琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

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琉球獨立 本村安彥 2019-02-20

2019年02月23日 23時04分59秒 | 日記
琉球獨立 本村安彥
琉球獨立 本村安彥












他一臉心滿意足的說了,日文:so so so




kpg37785 2019-02-23 11:22:55






Agree of offering email for author to advanced reply.
Kpg37785 2019-02-23 11:22:55

This country is really amazing, sorry, I have no expertise, I can only lead 22K, sorry, my expertise is only, monitor crack guide, free to send



Point download


Agree of offering email for author to advanced reply.

Kpg37785 2019-02-23 11:22:55







琉球獨立 本村安彥


2019年02月20日 16時24分43秒 | 日記

即使你撒谎或装饰,即使你保持一段时间隐藏,有一天真相也会显露出来。/即使你撒謊或裝飾,即使你保持一段時間隱藏,有一天真相也會顯露出來。/Even if you lie with a lie or decorations, even if you keep a period of time hidden, the truth will reveal someday.

包括琉球冲绳期刊在内的日本新闻报道没有任何迹象,“这种危机局势实际上是由非法的”冲绳核裁军“造成的,该裁军于1969年结束,目前正在实施”。 包括琉球冲绳期刊在内的日本新闻没有正义。

INF条约在30多年前以“仅在俄罗斯和美国之间”结束,“美国方面(日美同盟)欺骗俄罗斯方面。”「Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan。=ゆくし むにーや、じょうまでぃんとうらん。= =谎言甚至没有通过大门。 (意思是有一天真相显露出来,即使你撒谎或装饰它,即使你设定一段时间来隐藏)“正如谚语所说的那样琉球。果然,”事实是在1994年冲绳岛上发现的25年前从现在开始。“和2014年前的五年后一样。在此之前,被美方欺骗的俄罗斯方面(日美同盟)证实了这一事实并提出了”一种暗示“冲绳核裁军”的战略“在INF条约的允许范围内。

因此,在俄罗斯方面没有违反INF条约,“美国方面(日美同盟)直到2014年已经欺骗了25年”。此外,它“在不受INF条约约束的范围内”,“俄罗斯如何”与中国和朝鲜合作“如何研究和开发新武器?”相反,违反条约的行为继续否认“冲绳核裁军”的存在至今,即美国方面(日美同盟)。 “美国方面(日美联盟)违背信仰仍然”向俄罗斯方面和世界道歉,并没有悔改“,”支持“冲绳核裁军”的证词和“弹药内阁致力于”核武器,证据照片“已于25年前在冲绳岛亮相。”

因此,“实际上,这个INF问题的本质区域是”在美日联盟地区和中国和朝鲜存在的东亚的琉球群岛冲绳岛的美国军事核武器专用储备的真实存在“它不在欧洲,“我知道有。”:/包括琉球沖繩期刊在內的日本新聞報導沒有任何跡象,“這種危機局勢實際上是由非法的”沖繩核裁軍“造成的,該裁軍於1969年結束,目前正在實施”。 包括琉球沖繩期刊在內的日本新聞沒有正義。

INF條約在30多年前以“僅在俄羅斯和美國之間”結束,“美國方面(日美同盟)欺騙俄羅斯方面。”「Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan。=ゆくし むにーや、じょうまでぃんとうらん。=謊言甚至沒有通過大門。 (意思是有一天真相顯露出來,即使你撒謊或裝飾它,即使你設定一段時間來隱藏)“正如諺語所說的那樣琉球。果然,”事實是在1994年沖繩島上發現的25年前從現在開始。“和2014年前的五年後一樣。在此之前,被美方欺騙的俄羅斯方面(日美同盟)證實了這一事實並提出了”一種暗示“沖繩核裁軍”的戰略“在INF條約的允許範圍內。

因此,在俄羅斯方面沒有違反INF條約,“美國方面(日美同盟)直到2014年已經欺騙了25年”。此外,它“在不受INF條約約束的範圍內”,“俄羅斯如何”與中國和朝鮮合作“如何研究和開發新武器?”相反,違反條約的行為繼續否認“沖繩核裁軍”的存在至今,即美國方面(日美同盟)。 “美國方面(日美聯盟)違背信仰仍然”向俄羅斯方面和世界道歉,並沒有悔改“,”支持“沖繩核裁軍”的證詞和“彈藥內閣致力於”核武器,證據照片“已於25年前在沖繩島亮相。”


There is no indication from Japan's journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa journal, "This crisis situation is actually caused by the illegal" Okinawa nuclear disarmament "which was concluded in 1969 and is currently being implemented about". Japanese journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa journal has no justice.

The INF treaty concluded with "only between Russia and the United States" more than 30 years ago from now, "the US side (Japan-US alliance) deceives the Russian side."『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.=ゆくし むにーや、じょうまでぃんとうらん。= Lie does not pass even to the gate. (Meaning that the truth reveals someday, even if you lie or decorate it, even if you set a period of time to hide) "as the proverb says Ryukyu. Sure enough, "The fact was revealed on Okinawa Island in 1994 25 years ago from now." And 2014 years ago five years from now. Until then, the Russian side who was deceived by the US side (Japan-US alliance) confirmed the fact and made "a strategy that also hints at" Okinawa nuclear disarmament "" within the permissible range of INF treaty.

Therefore, there is no violation of the INF treaty on the Russian side, "25 years have been deceived by the US side (Japan-US alliance) until 2014". Moreover, it is "within the scope not bound by the INF Treaty", "How can Russia" cooperate with China and North Korea "on how to research and develop new weapons?" Rather, the treaty violation continued to deny the existence of "Okinawa nuclear disarmament" to the present day, which is the US side (Japan-US alliance). " The US side (Japan-U.S. Alliance) contrary to faith still "apologizes to the Russian side and the world and has not repented", "The testimony that supports the" Okinawa nuclear disarmament "and" The drawing of the ammunition cabinet dedicated to nuclear weapons, Evidence photo "has already been on the light in Okinawa Island in 1994 25 years ago."

