琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする

"Real society" socialist society ", and" pseudo-society "democratic society". On that subject "

2018年04月14日 17時14分17秒 | 日記

"Real society" socialist society ", and" pseudo-society "democratic society". On that subject "(KuanYan)Yasuhiko Motomura" theory
"Both of freedom of choice"/“現實世界”社會主義社會“”,“準社會”民主社會“”。“寛彥(KuanYan)本村安彥”針對特定理論
“选择的两个自由”)/"현실 사회"사회주의 사회 ''와 '가짜 사회 "민주주의 사회". " 그에 대한 "寛彦 (KuanYan)"모토 무라 야스히코 ""적 이론
"둘 다 선택의 자유"/«Реальный мир» социалистическое общество «», «квази-социального» демократическое общество «». «Kanhiko (KuanYan)» Яжайко Мотомура «» к нему специфически теории
«И свобода выбора»/"Thế giới thực" xã hội xã hội chủ nghĩa "", "" xã hội dân chủ "quasi-xã hội". "Kanhiko (KuanYan)" Yasuhiko Motomura "" để nó đặc biệt Theory
"Cả hai tự do của sự lựa chọn"/Ang "tunay na mundo" sosyalistang lipunan "", "mala-social" demokratikong lipunan "." "Kanhiko (KuanYan)" Yasuhiko Motomura "" dito mismo Theory
"Ang parehong kalayaan ng pagpili"//"العالم الحقيقي" المجتمع الاشتراكي ""، "" المجتمع الديمقراطي "شبه الاجتماعية". "Hirohiko (KuanYan)" ياسوهيكو موتومورا "" لأنه على وجه التحديد نظرية
واضاف "ان حرية الاختيار"////// 「現実社会『社会主義社会』」と、「擬似社会『民主主義社会』」に対する「寛彦(KuanYan)本村安彦」的論

““現實世界”社會主義社會“”,“準社會”民主社會“”。“寛彥(KuanYan)本村安彥”針對特定理論 “選擇的兩個自由”(“现实世界”社会主义社会“”,“准社会”民主社会“”。“寛彦(KuanYan)”本村安彥“”到它具体理论 “选择的两个自由”)
2017/05/08 07:15“

“"Real society" socialist society ", and" pseudo-society "democratic society". On that subject "(KuanYan)Yasuhiko Motomura" theory "Both of freedom of choice"
2017/05/08 07:11“

“"둘 다 선택의 자유"-"현실 사회"사회주의 사회 ''와 '가짜 사회 "민주주의 사회". " 그에 대한 "寛彦 (KuanYan)"모토 무라 야스히코 ""적 이론
17/05/08 07:26 “


 I think that it leads to the "trade-off of benefits and risks" theory. In other words, it will be "freedom of choice" The correct answer to this Global Voice post offer article is. Because corruption is certain to happen, whether it is a "socialist society" system or a "democratic society" system. No matter how far we go, human society is still a "greedy human" society, so "human beings want to live their own way" would be driven by desire.
If so, I think that the main problem will ultimately be narrowed down to the two choices "1" and "2" below. As a matter of course it is important to discuss the problem of the scale of corruption which is also the main agenda of this global voice post thesis.

1. In the society, individuals become "a plus" personality person who can fulfill the duty of social contribution to society. "
2. Or it is also "to become a" minus "personality person" neglecting the duty of social contribution to the society ".

1. Realistic "socialist society" where people can live according to real society "has a possibility of" plus "
A case of "corruption" in "socialist society" where people can live their lives according to real society. It has the disadvantage of being openly unlikely to be perceived. Because in this society it is limited to a limited number of vested interests. However, once a fraud caused by a small number of vested interests is discovered, the speed of correcting corruption is quick. Also, the amount of damage caused by "corruption" in "socialist society" where human beings can live according to real society is small. Because the scale of corruption is limited to a limited number of vested interest groups. However, this "socialist society" in which human beings who live according to real society can live is struggling to accumulate potential capacity of individuals.

Because the benefits of the super information society such as "realizing the environment of the pseudo environment" are relatively small. Compared with "democratic society" which imposes unrealistic way of life for pseudo-democracy. On the other hand, in this society, individuals strive to obtain the benefits of the super information society while struggling with the daily accumulation of potential capacity. And this effort realistically develops the ability of the full development potential of that person's personality afterwards. Furthermore, the possibility that the individual becomes a "plus" character person who can fulfill the duty of social contribution to society at the same time is caused.

