에서 출판)

I will continue still↓


琉球(沖縄)独立を急ぐしかないな。Ryukyu ( Okinawa) independent for Ryukyu people

2014年01月13日 15時01分03秒 | 日記
, , , With the Amami , I should hasten the Ryukyu ( Okinawa) independent for Ryukyu people play a decent self-reliance as a human being again .






This problem ↓, beginning of things was "leaving Ryukyu (Okinawa ) " began to emerged by increasing independence and Ryukyu Aiden tea at the time in April 2012 .

Thereby, Ishihara was a highly paid already at that time . It was a head over the purchase of Okinawa ignored felt the crisis of influence loss to Ryukyu .

Then , plot construction fictional " crisis " of Japan , China and the United States government, which envisaged a chain interest balance adherence of the Ryukyu Islands of eternity were made . Thereby, the property was and sea coast of the Ryukyu people of 1.4 million people began to come to be impaired . At the same time as economic freedom and a variety of Ryukyu people is limited .

On the other hand is ,

Ishihara himself has been praised by many Japanese . At the same time praised the power of Japan , China and the U.S. In addition, per the leader of the political party of Japan national politics in the hand the platinum handshake , and continues to get the revenue expensive to prominence of " runaway old man " .

, , , With the Amami , I should hasten the Ryukyu ( Okinawa) independent for Ryukyu people play a decent self-reliance as a human being again .


勝手に変えるな! - 通常国会で憲法解釈変更 政府検討、集団的自衛権(共同) http://www.47news.jp/CN/201401/CN2014011201001224.html

47NEWS > 共同ニュース
Reiko Chiba

Do not change on its own -! Constitutional interpretation change government discussed in ordinary session of the Diet, the right to collective self-defense (joint) http://www.47news.jp/CN/201401/CN2014011201001224.html

47NEWS> Kyodo News



2014/01/12 18:37 【共同通信】
The 12th, the government entered the study in the direction to do in regular session in the interpretation of the Constitution change to tolerate the right of collective self-defense exercise.

The "Council on restructuring of the legal basis of security" that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been installed, is scheduled to be submitted to the government in April a report to tolerate exercise, government policies until the session end after receiving it is expected to come up with.

It is expected that legislation developed with the interpretation change is extraordinary Diet session later in the fall.

Yosuke Isozaki assistant to the prime minister in charge of security said on Tuesday told reporters in Tokyo. It convened on May 24, June 22 is the year-end meeting if there is no extension to the ordinary Diet session.

2014/01/12 18:37 [Kyodo News]

米軍ヘリ墜落 同型機の飛行を中止せよ2014年1月13日

江洲 和正 シナ軍の「軍靴の音」は耳に入らない新報・タイムス
シナによる尖閣諸島領空を含めた東シナ海一帯における 「防空識別圏」の一方的な設定は、シナ国防省が....

3時間前 · いいね!..

江洲 和正
尖閣周辺、中国船3隻が領海侵入 ことし初 -
琉球新報 - 沖縄の新聞、地域のニュース
Ryukyu Shimpo
January 13, 2014 case stop the flight of U.S. military helicopter crashed same model

Takaesu Kazumasa
Shimpo Times that do not fit in the ear "sound of military boots" of Chinese military

Shimpo Times that do not fit in the ear "sound of military boots" of Chinese military
Setting one-sided zone in the East China Sea, including the Senkaku Islands airspace by the Chinese military of "air defense identification zone" is .... is Sina Ministry of Defence

I hope 3 hours ago! ..

Takaesu Kazumasa
Territorial waters this year's first invasion Senkaku around, and three ships Chinese ship -
Ryukyu Shimpo - Okinawa newspaper, local news

I will continue still↓

今、この国で起きている本当の危機は、中国の脅威ではない/Real crisis now,

2014年01月12日 19時12分27秒 | 日記
今、この国で起きている本当の危機は、中国の脅威ではない/Real crisis now, what is happening in this country is not a threat of China.

[ しきちゃん ]

2013/11/15(金) 午前 2:40


2013/11/15 (Fri) 2:40 AM
> The real crisis now, what is happening in this country is not a threat of China. It is politics that stirs anxiety pandering to China threat theory, tries to overturn it has been built after World War II the "peace-loving nation and Japan."




You're right . " Peace Constitution " is is going on in Japan eyesore to revive the Christian emperor militarism .