Therefore, "Actually, the region of essence of this INF problem is" the real existence of the US military nuclear weapons dedicated reserves of Okinawa island in the Ryukyu archipelago in the Japan-US alliance area and East Asia where China and North Korea exist " It is not in Europe, "I know there is." :

東京報紙晨報2019年2月3日“/"Europe is concerned about relapse of arms race competition. Russia also stopped the INF treaty.
Tokyo Newspaper Morning Paper on February 3, 2019 "/『欧州、軍拡競争再燃を懸念 ロシアもINF条約停止
東京新聞 2019年2月3日 朝刊』

“- 由此,這次是危機局勢。實際上,這意味著俄羅斯在2014年確認其接近這一事實時取得了成功,“它在1969年得出結論並得到實施,”日美聯盟隱藏的黑暗,“沖繩核裁軍”。
2019/2/13(水) 午後 0:16“
“This INFcrisis.Actually, The Japan-U.S. Alliance has hidden, Okinawa nuclear disarmament about.
2019/2/7(木) 午前 3:22“
2019/2/2(土) 午後 6:17』/"- From this, it is this crisis situation of this time. Actually, this means "It started with what Russia noticed in 2014 on" the dark and Okinawa nuclear densely hidden Japan-US alliance "that was concluded and implemented in 1969" .
2019/2/2 (Sat) 6: 17 pm "
“No pointed out, INFcrisis actually Okinawa nuclear disarmament. It´s main cause. West no justice
2019/2/10(日) 午後 5:15“
“????u l?? khu vực cốt l??i của vấn ??ề INF lần n??y?
2019/2/19(火) 午後 3:16“

“這次INF問題的本質區域在哪裡?。 實際上,不是歐洲,“琉球群島的沖繩島和中國和朝鮮存在的東亞的美軍”。
2019/02/12 18:35“
Where is the region of the essence of this INF problem this time? . Actually, it is not Europe, "the US military on Okinawa island of the Ryukyu archipelago and East Asia where China and North Korea exist".
2019/02/07 02:48
2019/02/02 17:57』/"The region of the essence of this INF problem is actually not Europe," East Asia where China and North Korea exist ".
2019/02/02 17: 57 "
“Like Japan's journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa , there is no pointed out Western journalism, This crisis situation is actually the illegal Okinawa nuclear disarmament that was concluded in 1969 and is still being implemented
2019/02/10 15:06“
“Đâu là khu vực cốt lõi của vấn đề INF lần này? . Trên thực tế, đó không phải là châu Âu, "quân đội Hoa Kỳ trên đảo Okinawa thuộc quần đảo Ryukyu và Đông Á nơi Trung Quốc và Bắc Triều Tiên tồn tại".
2019/02/19 11:55“

“Where is the region of the essence of this INF problem this time? . Actually, it is not Europe,
19/02/07 02:25“
19/02/02 17:33 』/"The region of the essence of this INF problem is actually not Europe," East Asia where China and North Korea exist ".
2019/02/02 17: 33 "
“Like Japan's journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa journal, there is no pointed out
19/02/10 11:41“
“Đâu là khu vực cốt lõi của vấn đề INF lần này? .
19/02/19 10:25“
“这次INF问题的本质区域在哪里?。 实际上,不是欧洲,“琉球群岛的冲绳岛和中国和朝鲜存在的东亚的美军”。
19/02/12 17:01“

“2019-02-07 04:49:33
INF Treaty will result in a military advantage i“
『2019-02-02 21:29:52
今回のこのINF問題の本質の地域、それは実は『中国と北朝鮮が存在する東アジア』である、欧州ではなく』/"2019-02-02 21:29:52
The region of the essence of this INF problem is actually not Europe," East Asia where China and North Korea exist "."
“2019-02-10 17:51:52
No pointed out, INFcrisis main. not justice“
“2019-02-13 12:50:06
- 由此,这次是危机局势。实际上,这意味着俄罗斯在2014年确认其接近这一事实时取得了成功,“它“
“2019-02-19 15:33:49
Đâu là khu vực cốt lõi của vấn đề INF lần này?“

“一些立法者和官员担心INF条约将在中国产生军事优势。由于中国不是条约的缔约国,因此对INF没有任何限制。 唐纳德特朗普总统还对记者说:“首先,我们必须加入这个国家”,这是中国有意识的一句话。 “
“Đâu là khu vực cốt lõi của vấn đề INF lần này? . Trên thực tế, đó không phải là châu Âu, "quân đội Hoa Kỳ trên đảo Okinawa thuộc quần đảo Ryukyu
Where is the region of the essence of this INF problem this time? . Actually, it is not Europe, "the US military on Okinawa island of the Ryukyu archipelago and “
The region of the essence of this INF problem this time is not actually Europe but" East Asia where China and North Korea exist "."
Like Japan's journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa journal, there is no pointed out from Western journalism, "This INFcrisis situation is actual “

“然而,“俄羅斯政府一貫否認條約違規。據國營塔斯社報導,Lyabkov的外交部長說,上個月31日,與美國的談判沒有取得進展,美國的態度是強迫和 接近最後通知。他說,他對於在震動俄羅斯這樣的條件下不能回應對話表示不滿。“
2019/02/13 00:48“
“However, "The Russian government consistently denies the treaty violation. According to the state-run Tas news agency, Lyabkov's foreign minister said Last month 31st that there was no progress in negotiations with the United States,
2019/02/07 03:03“
2019/02/02 18:09』/"- From this, it is this crisis situation of this time. Actually, this means "It started with what Russia noticed in 2014 on" the dark and Okinawa nuclear densely hidden Japan-US alliance "that was concluded and implemented in 1969".As evidence supporting this, this CNN article was written from the middle stage to the latter half, "In fact, the region of the essence of this INF problem is actually" East Asia where China and North Korea exist " , Not Europe. :
2019/02/02 18: 09 "
“No pointed out Western journalism, This INFcrisis situation is actually the illegal Okinawa nuclear disarmament. What is regarded as the main cause . Similar to Japanese journalism including Ryukyu Okinawa , that West Journalism has no justice
2019/02/10 16:10“
“Đâu là khu vực cốt lõi của vấn đề INF lần này? . Trên thực tế, đó không phải là châu Âu, "quân đội Hoa Kỳ trên đảo Okinawa thuộc quần đảo Ryukyu và Đông Á nơi Trung Quốc và Bắc Triều Tiên tồn tại".
2019/02/19 14:35“

Đâu là khu vực cốt lõi của vấn đề INF lần này? .

2019年02月19日 10時25分17秒 | 日記

Đâu là khu vực cốt lõi của vấn đề INF lần này? . Trên thực tế, đó không phải là châu Âu, "quân đội Hoa Kỳ trên đảo Okinawa thuộc quần đảo Ryukyu và Đông Á nơi Trung Quốc và Bắc Triều Tiên tồn tại"./Where is the region of the essence of this INF problem this time? . Actually, it is not Europe, "the US military on Okinawa island of the Ryukyu archipelago and East Asia where China and North Korea exist".