2. Unrealistic "democratic society" which can force unrealistic way of living by pseudo-democracy and unrealistic "has a possibility of" minus "
"Democratic society" which imposes unrealistic way of living by pseudo-democracy and unrealistic, "it is difficult to perceive corruption of vested interests. Because in this society the corruption spreads and expands too much to the scale of several percent of the population size in an instant, as society as a whole has already filled with corruption. That is, it is already "too late" at that time when trying to improve. Therefore, the scale and the amount of damage are enormous. In addition, the speed of correcting corruption by vested interests in this "democratic society" is, of course, slow.

Therefore, corruption in "democratic society" where imitationist democracy and unrealistic way of living human beings can be forced to live will be a tremendous amount of damage, and it will be accumulated by the phenomenon occurring in a chain. Even though it is a corruption caused by a vested interest group of only a few percent of the whole nation. That is exactly the case of the "tax evasion of Panama document" problem that it was impossible to elucidate the whole matter.

However, it is true that the freedom of individual potential capacity accumulation is infinite, in this "democratic society" which can force unrealistic way of living with pseudo-democracy. Even if that "freedom" is unrealistic, how unrealistic and fictitious is actually a pseudo environment and truthful information is hidden. Because in this society "a benefit of a super information society including" lies "such as post-to-lose, double speak or fake news" such as "reality environmentization of pseudo environment" can be enjoyed relatively much, Compared with "a socialist society" in which people can live their lives according to real society. Even if the benefits of the super information society are actually unrealistic information about the pseudo environment.

In other words, that of the pseudo "democratic society" is that people who live in the society can easily obtain those who live in the society without having any "effort and struggle" to accumulate the potential capacity of individuals by enjoying the benefits of the super information society It is also to say that it will happen. And it is also a fact that there is the danger that such "negligence / laziness" of a pseudo "democratic society" will lose the possibility of that individual's "full development of personality" afterwards. Moreover, that means that there is the possibility of becoming a "minus" personality person "neglecting the duty of contributing to society to the society in which the individual lives, and there is also the danger of occurrence at the same time." As this shows, the spread of the "Japanese anime" which is "the Japanese culture of the devil itself" and the spread of the Asian region, and the example which has entered the mainland of China now shows it is exactly the diffusion of the merits and demerits of that simulated "democratic society" It can also be said that.

Since the past several thousand years, Ryukyu people have known the "nature of man" of Japanese people. And I am anti-Japanese Ryukyus. I am concerned that the advancement of Asian products by Japanese who is a DNA level liar will advance more and more in the future and "minus" personality will increase production, that your society will rot.

Therefore, I think that it leads to the "trade-off between benefits and risks" theory. In other words, it will be "freedom of choice" The correct answer to this Global Voice post offer article is.

>>Romania's Anti-Corruption Protests and the Burden of Shame

Posted 26 April 2017 13:01 GMT

Protest against corruption – Bucharest 2017 – Piata Victoriei. PHOTO: Mihai Petre (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Wikimedia Commons.

By Ana-Maria Dima

“We only become what we are by the radical and deep-seated refusal of that which others have made of us.”
– Jean Paul Sartre, in his preface to Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth

In the European Union, corruption seems to be Romania’s designated signature. Historically, the country, and indeed the wider region, have battled deeply ingrained practices, often illegal or borderline, designed to influence political and economic outcomes or gain benefits or favours. In the 10 years since Romania joined the EU, in fact, few other words have been as consistently and as repeatedly associated with Romania’s performance and political class. This was the case before the accession as well, when the special Cooperation and Verification Mechanism was set up by the European Commission for Bulgaria and Romania. This measure, which was without precedent in EU integration, was devised to reduce the level of corruption across the board, from the judiciary to high-level politics, but it was also meant to “tackle corruption on all fronts” as progress reports on the mechanism have highlighted.

Anyone living, studying or doing business in Romania—a society where the political class and the administrative apparatus, including nurses, doctors, teachers and police officers, are widely considered corrupt—would find it hard not to develop a mindset dominated by corruption, which is by nature all-pervasive. The need for changes of a “systemic dimension”, as the European Commission’s reports noted early on, have been an issue in Romania for decades now. But the prevalence of the idea of a deeply corrupt society begs some hard questions: are we, as citizens, by association just as corrupt as the “system” surrounding us? Can one escape corruption while being “surrounded” by it?