It is not trying to country people like throw out a life for your country ( = Emperor ) with the head of the " living god " the emperor to break the Constitution .

This country , Hirohito is the chief executive of war crimes oversized massacred people innocent of Asia of 20 million , was smearing the Class-A war criminal Hideki Tojo from all responsibility for war crimes of great evil of their own after the defeat . It was the worst Only then can 's has become a " symbol of peace-loving nation " and to trick people .

Also for the people of Okinawa , gave terrible damage and entered the Battle of Okinawa, it rejects Hirohito is said to be " without first cited the veterans once again " , the end of World War II Emperor of Konoe Fumimaro . It 's not forget that after the war , Hirohito is held out to the U.S. Empire as a present like Okinawa further .

今、この国で起きている本当の危機は、中国の脅威ではない/Real crisis now, what is happening in this country is not a threat of China.

[ しきちゃん ]

2013/11/15(金) 午前 3:08

侵略と植民地支配も裕仁の名のもとに行われた。アジアや沖縄では裕仁は憎悪と呪いの的になってますよね。主権回復の式典でも、韓国日報は『天皇陛下万歳はハイル ヒトラーと同じ』と報じましたし、マレーシアのコタバル戦争博物館では裕仁とヒトラーの写真が並べて掲げられている。





2013/11/15 (Fri) 3:08 AM

Colonial rule and aggression were also made in the name of Hirohito. Hirohito is there not been the subject of hate and curse in Okinawa and Asia. Hankook has been reported, "His Majesty the Emperor hurray the same as Heil Hitler" and also at the ceremony of the restoration of sovereignty. It is listed photos of Hitler and Hirohito side by side in the War Museum Kota Bharu, Malaysia.

Do not graduate from war criminal nation, and the national emblem the chrysanthemum crest is a mark of Christian emperor, Japan has been the national flag of the symbol of aggression "Hinomaru". Japan is the national anthem praising the emperor still a "national anthem". Japan is not used in official documents the era that was the basis of the emperor ascended the throne still. Country of Japan to be reset each time the era emperor dies. It is not anywhere outside of Japan and etc. Although the world and such a country as large. This is why it is said that Japan's emperor cult Christian nation.

Government officials to the Yasukuni Shrine that war criminals are enshrined to forge a history of aggression, and urged the people to war. Person, such as the chief of the prestigious Asia contempt is used to the maximum amount of the bill in the "de-Asia theory". From the Ryukyu and ethnic Asian countries in this,

"Japan is a country that can not get along to try get along"

I I think that it is of course also seems.

, , , With the Amami , I should hasten the Ryukyu ( Okinawa) independent for Ryukyu people play a decent self-reliance as a human being again .






This problem ↓, beginning of things was "leaving Ryukyu (Okinawa ) " began to emerged by increasing independence and Ryukyu Aiden tea at the time in April 2012 .

Thereby, Ishihara was a highly paid already at that time . It was a head over the purchase of Okinawa ignored felt the crisis of influence loss to Ryukyu .

Then , plot construction fictional " crisis " of Japan , China and the United States government, which envisaged a chain interest balance adherence of the Ryukyu Islands of eternity were made . Thereby, the property was and sea coast of the Ryukyu people of 1.4 million people began to come to be impaired . At the same time as economic freedom and a variety of Ryukyu people is limited .

On the other hand is ,

Ishihara himself has been praised by many Japanese . At the same time praised the power of Japan , China and the U.S. In addition, per the leader of the political party of Japan national politics in the hand the platinum handshake , and continues to get the revenue expensive to prominence of " runaway old man " .

, , , With the Amami , I should hasten the Ryukyu ( Okinawa) independent for Ryukyu people play a decent self-reliance as a human being again .


勝手に変えるな! - 通常国会で憲法解釈変更 政府検討、集団的自衛権(共同) http://www.47news.jp/CN/201401/CN2014011201001224.html

47NEWS > 共同ニュース
Reiko Chiba

Do not change on its own -! Constitutional interpretation change government discussed in ordinary session of the Diet, the right to collective self-defense (joint) http://www.47news.jp/CN/201401/CN2014011201001224.html

47NEWS> Kyodo News



2014/01/12 18:37 【共同通信】
The 12th, the government entered the study in the direction to do in regular session in the interpretation of the Constitution change to tolerate the right of collective self-defense exercise.

The "Council on restructuring of the legal basis of security" that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been installed, is scheduled to be submitted to the government in April a report to tolerate exercise, government policies until the session end after receiving it is expected to come up with.