Tuy nhiên, "Chính phủ Nga liên tục phủ nhận vi phạm hiệp ước. Theo hãng thông tấn TAS của nhà nước, Bộ trưởng Ngoại giao Lyabkov cho biết Tháng trước ngày 31 rằng không có tiến triển nào trong các cuộc đàm phán với Hoa Kỳ, thái độ của Hoa Kỳ đang bị ép buộc và gần với thông báo cuối cùng. Ông nói rằng ông không hài lòng khi nói rằng ông không thể trả lời các cuộc đối thoại trong những điều kiện như làm rung chuyển nước Nga "./However, "The Russian government consistently denies the treaty violation. According to the state-run Tas news agency, Lyabkov's foreign minister said Last month 31st that there was no progress in negotiations with the United States, the attitude of the United States is forcending and close to the final notice. He said he was dissatisfied with telling that he could not respond to dialogues under such conditions as to shake Russia. "


- Từ đây, đây là tình huống khủng hoảng lần này. Trên thực tế, điều này có nghĩa là Nga đã tạo được dấu ấn vào năm 2014 khi xác nhận thực tế về sự gần gũi của mình, "Nó được ký kết vào năm 1969 và được thực hiện," Bóng tối mà Liên minh Nhật Bản - Hoa Kỳ đã che giấu, giải trừ vũ khí hạt nhân Okinawa ". Bằng chứng ủng hộ điều này, nó đã được mô tả từ giữa bài báo CNN này đến nửa sau và "Thực tế này, khu vực cốt lõi của vấn đề INF này lần này là" Có một đội quân của đảo Okinawa thuộc quần đảo Ryukyu của Hoa Kỳ và sự tồn tại của Trung Quốc và Bắc Triều Tiên Đông Á "phải làm" chứ không phải châu Âu. :

"Một số nhà lập pháp và quan chức đã lo ngại rằng Hiệp ước INF sẽ mang lại lợi thế quân sự ở Trung Quốc. Vì Trung Quốc không phải là một bên tham gia hiệp ước, nên không có sự kiềm chế nào đối với INF.
Tổng thống Donald Trumph cũng nói với các phóng viên "Trước hết, chúng ta phải thêm đất nước", nhận được như một nhận xét có ý thức của Trung Quốc. "
Chính phủ Nga liên tục phủ nhận vi phạm hiệp ước. Theo hãng thông tấn nhà nước TAS, bộ trưởng ngoại giao của Lyabkov cho biết vào tháng trước ngày 31 rằng không có tiến triển nào trong các cuộc đàm phán với Hoa Kỳ, thái độ của Hoa Kỳ đang bị ép buộc và gần với thông báo cuối cùng. Ông nói rằng ông không hài lòng khi nói rằng ông không thể đáp lại các cuộc đối thoại trong những điều kiện như làm rung chuyển nước Nga./- From this, it is this crisis situation this time. Actually, this means that Russia made its mark in 2014 when it confirmed the fact of its closeness, "It was concluded in 1969 and was implemented," The darkness that the Japan-U.S. Alliance has hidden, Okinawanuclear disarmament ""about. As evidence supporting this, it was described from the middle of this CNN article to the latter half and "This fact, the region of the essence of this INF problem this time is" There is a US army of Okinawa island of the Ryukyu archipelago and existence of China and North Korea East Asia "to do," not Europe. :

"Some lawmakers and officials have fears that the INF Treaty will result in a military advantage in China. As China is not a party to the treaty, there is no restraint on INF.
President Donald Trumph also said to reporters "First of all, we must add the country," which is received as a conscious remark by China. "
The Russian government consistently denies the treaty violation. According to the state-run Tas news agency, Lyabkov's foreign minister said Last month 31st that there was no progress in negotiations with the United States, the attitude of the United States is forcending and close to the final notice. He said he was dissatisfied with telling that he could not respond to dialogues under such conditions as to shake Russia.

"Hoa Kỳ ngăn chặn Hiệp ước xóa bỏ thế giới INF" Nga vi phạm nhiều năm "/"USA stops the INF Treaty of Abolishment of the World" Russia violates many years "/『米、INF全廃条約を停止 「ロシアが長年違反」
2019.02.02 Sat posted at 11:40 JST』


“INF treaty violation.Okinawa nuclear disarmament, which is the US side (Japan-US alliance).
2019/2/9(土) 午後 2:03“
"Continue to deny the fact of the existence of" Okinawa nuclear disarmament ", which is rather an American side (Japan-US alliance) violation of the INF treaty.
2019 2/4 (Monday) 9: 20 "/『INF条約違反はむしろ『沖縄核密約』の存在の事実を今日に至るまで否定し続けたアメリカ側(日米同盟)である
2019/2/4(月) 午前 9:20』
“No pointed out, INFcrisis actually Okinawa nuclear disarmament. It´s main cause. West no justice
2019/2/10(日) 午後 5:15“
“- 由此,這次是危機局勢。實際上,這意味著俄羅斯在2014年確認其接近這一事實時取得了成功,“它在1969年得出結論並得到實施,”日美聯盟隱藏的黑暗,“沖繩核裁軍”。
2019/2/13(水) 午後 0:16“

“這次INF問題的本質區域在哪裡?。 實際上,不是歐洲,“琉球群島的沖繩島和中國和朝鮮存在的東亞的美軍”。
2019/02/12 18:35“
“The INF treaty concluded with "only between Russia and the United States" more than 30 years ago from now, "the US side (Japan-US alliance) deceives the Russian side."『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.
2019/02/08 11:57“
"The INF Treaty concluded with" only between Russia and the United States "more than 30 years ago from now," "The US side (Japan-US alliance) deceives the Russian side" ".『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.=ゆくし むにーや、じょうまでぃんとうらん。= Lie does not pass even to the gate. (Meaning that the truth will reveal someday, even if you lie on one occasion, with lies and decorations) "as the proverb says Ryukyu. Sure enough, "The fact was revealed on Okinawa Island in 1994 25 years ago from now."
2019/02/04 00: 44 "/『INF条約は、今から30年以上も前に『ロシアと、アメリカの間』だけで締結した、「『アメリカ側(日米同盟)が、ロシア側を欺き』ながら」』。『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.=ゆくし むにーや、じょうまでぃんとうらん。=嘘は、門までも通らない。(つまり、うそや飾り事で、たとえ1時期を隠しとおせたとしても、真実はいつか露見するという意味)』の琉球の諺のとおり。案の定、『今から25年前の1994にその事実が沖縄島で明らかになった』。
2019/02/04 00:44』
“Like Japan's journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa , there is no pointed out Western journalism, This crisis situation is actually the illegal Okinawa nuclear disarmament that was concluded in 1969 and is still being implemented
2019/02/10 15:06“