Romania’s current government was elected less than six months ago. The eruption of street protests in February contesting the Government’s decision to adopt an Emergency Ordinance were viewed largely as a reaction to corruption. The Ordinance, among other measures, decriminalised certain types of official misconduct and would have, at least in the eyes of the public, watered down existing anti-graft legislation. But these protests, the largest since the fall of the Communist regime in 1989, leave behind many questions, especially in a country that has been “tackling corruption on all fronts” for over a decade under governments formed by the National Liberal Party, the Social Democrats, the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania, the Liberal Democrats and others.

Corruption comes in many shapes and forms, including tax evasion, abuse of power, bribes, conflict of interest, money laundering. It hides poverty and dysfunctionality, while concomitantly—and ironically—bringing them to light. But it also carries with it the idea of a tacit, yet omnipresent, complicity, notably in the case of citizens who may lack the understanding or knowledge of other ways to approach state authorities. So it is also a form of induced powerlessness. Anyone who has lived in Romania could be considered tainted as a consequence, for the image of widespread corruption in a country must encompass its citizenry, irrespective of how much they might wish to claim innocence.

So the narrative of corruption has become deeply embedded in our mindset, if not in our practices. The members of Romania’s educated middle class who took to the streets in February seemed weighed down by an odd sense of shame, the kind of shame typically experienced in countries where the citizens are so fixated on imagining places utterly different from their own, that they end up despising themselves and each other in a process of constant wonder. It is the shame of Romanian guest labourers working in the EU, who might be abused in their host countries, but for “better”, if not outright “fairer” pay. And in any case, who is to say that abuse outside of your country is necessarily worse than abuse back home? And do workers whose livelihoods depend on their employers genuinely have a choice between the two?

There’s the bribe one instinctively prepares to offer nurses in hospitals in return for respectful treatment; the expectation that something extra will be demanded from those who want to correctly and fairly do business with the state or at times to receive some basic service; the “small act of attention,” as Romanians call it, needed to expedite a process, or facilitate the issuing of something like a driving licence to someone who passes the exam. But corruption goes beyond conditioning and the desire to influence the actions of public authorities: it becomes a reflex and a metric—if not the metric—against which most things are measured. And in the process we have come to believe that our society is indeed deeply dysfunctional compared to the rest of the EU, a belief that is corroding our sense of trust.

The protests in February brought out the shame deeply ingrained in our perception of ourselves, in a large-scale “go-out into the street and shout your lungs out” or “don’t just sit there, do something about it” kind of way. Our collective inferiority complex is deeply affected by corruption barometers and poverty indexes. We know we rank high on corruption and low on quality of life. We rank high on child poverty rates, highest on intra-EU migration. Poor deals in privatizing state-owned companies, the selling off of large swaths of the country’s arable land in the past ten years (currently half of Romania’s arable land is controlled by non-Romanians), mass migration and high rates of poverty are hardly the result of successful governing mandates. We know too, that we are a “source of cheap labour” for Europe. This lingering sense of inadequacy, this aspirational sense of the Other, living in places that are fair and just and “corruption-free”, these benchmarks which are only to be found far away from home, have permeated our collective imagination.

Yet in this scenario other questions come to light: if we are so profoundly corrupt, how do we handle things? Do we denounce each other? Can it be that the government is not the only corrupt entity, merely the one that is most scrutinized? How have major global companies entering the Romanian market dealt with the corruption, and in turn, how corrupt are they? Who is more corrupt, the government or the business sector? Can we escape the cycle of corruption in ways that do not seek political vindication, but—insofar as such a thing is possible—are still just? And if a system is so intrinsically corrupt, will the old corrupt figures not simply be replaced by others with similar values? The fight against corruption runs the risk of becoming an “eye for an eye” fight if such questions are not at the top of the agenda.

Yet, to have been seen and held in high esteem for protesting against corruption, even if only for a few days, has inspired a sense of pride and unity in Romania. A sense of togetherness that would not be quite so easily marred by shame, if it were not for the practices that occur daily in hospitals, perhaps in schools as well, or in town halls and local councils, where political and administrative leaders can still behave as God-given gifts to the world.