It is expected that legislation developed with the interpretation change is extraordinary Diet session later in the fall.

Yosuke Isozaki assistant to the prime minister in charge of security said on Tuesday told reporters in Tokyo. It convened on May 24, June 22 is the year-end meeting if there is no extension to the ordinary Diet session.

2014/01/12 18:37 [Kyodo News]

米軍ヘリ墜落 同型機の飛行を中止せよ2014年1月13日

江洲 和正 シナ軍の「軍靴の音」は耳に入らない新報・タイムス
シナによる尖閣諸島領空を含めた東シナ海一帯における 「防空識別圏」の一方的な設定は、シナ国防省が....

3時間前 · いいね!..

江洲 和正
尖閣周辺、中国船3隻が領海侵入 ことし初 -
琉球新報 - 沖縄の新聞、地域のニュース
Ryukyu Shimpo
January 13, 2014 case stop the flight of U.S. military helicopter crashed same model

Takaesu Kazumasa
Shimpo Times that do not fit in the ear "sound of military boots" of Chinese military

Shimpo Times that do not fit in the ear "sound of military boots" of Chinese military
Setting one-sided zone in the East China Sea, including the Senkaku Islands airspace by the Chinese military of "air defense identification zone" is .... is Sina Ministry of Defence

I hope 3 hours ago! ..

Takaesu Kazumasa
Territorial waters this year's first invasion Senkaku around, and three ships Chinese ship -
Ryukyu Shimpo - Okinawa newspaper, local news

記事全体はこの↓ページでご覧ください:Please see this page ↓ whole article:
「琉球庶民の革命が琉球独立になってきているが、、、/Revolution of the Ryukyu ordinary people have come to the Ryukyu independen 」

I will continue still↓


2014年01月12日 00時06分19秒 | 日記
When it comes to North Korea and Okinawa , it will not apply the law may change .


Hagiuda Koichi President Special Assistant to the "Committee Chair, said the mess children" Taketomi is "grow up in a child break the rule regardless of the rule. Were compared to athletes not play by any rules politicians and that is against the law "

[ しきちゃん ]

2013/11/14(木) 午前 1:28














2013/11/14 (Thu) 1:28 am

Good evening ♪

North Korea love ! I will say I Shiki -chan . ♪ I also love Okinawa

> Were compared to athletes not play by any rules politicians and that is against the law

But I was such that the problem is really , rather than on whether or not against the law , when it comes to North Korea and Okinawa , it will not apply the law may change .

Even in the case of Antonio Inoki , it is going to be disallowed because it is North Korea .

It is not disallowed this when it was got to go to the United States, you , and it does not matter almost be carried out without permission .

Law is protected in Japan mainland not work only Okinawa .

There is no risk of blame , even breaking the law when it was convenient that is good to the Japanese government .

Trivial is also eliminated Become a " serious problem " when it was that you do not like the government .

By analogy to sports , the same play will be out when your opponent attack , a play that is to hit when their attack is in baseball . Or strike zone changes when the other party to protect and when protect themselves .

This is It is a way of the Japanese government .

Emperor cult Christian nation , this country does not exist , such as democracy .

記事全体はこの↓ページでご覧ください:Please see this page ↓ whole article:
「琉球庶民の革命が琉球独立になってきているが、、、/Revolution of the Ryukyu ordinary people have come to the Ryukyu independen 」


2014年01月09日 23時41分49秒 | 日記
[ Lawless Okinawa good people home until the attack]Police and anti-democratic society forces
Japanese government ー anti-democratic social forces to attack the good people home
Anti-democratic social forces:[ U.S. military base site ー beneficiary organizations ー economic and financial organizations ー the media, police and anti-social forces = gangsters with prosecutors ー court]






Case Study:

[Article] introduce "Special Report: The nest to eat Fukushima decontamination as" homeless deal "" anti-democratic-social forces "" (Reuters, January 8) http://ow.ly/spINd

The coverage the reality that "gangsters", the decontamination work enormous national expenditure is up is to arrange a street person. Without in wages, such as unpaid toll to the weak and continues to worsen, article tells.

In the primary, intermediate exploitation of casual labor has been pointed out originally, also decontamination work, the same structure is seen. Nuclear power plant toll to socially vulnerable goes.

Decontamination waste stacked: Photos
※ the context of the photo and the Reuters article is not.