“Like Japan's journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa journal, there is no pointed out
19/02/10 11:41“
“INF.This crisis situation is actually caused by the illegal Okinawa nuclear disarmament
19/02/08 10:59“
"There is no infringement of the INF treaty on the Russian side, the Russian side has been deceived for 25 years until 2014 by the US side (Japan-US alliance).
19/02/04 00: 09 "/『ロシア側のINF条約違反はない、ロシア側はアメリカ側(日米同盟)によって2014年までの25年間も欺かれてきたので。
19/02/04 00:09 』
“这次INF问题的本质区域在哪里?。 实际上,不是欧洲,“琉球群岛的冲绳岛和中国和朝鲜存在的东亚的美军”。
19/02/12 17:01“

“2019-02-13 12:50:06
- 由此,这次是危机局势。实际上,这意味着俄罗斯在2014年确认其接近这一事实时取得了成功,“它“
“2019-02-09 14:50:39
INF problem is Okinawa island not in Europe.“
"2019-02-04 09: 32: 42
The INF treaty concluded concealing the Okinawa nuclear disarmament by Japan and the United States. Yukushi - muni - ya, jyou - mad "/『2019-02-04 09:32:42
“2019-02-10 17:51:52
No pointed out, INFcrisis main. not justice“

“一些立法者和官员担心INF条约将在中国产生军事优势。由于中国不是条约的缔约国,因此对INF没有任何限制。 唐纳德特朗普总统还对记者说:“首先,我们必须加入这个国家”,这是中国有意识的一句话。 “
Even if you lie with a lie or decorations, even if you keep a period of time hidden, the truth will reveal someday “
"February 04, 2019
Even if you lie a time for lashes and decorations since the conclusion of the INF, the truth will reveal someday. This crisis. In fact, the illegal "Okinawa nuclear disarmament" that was concluded in 1969 and still under implementation is the main cause "/『2019年02月04日
Like Japan's journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa journal, there is no pointed out from Western journalism, "This INFcrisis situation is actual “

“然而,“俄羅斯政府一貫否認條約違規。據國營塔斯社報導,Lyabkov的外交部長說,上個月31日,與美國的談判沒有取得進展,美國的態度是強迫和 接近最後通知。他說,他對於在震動俄羅斯這樣的條件下不能回應對話表示不滿。“
2019/02/13 00:48“
There is no violation of the INF treaty on the Russian side, "25 years have been deceived by the US side (Japan-US alliance) until 2014".
2019/02/08 19:30
"Sure enough, according to the proverb of the Ryukyus," That fact was revealed on Okinawa Island in 1994 25 years ago. " And 2014 years five years ago from now. The Russian side who was deceived by the US side (Japan-US alliance) confirmed that fact. And within the tolerance of the INF treaty, with a strategy staring against "Okinawa nuclear disarmament".
2019/02/04 01: 04 "/『案の定、琉球の諺のとおり『今から25年前の1994にその事実が沖縄島で明らかになった』。そして、今から5年前の2014年。それまでアメリカ側(日米同盟)に欺かれてきたロシア側がその事実を確認。そして『沖縄核密約』をも睨んだ戦略をたてた、INF条約の許容範囲内で。
2019/02/04 01:04』
“No pointed out Western journalism, This INFcrisis situation is actually the illegal Okinawa nuclear disarmament. What is regarded as the main cause . Similar to Japanese journalism including Ryukyu Okinawa , that West Journalism has no justice
2019/02/10 16:10“

这次INF问题的本质区域在哪里?。 实际上,不是欧洲,“琉球群岛的冲绳岛和中国和朝鲜存在的东亚的美军”。

2019年02月12日 17時01分47秒 | 日記

这次INF问题的本质区域在哪里?。 实际上,不是欧洲,“琉球群岛的冲绳岛和中国和朝鲜存在的东亚的美军”。/這次INF問題的本質區域在哪裡?。 實際上,不是歐洲,“琉球群島的沖繩島和中國和朝鮮存在的東亞的美軍”。/Where is the region of the essence of this INF problem this time? . Actually, it is not Europe, "the US military on Okinawa island of the Ryukyu archipelago and East Asia where China and North Korea exist".

然而,“俄罗斯政府一贯否认条约违规。据国营塔斯社报道,Lyabkov的外交部长说,上个月31日,与美国的谈判没有取得进展,美国的态度是强迫和 接近最后通知。他说,他对于在震动俄罗斯这样的条件下不能回应对话表示不满。“/然而,“俄羅斯政府一貫否認條約違規。據國營塔斯社報導,Lyabkov的外交部長說,上個月31日,與美國的談判沒有取得進展,美國的態度是強迫和 接近最後通知。他說,他對於在震動俄羅斯這樣的條件下不能回應對話表示不滿。“/However, "The Russian government consistently denies the treaty violation. According to the state-run Tas news agency, Lyabkov's foreign minister said Last month 31st that there was no progress in negotiations with the United States, the attitude of the United States is forcending and close to the final notice. He said he was dissatisfied with telling that he could not respond to dialogues under such conditions as to shake Russia. "


- 由此,这次是危机局势。实际上,这意味着俄罗斯在2014年确认其接近这一事实时取得了成功,“它在1969年得出结论并得到实施,”日美联盟隐藏的黑暗,“冲绳核裁军”。作为支持这一点的证据,从CNN文章的中间部分到后半部分描述了“这个事实,这次INF问题的本质区域是这里”有一个美国军队的冲绳岛琉球群岛和存在中国和朝鲜东亚“要做”,而不是欧洲。 :

唐纳德特朗普总统还对记者说:“首先,我们必须加入这个国家”,这是中国有意识的一句话。 “
俄罗斯政府一贯否认违反条约。根据国营的Tas新闻社报道,Lyabkov的外交部长说,上个月31日,与美国的谈判没有取得进展,美国的态度正在逼近并接近最终通知。他说,他对于在震动俄罗斯的条件下不能回应对话表示不满。/- 由此,這次是危機局勢。實際上,這意味著俄羅斯在2014年確認其接近這一事實時取得了成功,“它在1969年得出結論並得到實施,”日美聯盟隱藏的黑暗,“沖繩核裁軍”。作為支持這一點的證據,從CNN文章的中間部分到後半部分描述了“這個事實,這次INF問題的本質區域是這裡”有一個美國軍隊的沖繩島琉球群島和存在中國和朝鮮東亞“要做”,而不是歐洲。 :