This knowledge no longer manifests only as discontent with our inability to “pull ourselves together”. Expressions such as “vreau o țară ca afară”—literally, to “want a country like countries abroad”—allude to an idealized western space and an imagined life where our sense of inadequacy would no longer haunt us. Romania was for a few days an inspirational place for many, where people took to the streets fiercely, yet peacefully, in order to demand that the corrupt should not be left unpunished, and also to acknowledge that the lingering weight of corruption exists well beyond the political figures who embody it.

We know this all too well, but somehow cannot rid ourselves of the shame of it, a shame that is imposed on us from many fronts, or perhaps one that we acquiesce to living with too lightly.

Ana Maria Dima is a Romanian working in the field of international development. Follow her on Twitter at @AnaMariaDima.



PSD (Social Democratic Party) which has the most corrupt politicians wants to victimize all the people because they gave a gift to a doctor, or to a nurse, for better attention in health care. This is blaming all the people, just to let the PSD politicians to hide themselves when they get bribes of millions of euros.
The high-level corruption destroys Romania.
The high-level corruption is: abuse of power, million dollar bribes, conflict of interest, money laundering.
How can a gift gave to a doctor or nurse destroy a country? It doesn’t have any effect on lack of highways, lack of good infrastructure, lack of schools, hospitals, lack of current water and lack of sewerage on the villages in the countryside?
High-level political corruption determines all the lack of infrastructure, lack of good medical services and finally lack of civilized life.

 26 April 2017, 17:54 pm

Reply to this 

Ana Maria Dima

Thanks for your comment. High-level corruption is definitely part of the problem and probably the biggest part, but many people think that having to ‘give something extra’ is not quite right and that it shouldn’t be happening. It is a bit more nuanced and I was trying to get that message across in my piece.

 29 April 2017, 14:15 pm

기이하게도, 2011년 3월 11일의 후쿠시마 제1 원자력 발전 사고가 증명하고 싶어 “나의 이 24년 전으로부터의 행동이 올바른 것을,

2018年04月09日 10時59分37秒 | 日記


기이하게도, 2011년 3월 11일의 후쿠시마 제1 원자력 발전 사고가 증명하고 싶어 “나의 이 24년 전으로부터의 행동이 올바른 것을, 반경 30킬로미터(직경 60킬로미터) 이내에 사는 1, 200, 000명의 피난 육지가 없는” 것을.

작고 좁은 오키나와 섬. 그런 오키나와 섬에 "핵무기 전용 탄약 창고 '가 존재한다. 그것이 때문에 발생하고있다 "류큐 사람의 일상 생활의 위기" 이것 이야말로 진정한 의미에서의 '오키나와 문제의 본질'이다. 이 긴급 피난으로 "당사자 스스로의 생명의 정당 방위 '행위를하고있는 우리 가족. 그 가정이 피해를 입었다면, ""미국인과 일본인 "국가 미일」에 의한 「비인도적야만 행위"에 의해. 반일 류큐인의 사람들은 모두 '류큐 국의 復国 혹은 독립하게 류큐 민족의 존망을 걸고 생존 길 밖에 남아 있지 않다 "는 결론에 도달하게된다"나는 마찬가지로 " 류큐 전체의 95 %를 차지하는 반일 류큐인 스스로가 "류큐 원래 류큐의 경찰권 및 사법」를 일본에서 만회 류큐인이 인간 다운 생활을하기 위해 오키나와가 일본에서 이탈 해."


(과거 기사를 보시기 바랍니다, 2016년에 나의 가족의 피해의 건을 1부 쓰고 있으므로.

“2018-04-07 17:41:43
그것이 때문에 발생하고있다 "류큐 사람의 일상 생활의 위기" 이것 이야말로 진정한 의“

“1, 200, 000명의 피난 육지가 없는” 것을.“

“작고 좁은 오키나와 섬. 그런 오키나와 섬에 "핵무기 전용 탄약 창고 '가 존재한다. 그것이 때문에 발생하고있다 "류큐 사람의 일상 생활의 위기" 이것 이야말로 진정한 의미에서의 '오키나와 문제의 본질'이다. 이 긴급 피난으로 "당사자 스스로의 생명의 정당 방위 '행위를하고있는 우리 가족.
2018/04/07 14:27“

“기이하게도, 2011년 3월 11일의 후쿠시마 제1 원자력 발전 사고가 증명하고 싶어 “나의 이 24년 전으로부터의 행동이 올바른 것을, 반경 30킬로미터(직경 60킬로미터) 이내에 사는 1, 200, 000명의 피난 육지가 없는” 것을.
2018/04/07 13:49“

