琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

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琉球(沖縄)独立を急ぐしかないな。Ryukyu ( Okinawa) independent for Ryukyu people

2014年01月13日 15時01分03秒 | 日記
, , , With the Amami , I should hasten the Ryukyu ( Okinawa) independent for Ryukyu people play a decent self-reliance as a human being again .






This problem ↓, beginning of things was "leaving Ryukyu (Okinawa ) " began to emerged by increasing independence and Ryukyu Aiden tea at the time in April 2012 .

Thereby, Ishihara was a highly paid already at that time . It was a head over the purchase of Okinawa ignored felt the crisis of influence loss to Ryukyu .

Then , plot construction fictional " crisis " of Japan , China and the United States government, which envisaged a chain interest balance adherence of the Ryukyu Islands of eternity were made . Thereby, the property was and sea coast of the Ryukyu people of 1.4 million people began to come to be impaired . At the same time as economic freedom and a variety of Ryukyu people is limited .

On the other hand is ,

Ishihara himself has been praised by many Japanese . At the same time praised the power of Japan , China and the U.S. In addition, per the leader of the political party of Japan national politics in the hand the platinum handshake , and continues to get the revenue expensive to prominence of " runaway old man " .

, , , With the Amami , I should hasten the Ryukyu ( Okinawa) independent for Ryukyu people play a decent self-reliance as a human being again .


勝手に変えるな! - 通常国会で憲法解釈変更 政府検討、集団的自衛権(共同) http://www.47news.jp/CN/201401/CN2014011201001224.html

47NEWS > 共同ニュース
Reiko Chiba

Do not change on its own -! Constitutional interpretation change government discussed in ordinary session of the Diet, the right to collective self-defense (joint) http://www.47news.jp/CN/201401/CN2014011201001224.html

47NEWS> Kyodo News



2014/01/12 18:37 【共同通信】
The 12th, the government entered the study in the direction to do in regular session in the interpretation of the Constitution change to tolerate the right of collective self-defense exercise.

The "Council on restructuring of the legal basis of security" that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been installed, is scheduled to be submitted to the government in April a report to tolerate exercise, government policies until the session end after receiving it is expected to come up with.

It is expected that legislation developed with the interpretation change is extraordinary Diet session later in the fall.

Yosuke Isozaki assistant to the prime minister in charge of security said on Tuesday told reporters in Tokyo. It convened on May 24, June 22 is the year-end meeting if there is no extension to the ordinary Diet session.

2014/01/12 18:37 [Kyodo News]

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I will continue still↓