唐納德特朗普總統還對記者說:“首先,我們必須加入這個國家”,這是中國有意識的一句話。 “
俄羅斯政府一貫否認違反條約。根據國營的Tas新聞社報導,Lyabkov的外交部長說,上個月31日,與美國的談判沒有取得進展,美國的態度正在逼近並接近最終通知。他說,他對於在震動俄羅斯的條件下不能回應對話表示不滿。/- From this, it is this crisis situation this time. Actually, this means that Russia made its mark in 2014 when it confirmed the fact of its closeness, "It was concluded in 1969 and was implemented," The darkness that the Japan-U.S. Alliance has hidden, Okinawanuclear disarmament ""about. As evidence supporting this, it was described from the middle of this CNN article to the latter half and "This fact, the region of the essence of this INF problem this time is" There is a US army of Okinawa island of the Ryukyu archipelago and existence of China and North Korea East Asia "to do," not Europe. :

"Some lawmakers and officials have fears that the INF Treaty will result in a military advantage in China. As China is not a party to the treaty, there is no restraint on INF.
President Donald Trumph also said to reporters "First of all, we must add the country," which is received as a conscious remark by China. "
The Russian government consistently denies the treaty violation. According to the state-run Tas news agency, Lyabkov's foreign minister said Last month 31st that there was no progress in negotiations with the United States, the attitude of the United States is forcending and close to the final notice. He said he was dissatisfied with telling that he could not respond to dialogues under such conditions as to shake Russia.

“美国停止了废除世界的INF条约”俄罗斯违反多年“/“美國停止了廢除世界的INF條約”俄羅斯違反多年“/"USA stops the INF Treaty of Abolishment of the World" Russia violates many years "/『米、INF全廃条約を停止 「ロシアが長年違反」
2019.02.02 Sat posted at 11:40 JST』


“INF treaty violation.Okinawa nuclear disarmament, which is the US side (Japan-US alliance).
2019/2/9(土) 午後 2:03“
"Continue to deny the fact of the existence of" Okinawa nuclear disarmament ", which is rather an American side (Japan-US alliance) violation of the INF treaty.
2019 2/4 (Monday) 9: 20 "/『INF条約違反はむしろ『沖縄核密約』の存在の事実を今日に至るまで否定し続けたアメリカ側(日米同盟)である
2019/2/4(月) 午前 9:20』
“No pointed out, INFcrisis actually Okinawa nuclear disarmament. It´s main cause. West no justice
2019/2/10(日) 午後 5:15“

“The INF treaty concluded with "only between Russia and the United States" more than 30 years ago from now, "the US side (Japan-US alliance) deceives the Russian side."『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.
2019/02/08 11:57“
"The INF Treaty concluded with" only between Russia and the United States "more than 30 years ago from now," "The US side (Japan-US alliance) deceives the Russian side" ".『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.=ゆくし むにーや、じょうまでぃんとうらん。= Lie does not pass even to the gate. (Meaning that the truth will reveal someday, even if you lie on one occasion, with lies and decorations) "as the proverb says Ryukyu. Sure enough, "The fact was revealed on Okinawa Island in 1994 25 years ago from now."
2019/02/04 00: 44 "/『INF条約は、今から30年以上も前に『ロシアと、アメリカの間』だけで締結した、「『アメリカ側(日米同盟)が、ロシア側を欺き』ながら」』。『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.=ゆくし むにーや、じょうまでぃんとうらん。=嘘は、門までも通らない。(つまり、うそや飾り事で、たとえ1時期を隠しとおせたとしても、真実はいつか露見するという意味)』の琉球の諺のとおり。案の定、『今から25年前の1994にその事実が沖縄島で明らかになった』。
2019/02/04 00:44』
“Like Japan's journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa , there is no pointed out Western journalism, This crisis situation is actually the illegal Okinawa nuclear disarmament that was concluded in 1969 and is still being implemented
2019/02/10 15:06“

“Like Japan's journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa journal, there is no pointed out
19/02/10 11:41“
“INF.This crisis situation is actually caused by the illegal Okinawa nuclear disarmament
19/02/08 10:59“
"There is no infringement of the INF treaty on the Russian side, the Russian side has been deceived for 25 years until 2014 by the US side (Japan-US alliance).
19/02/04 00: 09 "/『ロシア側のINF条約違反はない、ロシア側はアメリカ側(日米同盟)によって2014年までの25年間も欺かれてきたので。
19/02/04 00:09 』

“2019-02-09 14:50:39
INF problem is Okinawa island not in Europe.“
"2019-02-04 09: 32: 42
The INF treaty concluded concealing the Okinawa nuclear disarmament by Japan and the United States. Yukushi - muni - ya, jyou - mad "/『2019-02-04 09:32:42
“2019-02-10 17:51:52
No pointed out, INFcrisis main. not justice“

Even if you lie with a lie or decorations, even if you keep a period of time hidden, the truth will reveal someday “
"February 04, 2019
Even if you lie a time for lashes and decorations since the conclusion of the INF, the truth will reveal someday. This crisis. In fact, the illegal "Okinawa nuclear disarmament" that was concluded in 1969 and still under implementation is the main cause "/『2019年02月04日
Like Japan's journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa journal, there is no pointed out from Western journalism, "This INFcrisis situation is actual “

There is no violation of the INF treaty on the Russian side, "25 years have been deceived by the US side (Japan-US alliance) until 2014".
2019/02/08 19:30
"Sure enough, according to the proverb of the Ryukyus," That fact was revealed on Okinawa Island in 1994 25 years ago. " And 2014 years five years ago from now. The Russian side who was deceived by the US side (Japan-US alliance) confirmed that fact. And within the tolerance of the INF treaty, with a strategy staring against "Okinawa nuclear disarmament".
2019/02/04 01: 04 "/『案の定、琉球の諺のとおり『今から25年前の1994にその事実が沖縄島で明らかになった』。そして、今から5年前の2014年。それまでアメリカ側(日米同盟)に欺かれてきたロシア側がその事実を確認。そして『沖縄核密約』をも睨んだ戦略をたてた、INF条約の許容範囲内で。
2019/02/04 01:04』
“No pointed out Western journalism, This INFcrisis situation is actually the illegal Okinawa nuclear disarmament. What is regarded as the main cause . Similar to Japanese journalism including Ryukyu Okinawa , that West Journalism has no justice
2019/02/10 16:10“

Like Japan's journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa journal, there is no pointed out

2019年02月10日 11時41分00秒 | 日記


Like Japan's journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa journal, there is no pointed out from Western journalism, "This crisis situation is actually the illegal" Okinawa nuclear disarmament "that was concluded in 1969 and is still being implemented About what is regarded as the main cause ". Similar to Japanese journalism including Ryukyu Okinawa journal, which shows that West Journalism has no justice.