“반경 30킬로미터(직경 60킬로미터) 이내에 사는 1, 200, 000명의 피난 육지가 없는” 것을.
18/04/07 07:13“

“기이하게도, 2011년 3월 11일의 후쿠시마 제1 원자력 발전 사고가 증명하고 싶어 “나의 이 24년 전으로부터의 행동이 올바른 것을,

琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm






2018-02-19 15:27:26


『这是真正意义上的“冲绳问题”的本质。2018/2/19(月) 午前 9:47』

2018/02/18 13:14』

2018/02/17 20:11』

18/02/17 13:27』




18/02/20 20:53 』




The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of March 11, 2011 supported it strangely; "there not being 1, 200, 000 refuge land living for my action for these 24 years being right within a radius of 30 kilometers" (60 kilometers in diameter).

『The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of supported it strangely; "there not being refuge land living for my action

『2018-03-13 06:21:29
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of March』

『Fukushima nuclear disaster , supported it strangely; "for my action for being right
2018/3/11(日) 午後 0:22


『Fukushima nuclear disaster , supported it strangely; "for my action for these 24 years being right
18/03/10 16:31 』

『The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of March 11, 2011 supported it strangely; "there not being 1, 200, 000 refuge land living for my action for these 24 years being right within a radius of 30 kilometers" (60 kilometers in diameter).』

琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm

A small and narrow Okinawa island. There is "ammunition warehouse exclusively for nuclear weapons" on such “small and narrow Okinawa island“. It is caused by the "Ryukyu people's everyday life crisis". This is the true nature of the "Okinawa problem" in the true sense. This emergency evacuation "our defense of the life of ourselves" our family acting acts. If the family suffered damage, "by inhuman and savage acts" by "the country of Americans and Japanese", Japan and the United States. People of the anti-Japan Ryukyu people will reach the conclusion that "There is only one way to survive by betting on the existence of the Ryukyu people to restore the Ryukyus country or to do independence", like me.Anti-Japanese Ryukyu people themselves, accounting for 95% of the entire Ryukyus, themselves, "Okinawa Prefecture withdraws from Japan to recapture" Ryukyu's original Ryukyu's police right and justice "from Japan, the Ryukyus people live a human life."

『A small and narrow Okinawa island. There is "ammunition warehouse exclusively for nuclear weapons" on



『2018-03-09 01:32:55
Ryukyu people to restore the Ryukyus country』

『Nuclear weapon. small island.Everyday life crisis. This is “Problem" in the true sense
2018/3/6(火) 午後 0:35


『"ammunition warehouse exclusively for nuclear weapons" on such “small and narrow Okinawa island“. It is caused by the "Ryukyu people's everyday life crisis". This is the true nature of the "Okinawa problem" in the true sense.
2018/02/28 09:50』

『It is caused by the "Ryukyu people's everyday life crisis". .
18/02/27 20:10』

『There is "ammunition warehouse exclusively for nuclear weapons" on such “small and narrow Okinawa island“.』

琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm

(As look at the past article and write part of matter of the damage of my family in 2016.

반경 30킬로미터(직경 60킬로미터) 이내에 사는 1, 200, 000명의 피난 육지가 없는” 것을.

2018年04月07日 07時13分35秒 | 日記


To : Yang-Wei-Ming ..기이하게도, 2011년 3월 11일의 후쿠시마 제1 원자력 발전 사고가 증명하고 싶어 “나의 이 24년 전으로부터의 행동이 올바른 것을, 반경 30킬로미터(직경 60킬로미터) 이내에 사는 1, 200, 000명의 피난 육지가 없는” 것을.

작고 좁은 오키나와 섬. 그런 오키나와 섬에 "핵무기 전용 탄약 창고 '가 존재한다. 그것이 때문에 발생하고있다 "류큐 사람의 일상 생활의 위기" 이것 이야말로 진정한 의미에서의 '오키나와 문제의 본질'이다. 이 긴급 피난으로 "당사자 스스로의 생명의 정당 방위 '행위를하고있는 우리 가족. 그 가정이 피해를 입었다면, ""미국인과 일본인 "국가 미일」에 의한 「비인도적야만 행위"에 의해. 반일 류큐인의 사람들은 모두 '류큐 국의 復国 혹은 독립하게 류큐 민족의 존망을 걸고 생존 길 밖에 남아 있지 않다 "는 결론에 도달하게된다"나는 마찬가지로 " 류큐 전체의 95 %를 차지하는 반일 류큐인 스스로가 "류큐 원래 류큐의 경찰권 및 사법」를 일본에서 만회 류큐인이 인간 다운 생활을하기 위해 오키나와가 일본에서 이탈 해."


To: Yang-Wei-Ming ...意外地,2011年3月11日的福岛第1核电站事故证实,『没有我的这个从24年前开始的行动正确事,向半径30公里(直径60公里)以内生活的1,200,000人的避难陆地』事。



2018-02-19 15:27:26


『这是真正意义上的“冲绳问题”的本质。2018/2/19(月) 午前 9:47』

2018/02/18 13:14』

2018/02/17 20:11』

18/02/17 13:27』


(To: Yang-Wei-Ming ... ..2011年3月11日的福島第1核電站事故也想意外地證明,"沒有半徑30公裡(直徑60公裡)以內渡過我的始自於這個24年前的行動正確的1,200,000個避難陸地的。"




18/02/20 20:53 』




To: Yang-Wei-Ming ... ..The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of March 11, 2011 supported it strangely; "there not being 1, 200, 000 refuge land living for my action for these 24 years being right within a radius of 30 kilometers" (60 kilometers in diameter).

A small and narrow Okinawa island. There is "ammunition warehouse exclusively for nuclear weapons" on such Okinawa island. It is caused by the "Ryukyu people's everyday life crisis". This is the true nature of the "Okinawa problem" in the true sense. This emergency evacuation "our defense of the life of ourselves" our family acting acts. If the family suffered damage, "by inhuman and savage acts" by "the country of Americans and Japanese", Japan and the United States. People of the anti-Japan Ryukyu people will reach the conclusion that "There is only one way to survive by betting on the existence of the Ryukyu people to restore the Ryukyus country or to do independence", like me. Anti-Japanese Ryukyu people themselves, accounting for 95% of the entire Ryukyus, themselves, "Okinawa Prefecture withdraws from Japan to recapture" Ryukyu's original Ryukyu's police right and justice "from Japan, the Ryukyus people live a human life."



2018年04月05日 05時20分10秒 | 日記









琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm

"Counterattack" chapter 1

"Counterattack" chapter 1

"Counterattack" chapter 1

"Counterattack" chapter 1

"Counterattack" chapter 1

"Counterattack" chapter 1

琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm












“Trump: N. Korea agrees to halt missile tests until meeting
Published time: 10 Mar, 2018 18:52
Edited time: 12 Mar, 2018 09:21




“Trump agrees to meet Kim but says ‘sanctions will remain’ until denuclearization deal is reached
Published time: 9 Mar, 2018 00:14
Edited time: 9 Mar, 2018 10:46




琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm

“By the way "Thomas", I tried studying on Internet search this time, about what is pampering work(pacification work (activity)). I sharing to the site of this attached URL "This is what you say" This is the counterfeit, it is your comment on the article about the advertisement of the shit Western "as a trigger"“

琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm


琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm

"Counterattack" chapter 2

"Counterattack" chapter 2

"Counterattack" chapter 2

"Counterattack" chapter 2

"Counterattack" chapter 2

"Counterattack" chapter 2

琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm

琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm














“Trump: N. Korea agrees to halt missile tests until meeting
Published time: 10 Mar, 2018 18:52
Edited time: 12 Mar, 2018 09:21




“Trump agrees to meet Kim but says ‘sanctions will remain’ until denuclearization deal is reached
Published time: 9 Mar, 2018 00:14
Edited time: 9 Mar, 2018 10:46




琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm

“By the way "Thomas", I tried studying on Internet search this time, about what is pampering work(pacification work (activity)). I sharing to the site of this attached URL "This is what you say" This is the counterfeit, it is your comment on the article about the advertisement of the shit Western "as a trigger"“

琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm


琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm

"Counterattack" chapter 2

"Counterattack" chapter 2

"Counterattack" chapter 2

"Counterattack" chapter 2

"Counterattack" chapter 2

"Counterattack" chapter 2

琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm

Protest! !This paper is evil "impression manipulation"

2018年04月03日 16時16分45秒 | 日記


Protest! ! As an anti-Japanese Ryukyu with many Chinese friends. This paper is evil "impression manipulation" of "China, Russia, Iran, Syria" by Western Journal! , "The criticism of the United States as a title was pretended by the author"..