"Formal notice to abolish the INF treaty to the United States and Russia"/『米、ロシアにINF条約の破棄を正式通告』

“INF treaty violation.Okinawa nuclear disarmament, which is the US side (Japan-US alliance).
2019/2/9(土) 午後 2:03“
2019/2/4(月) 午前 9:20』

“The INF treaty concluded with "only between Russia and the United States" more than 30 years ago from now, "the US side (Japan-US alliance) deceives the Russian side."『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.
2019/02/08 11:57“
『INF条約は、今から30年以上も前に『アメリカ側(日米同盟)が、ロシア側を欺きながら『ロシアと、アメリカの間』だけで締結した。『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.=ゆくし むにーや、じょうまでぃんとうらん。=嘘は門までも通らない。(つまり、うそや飾り事で、たとえ1時期を隠しとおせたとしても、真実はいつか露見するという意味)』の琉球の諺のとおり案の定、『今から25年前の1994にその事実が沖縄島で明らかになった』。
2019/02/04 00:44』

『INF.This crisis situation is actually caused by the illegal Okinawa nuclear disarmament
19/02/08 10:59』
19/02/04 00:09』

“2019-02-09 14:50:39
INF problem is Okinawa island not in Europe.“
『2019-02-04 09:32:42

Even if you lie with a lie or decorations, even if you keep a period of time hidden, the truth will reveal someday “

There is no violation of the INF treaty on the Russian side, "25 years have been deceived by the US side (Japan-US alliance) until 2014".
2019/02/08 19:30
2019/02/04 01:04』

"USA stops the INF Treaty of Abolishment of the World" Russia violates many years "/『米、INF全廃条約を停止 「ロシアが長年違反」
2019.02.02 Sat posted at 11:40 JST』


“INF treaty violation.Okinawa nuclear disarmament, which is the US side (Japan-US alliance).
2019/2/9(土) 午後 2:03“
"Continue to deny the fact of the existence of" Okinawa nuclear disarmament ", which is rather an American side (Japan-US alliance) violation of the INF treaty.
2019 2/4 (Monday) 9: 20 "/『INF条約違反はむしろ『沖縄核密約』の存在の事実を今日に至るまで否定し続けたアメリカ側(日米同盟)である
2019/2/4(月) 午前 9:20』

“The INF treaty concluded with "only between Russia and the United States" more than 30 years ago from now, "the US side (Japan-US alliance) deceives the Russian side."『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.
2019/02/08 11:57“
"The INF Treaty concluded with" only between Russia and the United States "more than 30 years ago from now," "The US side (Japan-US alliance) deceives the Russian side" ".『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.=ゆくし むにーや、じょうまでぃんとうらん。= Lie does not pass even to the gate. (Meaning that the truth will reveal someday, even if you lie on one occasion, with lies and decorations) "as the proverb says Ryukyu. Sure enough, "The fact was revealed on Okinawa Island in 1994 25 years ago from now."
2019/02/04 00: 44 "/『INF条約は、今から30年以上も前に『ロシアと、アメリカの間』だけで締結した、「『アメリカ側(日米同盟)が、ロシア側を欺き』ながら」』。『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.=ゆくし むにーや、じょうまでぃんとうらん。=嘘は、門までも通らない。(つまり、うそや飾り事で、たとえ1時期を隠しとおせたとしても、真実はいつか露見するという意味)』の琉球の諺のとおり。案の定、『今から25年前の1994にその事実が沖縄島で明らかになった』。
2019/02/04 00:44』

『INF.This crisis situation is actually caused by the illegal Okinawa nuclear disarmament
19/02/08 10:59』
"There is no infringement of the INF treaty on the Russian side, the Russian side has been deceived for 25 years until 2014 by the US side (Japan-US alliance).
19/02/04 00: 09 "/『ロシア側のINF条約違反はない、ロシア側はアメリカ側(日米同盟)によって2014年までの25年間も欺かれてきたので。
19/02/04 00:09 』

“2019-02-09 14:50:39
INF problem is Okinawa island not in Europe.“
"2019-02-04 09: 32: 42
The INF treaty concluded concealing the Okinawa nuclear disarmament by Japan and the United States. Yukushi - muni - ya, jyou - mad "/『2019-02-04 09:32:42

Even if you lie with a lie or decorations, even if you keep a period of time hidden, the truth will reveal someday “
"February 04, 2019
Even if you lie a time for lashes and decorations since the conclusion of the INF, the truth will reveal someday. This crisis. In fact, the illegal "Okinawa nuclear disarmament" that was concluded in 1969 and still under implementation is the main cause "/『2019年02月04日

There is no violation of the INF treaty on the Russian side, "25 years have been deceived by the US side (Japan-US alliance) until 2014".
2019/02/08 19:30
"Sure enough, according to the proverb of the Ryukyus," That fact was revealed on Okinawa Island in 1994 25 years ago. " And 2014 years five years ago from now. The Russian side who was deceived by the US side (Japan-US alliance) confirmed that fact. And within the tolerance of the INF treaty, with a strategy staring against "Okinawa nuclear disarmament".
2019/02/04 01: 04 "/『案の定、琉球の諺のとおり『今から25年前の1994にその事実が沖縄島で明らかになった』。そして、今から5年前の2014年。それまでアメリカ側(日米同盟)に欺かれてきたロシア側がその事実を確認。そして『沖縄核密約』をも睨んだ戦略をたてた、INF条約の許容範囲内で。
2019/02/04 01:04』

Even if you lie with a lie or decorations, even if you keep a period of time hidden, the truth will reveal someday.

There is no indication from Japan's journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa journal, "This crisis situation is actually caused by the illegal" Okinawa nuclear disarmament "which was concluded in 1969 and is currently being implemented about". Japanese journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa journal has no justice.

The INF treaty concluded with "only between Russia and the United States" more than 30 years ago from now, "the US side (Japan-US alliance) deceives the Russian side."『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.=ゆくし むにーや、じょうまでぃんとうらん。= Lie does not pass even to the gate. (Meaning that the truth reveals someday, even if you lie or decorate it, even if you set a period of time to hide) "as the proverb says Ryukyu. Sure enough, "The fact was revealed on Okinawa Island in 1994 25 years ago from now." And 2014 years ago five years from now. Until then, the Russian side who was deceived by the US side (Japan-US alliance) confirmed the fact and made "a strategy that also hints at" Okinawa nuclear disarmament "" within the permissible range of INF treaty.

Therefore, there is no violation of the INF treaty on the Russian side, "25 years have been deceived by the US side (Japan-US alliance) until 2014". Moreover, it is "within the scope not bound by the INF Treaty", "How can Russia" cooperate with China and North Korea "on how to research and develop new weapons?" Rather, the treaty violation continued to deny the existence of "Okinawa nuclear disarmament" to the present day, which is the US side (Japan-US alliance). " The US side (Japan-U.S. Alliance) contrary to faith still "apologizes to the Russian side and the world and has not repented", "The testimony that supports the" Okinawa nuclear disarmament "and" The drawing of the ammunition cabinet dedicated to nuclear weapons, Evidence photo "has already been on the light in Okinawa Island in 1994 25 years ago."

Therefore, "Actually, the region of essence of this INF problem is" the real existence of the US military nuclear weapons dedicated reserves of Okinawa island in the Ryukyu archipelago in the Japan-US alliance area and East Asia where China and North Korea exist " It is not in Europe, "I know there is." :

"Europe is concerned about relapse of arms race competition. Russia also stopped the INF treaty.
Tokyo Newspaper Morning Paper on February 3, 2019 "/『欧州、軍拡競争再燃を懸念 ロシアもINF条約停止
東京新聞 2019年2月3日 朝刊』

INF.This crisis situation is actually caused by the illegal Okinawa nuclear disarmament

2019年02月08日 10時59分45秒 | 日記

Even if you lie with a lie or decorations, even if you keep a period of time hidden, the truth will reveal someday.

There is no indication from Japan's journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa journal, "This crisis situation is actually caused by the illegal" Okinawa nuclear disarmament "which was concluded in 1969 and is currently being implemented about". Japanese journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa journal has no justice.

The INF treaty concluded with "only between Russia and the United States" more than 30 years ago from now, "the US side (Japan-US alliance) deceives the Russian side."『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.=ゆくし むにーや、じょうまでぃんとうらん。= Lie does not pass even to the gate. (Meaning that the truth reveals someday, even if you lie or decorate it, even if you set a period of time to hide) "as the proverb says Ryukyu. Sure enough, "The fact was revealed on Okinawa Island in 1994 25 years ago from now." And 2014 years ago five years from now. Until then, the Russian side who was deceived by the US side (Japan-US alliance) confirmed the fact and made "a strategy that also hints at" Okinawa nuclear disarmament "" within the permissible range of INF treaty.

Therefore, there is no violation of the INF treaty on the Russian side, "25 years have been deceived by the US side (Japan-US alliance) until 2014". Moreover, it is "within the scope not bound by the INF Treaty", "How can Russia" cooperate with China and North Korea "on how to research and develop new weapons?" Rather, the treaty violation continued to deny the existence of "Okinawa nuclear disarmament" to the present day, which is the US side (Japan-US alliance). " The US side (Japan-U.S. Alliance) contrary to faith still "apologizes to the Russian side and the world and has not repented", "The testimony that supports the" Okinawa nuclear disarmament "and" The drawing of the ammunition cabinet dedicated to nuclear weapons, Evidence photo "has already been on the light in Okinawa Island in 1994 25 years ago."

Therefore, "Actually, the region of essence of this INF problem is" the real existence of the US military nuclear weapons dedicated reserves of Okinawa island in the Ryukyu archipelago in the Japan-US alliance area and East Asia where China and North Korea exist " It is not in Europe, "I know there is." :

"Europe is concerned about relapse of arms race competition. Russia also stopped the INF treaty.
Tokyo Newspaper Morning Paper on February 3, 2019 "/『欧州、軍拡競争再燃を懸念 ロシアもINF条約停止
東京新聞 2019年2月3日 朝刊』

“This INFcrisis.Actually, The Japan-U.S. Alliance has hidden, Okinawa nuclear disarmament about.
2019/2/7(木) 午前 3:22“
2019/2/2(土) 午後 6:17』/"- From this, it is this crisis situation of this time. Actually, this means "It started with what Russia noticed in 2014 on" the dark and Okinawa nuclear densely hidden Japan-US alliance "that was concluded and implemented in 1969" .
2019/2/2 (Sat) 6: 17 pm "

Where is the region of the essence of this INF problem this time? . Actually, it is not Europe, "the US military on Okinawa island of the Ryukyu archipelago and East Asia where China and North Korea exist".
2019/02/07 02:48
2019/02/02 17:57』/"The region of the essence of this INF problem is actually not Europe," East Asia where China and North Korea exist ".
2019/02/02 17: 57 "

“Where is the region of the essence of this INF problem this time? . Actually, it is not Europe,
19/02/07 02:25“
19/02/02 17:33 』/"The region of the essence of this INF problem is actually not Europe," East Asia where China and North Korea exist ".
2019/02/02 17: 33 "

“2019-02-07 04:49:33
INF Treaty will result in a military advantage i“
『2019-02-02 21:29:52
今回のこのINF問題の本質の地域、それは実は『中国と北朝鮮が存在する東アジア』である、欧州ではなく』/"2019-02-02 21:29:52
The region of the essence of this INF problem is actually not Europe," East Asia where China and North Korea exist "."

Where is the region of the essence of this INF problem this time? . Actually, it is not Europe, "the US military on Okinawa island of the Ryukyu archipelago and “
The region of the essence of this INF problem this time is not actually Europe but" East Asia where China and North Korea exist "."

“However, "The Russian government consistently denies the treaty violation. According to the state-run Tas news agency, Lyabkov's foreign minister said Last month 31st that there was no progress in negotiations with the United States,
2019/02/07 03:03“
2019/02/02 18:09』/"- From this, it is this crisis situation of this time. Actually, this means "It started with what Russia noticed in 2014 on" the dark and Okinawa nuclear densely hidden Japan-US alliance "that was concluded and implemented in 1969".As evidence supporting this, this CNN article was written from the middle stage to the latter half, "In fact, the region of the essence of this INF problem is actually" East Asia where China and North Korea exist " , Not Europe. :
2019/02/02 18: 09 "


Like Japan's journalism including the Ryukyu Okinawa journal, there is no pointed out from Western journalism, "This crisis situation is actually the illegal" Okinawa nuclear disarmament "that was concluded in 1969 and is still being implemented About what is regarded as the main cause ". Similar to Japanese journalism including Ryukyu Okinawa journal, which shows that West Journalism has no justice.

"Formal notice to abolish the INF treaty to the United States and Russia"/『米、ロシアにINF条約の破棄を正式通告』

Where is the region of the essence of this INF problem this time? . Actually, it is not Europe,

2019年02月07日 02時25分33秒 | 日記

Where is the region of the essence of this INF problem this time? . Actually, it is not Europe, "the US military on Okinawa island of the Ryukyu archipelago and East Asia where China and North Korea exist".

However, "The Russian government consistently denies the treaty violation. According to the state-run Tas news agency, Lyabkov's foreign minister said Last month 31st that there was no progress in negotiations with the United States, the attitude of the United States is forcending and close to the final notice. He said he was dissatisfied with telling that he could not respond to dialogues under such conditions as to shake Russia. "


- From this, it is this crisis situation this time. Actually, this means that Russia made its mark in 2014 when it confirmed the fact of its closeness, "It was concluded in 1969 and was implemented," The darkness that the Japan-U.S. Alliance has hidden, Okinawa nuclear disarmament ""about. As evidence supporting this, it was described from the middle of this CNN article to the latter half and "This fact, the region of the essence of this INF problem this time is" There is a US army of Okinawa island of the Ryukyu archipelago and existence of China and North Korea East Asia "to do," not Europe. :

"Some lawmakers and officials have fears that the INF Treaty will result in a military advantage in China. As China is not a party to the treaty, there is no restraint on INF.
President Donald Trumph also said to reporters "First of all, we must add the country," which is received as a conscious remark by China. "
The Russian government consistently denies the treaty violation. According to the state-run Tas news agency, Lyabkov's foreign minister said Last month 31st that there was no progress in negotiations with the United States, the attitude of the United States is forcending and close to the final notice. He said he was dissatisfied with telling that he could not respond to dialogues under such conditions as to shake Russia.

"USA stops the INF Treaty of Abolishment of the World" Russia violates many years "/『米、INF全廃条約を停止 「ロシアが長年違反」
2019.02.02 Sat posted at 11:40 JST』


"Continue to deny the fact of the existence of" Okinawa nuclear disarmament ", which is rather an American side (Japan-US alliance) violation of the INF treaty.
2019 2/4 (Monday) 9: 20 "/『INF条約違反はむしろ『沖縄核密約』の存在の事実を今日に至るまで否定し続けたアメリカ側(日米同盟)である
2019/2/4(月) 午前 9:20』

"The INF Treaty concluded with" only between Russia and the United States "more than 30 years ago from now," "The US side (Japan-US alliance) deceives the Russian side" ".『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.=ゆくし むにーや、じょうまでぃんとうらん。= Lie does not pass even to the gate. (Meaning that the truth will reveal someday, even if you lie on one occasion, with lies and decorations) "as the proverb says Ryukyu. Sure enough, "The fact was revealed on Okinawa Island in 1994 25 years ago from now."
2019/02/04 00: 44 "/『INF条約は、今から30年以上も前に『ロシアと、アメリカの間』だけで締結した、「『アメリカ側(日米同盟)が、ロシア側を欺き』ながら」』。『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.=ゆくし むにーや、じょうまでぃんとうらん。=嘘は、門までも通らない。(つまり、うそや飾り事で、たとえ1時期を隠しとおせたとしても、真実はいつか露見するという意味)』の琉球の諺のとおり。案の定、『今から25年前の1994にその事実が沖縄島で明らかになった』。
2019/02/04 00:44』

"There is no infringement of the INF treaty on the Russian side, the Russian side has been deceived for 25 years until 2014 by the US side (Japan-US alliance).
19/02/04 00: 09 "/『ロシア側のINF条約違反はない、ロシア側はアメリカ側(日米同盟)によって2014年までの25年間も欺かれてきたので。
19/02/04 00:09 』

"2019-02-04 09: 32: 42
The INF treaty concluded concealing the Okinawa nuclear disarmament by Japan and the United States. Yukushi - muni - ya, jyou - mad "/『2019-02-04 09:32:42

"February 04, 2019
Even if you lie a time for lashes and decorations since the conclusion of the INF, the truth will reveal someday. This crisis. In fact, the illegal "Okinawa nuclear disarmament" that was concluded in 1969 and still under implementation is the main cause "/『2019年02月04日

"Sure enough, according to the proverb of the Ryukyus," That fact was revealed on Okinawa Island in 1994 25 years ago. " And 2014 years five years ago from now. The Russian side who was deceived by the US side (Japan-US alliance) confirmed that fact. And within the tolerance of the INF treaty, with a strategy staring against "Okinawa nuclear disarmament".
2019/02/04 01: 04 "/『案の定、琉球の諺のとおり『今から25年前の1994にその事実が沖縄島で明らかになった』。そして、今から5年前の2014年。それまでアメリカ側(日米同盟)に欺かれてきたロシア側がその事実を確認。そして『沖縄核密約』をも睨んだ戦略をたてた、INF条約の許容範囲内で。
2019/02/04 01:04』


2019年02月04日 00時09分46秒 | 日記



INF条約は、今から30年以上も前に『アメリカ側(日米同盟)が、ロシア側を欺きながら『ロシアと、アメリカの間』だけで締結した。『Yukushiーmuniーya,jyouーmadinーturan.=ゆくし むにーや、じょうまでぃんとうらん。=嘘は門までも通らない。(つまり、うそや飾り事で、たとえ1時期を隠しとおせたとしても、真実はいつか露見するという意味)』の琉球の諺のとおり案の定、『今から25年前の1994にその事実が沖縄島で明らかになった』。そして今から5年前の2014年。それまでアメリカ側(日米同盟)に欺かれてきたロシア側がその事実を確認し、『沖縄核密約』をも睨んだ戦略をたてた、INF条約の許容範囲内で。



『欧州、軍拡競争再燃を懸念 ロシアもINF条約停止
東京新聞 2019年2月3日 朝刊』

2019/2/2(土) 午後 6:17』

2019/02/02 17:57』

19/02/02 17:33 』

『2019-02-02 21:29:52


2019/02/02 18:09』





2019年02月02日 17時33分17秒 | 日記






inRead invented by Teads

『米、INF全廃条約を停止 「ロシアが長年違反」
2019.02.02 Sat posted at 11:40 JST』