It is this sentence of this fourth paragraph, which is particularly bad:
《Begin with the obvious: Syria represents an assault on the very idea of moral progress. But it's not alone. Around the globe, longstanding legal and ethical norms are being eroded, and the world is being dragged back to a more ruthless, less-enlightened age. China, which may have a ruler-for-life, is chipping away at freedom of navigation in the Western Pacific; Russia has shattered the taboo against wars of aggression and conquest in Ukraine and elsewhere.》

This paper by the Western side. Protest! !This is a paper in which prejudice against Asia is scattered.
Therefore, I protest against this article by the Western side. As a matter of course, "In the East China Sea," while doing the Chinese tribute "" Ryukyu people from the Ryukyus country "who signed international treaties with these three countries in Europe and the United States * 1. :



※ 1. Annotation "" who signed international treaties with these three countries in Europe and the United States "":

『本村 安彦—寛彦(KuanYan)本村安彦

However, the formal diplomatic treaty like the 'world of tolerance' officially dreamed of by the Ryukyu Kingdom who loves the..』



Specifically point out.
First from the headline.
Protest! !This headline is equivalent to what the writer of this paper says:
1. Once America has brought the world a "great moral benefit of democratic powers and the entire global order".
And 2. Once "the United States and the Western countries including Japan" confined 'the conflict between the great powers including America itself and the way to a new dictatorship'.

Protest! !Such headings are obviously different from the facts.
Therefore, the authors of this paper are advertising mistakes.
And is not it like it was not all there? .
Will not all this be all there was? , "This war brought about by the western countries centered on the United States including Japan" that just happened to mind at this moment is:

"" China's Civil War and Taiwan Separation "," Vietnam War "," Iran-Iraq War "," South Korea's Division of North Korea and South Korea War under Cease-fire From 1950 "," Iraq War " ".



next. Protest! !This paper also says that even the "miserable and tragic incident" that happened in April 2017 has been killed from the world:


※2。“Democracy blasphemy is fate of Japan and America! , Impression manipulation method which causes successive new incident-1
2017/04/18 14:36
no image
※2。民主主義冒瀆日本和美國宿命嗎?,不斷地掀起新事件的印象操作手法(民主主义冒渎日本和美国宿命吗?,不断地掀起新事件的印象操作手法)民主褻瀆是日本和美國的命運! ,造成連續新事件的印像操縱方法(民主亵渎是日本和美国的命运! ,造成连续新事件的印象操纵方法)-2
2017/04/18 14:30

※2。“2017-04-18 06:01:47
Democracy blasphemy is fate of Japan and America“


※2。民主主義冒瀆日本和美國宿命嗎?,不斷地掀起新事件的印象操作手法(民主主义冒渎日本和美国宿命吗?,不断地掀起新事件的印象操作手法)民主褻瀆是日本和美國的命運! ,造成連續新事件的印像操縱方法(民主亵渎是日本和美国的命运! ,造成连续新事件的印象操纵方法)-1
2017/04/18 14:28“

2017/4/18(火) 午後 3:46




※. Even at the beginning I pointed out, but as I am an anti-Japanese Ryukyu with many Chinese friends who can not be angry since I encountered the sentence in the fourth paragraph of this paper.
Protest! !The subject is this:
《 China, which may have a ruler-for-life, is chipping away at freedom of navigation in the Western Pacific; Russia has shattered the taboo against wars of aggression and conquest in Ukraine and elsewhere.》

※. Protest! !In this paper, "China and Russia are bad. China and Russia are bad because Syria has become the source of an unstable tendency to drive the global order into crisis. It is a rhetoric based on the premise that it is obvious only that:
《Begin with the obvious: Syria represents an assault on the very idea of moral progress. But it's not alone. Around the globe, longstanding legal and ethical norms are being eroded, and the world is being dragged back to a more ruthless, less-enlightened age. 》


琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm


抗议!! 作为一个有很多中国朋友的抗日琉球。本文是西方杂志对“中国,俄罗斯,伊朗,叙利亚”的邪恶“印象操纵”! ,“美国作为头衔的批评被作者假装”。

“从显而易见的地方开始:叙利亚代表着对道德进步这一观念的攻击。 但它并不孤单。 在全球范围内,长期存在的法律和道德标准正在被侵蚀,世界正在被拖回更加冷酷,不那么开明的时代。 中国可能拥有一个统治者,正在削弱西太平洋的航行自由; 俄罗斯打破了乌克兰和其他地区反对侵略和征服战争的禁忌。“(《Begin with the obvious: Syria represents an assault on the very idea of moral progress. But it's not alone. Around the globe, longstanding legal and ethical norms are being eroded, and the world is being dragged back to a more ruthless, less-enlightened age. China, which may have a ruler-for-life, is chipping away at freedom of navigation in the Western Pacific; Russia has shattered the taboo against wars of aggression and conquest in Ukraine and elsewhere.》)

本文由西方方面。抗议!! 这是一篇对亚洲的偏见分散的论文。
所以我抗议西方这篇文章。当然,“在东海做”中国贡品的时候,“与琉球国家的琉球人”在欧洲和美国与这三个国家签订了国际条约。* 1:



※1。 诠释“与琉球国家的琉球人”在欧洲和美国与这三个国家签订了国际条约。”:“

『本村 安彦—寛彦(KuanYan)本村安彦

However, the formal diplomatic treaty like the 'world of tolerance' officially dreamed of by the Ryukyu Kingdom who loves the..』



抗议!! 这个标题等同于本文的作者所说的:

抗议!! 这些标题显然不同于事实。
是不是它并不是全部? 。
这难道不是所有这一切吗? ,“这场由以日本为中心的美国为中心的西方国家带来的这场战争”在这个时候恰好是重要的是:

“”中国的内战和台湾也分离“”即使是在越南战争‘’伊朗 - 伊拉克战争“”韩国的南北分区,也自1950年以来也朝鲜战争停火礼物“”即使在伊拉克战争。“ ”。



然後。 抗议!! 本文還說,即使是2017年4月發生的“悲慘事件”也已經從世界上被殺害了:



※2。“Democracy blasphemy is fate of Japan and America! , Impression manipulation method which causes successive new incident-1
2017/04/18 14:36
no image
※2。民主主義冒瀆日本和美國宿命嗎?,不斷地掀起新事件的印象操作手法(民主主义冒渎日本和美国宿命吗?,不断地掀起新事件的印象操作手法)民主褻瀆是日本和美國的命運! ,造成連續新事件的印像操縱方法(民主亵渎是日本和美国的命运! ,造成连续新事件的印象操纵方法)-2
2017/04/18 14:30

※2。“2017-04-18 06:01:47
Democracy blasphemy is fate of Japan and America“

※2。民主主義冒瀆日本和美國宿命嗎?,不斷地掀起新事件的印象操作手法(民主主义冒渎日本和美国宿命吗?,不断地掀起新事件的印象操作手法)民主褻瀆是日本和美國的命運! ,造成連續新事件的印像操縱方法(民主亵渎是日本和美国的命运! ,造成连续新事件的印象操纵方法)-1
2017/04/18 14:28“

2017/4/18(火) 午後 3:46




※。 即使在开始的时候我指出,但是因为我是一个抗日琉球,有许多中国朋友,因为我遇到了本文的第四段文字,所以他不会生气。
《中国可能拥有一个统治者,正在削弱西太平洋的航行自由; 俄罗斯打破了乌克兰和其他地区反对侵略和征服战争的禁忌。》(《 China, which may have a ruler-for-life, is chipping away at freedom of navigation in the Western Pacific; Russia has shattered the taboo against wars of aggression and conquest in Ukraine and elsewhere.》)

※。 抗议!! 在这篇文章中,“中国和俄罗斯是不好的。 中国和俄罗斯是不好的,因为叙利亚已成为推动全球秩序陷入危机的不稳定趋势的来源。 这是一个基于前提的修辞,它只是显而易见的:
《从显而易见的地方开始:叙利亚代表着对道德进步这一思想的攻击。 但它并不孤单。 在全球范围内,长期存在的法律和道德标准正在被侵蚀,世界正在被拖回更加冷酷,不那么开明的时代。》(《Begin with the obvious: Syria represents an assault on the very idea of moral progress. But it's not alone. Around the globe, longstanding legal and ethical norms are being eroded, and the world is being dragged back to a more ruthless, less-enlightened age. 》)


琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm