琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

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琉球沖縄とアジアの人々の国-2/Country of people of Asia and Ryukyu Okinawa-2

2014年01月21日 16時47分17秒 | 日記
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琉球沖縄とアジアの人々の国-2/Country of people of Asia and Ryukyu Okinawa-2







Once again , the beginning of the thing was "leaving Ryukyu (Okinawa ) " began to emerged by increasing independence and Ryukyu ( Okinawa) Aiden tea at the time in April 2012 .
Shintaro Ishihara was governor Tokyo ( budget equivalent to the national budget of Mexico and South Korea in some cases) of those days . It was declared the Senkaku decisive battle " over the head " of Okinawa Ignore Shintaro Ishihara was such a well-paid worker .

Then, the plot fiction " crisis " by wealthy Japan , China , the U.S. ( finance) .

Economic freedom and a variety of limited property was the sea coast and the Ryukyu 1.4 million (Okinawa ) person is impaired by it .

On the other hand , Shintaro Ishihara, the person of the real culprit is praised , has been praised from the power of the ( financial ) wealthy Japan , China and the United States .

At the same time, about the leader of the parliamentary party of Japan in the hand the platinum handshake , and continues to get the revenue expensive to prominence .

With the Amami , I should hasten the Ryukyu ( Okinawa) independent for Ryukyu people play a decent self-reliance as a human being again .

양육정 Okinawa was leave Japan

That's right. It's a sight to see how far the Japanese media can do silence!

양육정 so sad T-T all those pictures make me so mad

Japanese soldiers did the same thing also in Okinawa. Okinawans also share the same anger.

양육정 Those people who think China and not Japan Nazi, are just ignorant and stupid, they really dont know the real threat

Wong Dora They are either absent mind or with retarded heart

Of normalization talks at the time of the conclusion of Japan and China in 1972 "silence clause" cause. Shelved theory of the Senkaku Islands is famous. In fact, at the same time, the Chinese government and the Japanese government has negotiated with the negative legacy of each other not reported.

Alfredo Telles Mosquera yeah!!! The battle of Okinawa
Hiroshima and Nagasaki too
terrible atomic bombs
The war is for "economic interests" only this.

The nuclear weapons storage. In fact, it is done in such Okinawa. Japan while deception in the "bombed the only country" and "three non-nuclear principles" to the international community it.

Kofi Timeさんが質問を投稿しました。

This is an outrage!

also google yahoo also can not be displayed.

1994年5月11日の辺野古弾薬庫/Henoko arsenal of May 11, 1994

Henoko arsenal of May 11, 1994. It is one of the base where there are storage warehouse of nuclear weapons only based on Okinawa nuclear secret pact has been reported to the U.S. military base.
It would violate national policy of Japan and "three non-nuclear principles" of Article 9 in the "Weapons of mass destruction".

2011年5月30日と8月13日の辺野古弾薬庫/Henoko arsenal of August 13 and May 30, 2011



↓検索(在日米軍の核 - 山崎淑子の「生き抜く」ジャーナル!)<... NBC長崎放送 報道局-関口達夫さん渾身のアメリカ取材レポート=TBS報道特集:『今タブーを破る!>


Following URL accusation of " core which is sealed ," which was broadcast on NBC Nagasakihoso at midnight on the 30th of the 5th after the raid to Urasoe police station home on May 24, 2011 three years before the " Okinawa nuclear secret agreement " is a video coverage . I also recorded appearance .

In addition , this report is five p.m. Saturday 13 to threatened Urasoe police station and Okinawa Women's Center is to restrain his wife in August 12 the same year of its three months later , it hits on the day following the day on which was kidnapped my daughter it has been broadcast again in TBS news feature from the half .

"Nuclear 4_CIA of 20,110,813 U.S. military in Okinawa in the nucleus during training ... " I use as part of the finish in the second half of the last image of Dereruere , a former U.S. soldier is my image . In addition , the term " architect of Okinawa" casters et al use the " confidentiality of nuclear 5_ U.S. forces in Japan 20,110,813 of U.S. forces in Japan " ending of the show we are talking about me.

↓ Search ( nucleus of U.S. forces in Japan - Yoshiko Yamazaki and " survive " journal !) <... NBC news bureau Nagasakihoso - American coverage report = TBS special coverage of the whole body Sekiguchi Tatsuo : to break the " taboo now ! >

The '17 before ↓

1994年5月11日の辺野古弾薬庫/Henoko arsenal of May 11, 1994

Henoko arsenal of May 11, 1994.
It is one of the base where there are storage warehouse of nuclear weapons only based on Okinawa nuclear secret pact has been reported to the U.S. military base.
It would violate national policy of Japan and "three non-nuclear principles" of Article 9 in the "Weapons of mass destruction".

彼らは1995年の10,21以来、既存基地の即時撤去を言うのを彼らは止めにしているが、私はそれを貫いている/They have to stop they 10, 21 since 1995, to say the immediate removal of the existing base, but I'm through it

The writing staff, there is light and shade, but, or a civil servant in Japan, they have activities and fund financial resources from a population that continues to received a military land rent of U.S. military bases and aid from the Government of Japan today once . It is pro-Japanese of Okinawa Governor Nakaima like everyone speaking at that point.

In the past, Okinawa, the Japanese government had to control the Ryukyu people of pro-Japanese of the 5% to hold 100 percent of the Ryukyu people the "power and wealth and fame." However, the revolution of the common people of Ryukyu 95% our boundary August 15, 1994 19 years ago, it is funny that has become the Ryukyu independence.

But they've have continued to silence this 19 years, the important phenomenon.

Ryukyu people, which is used to bluff of the population that continues aim is to get a military land rent of U.S. military bases and aid from the Japanese government of the pro-Japanese Ryukyu people of the 5% of "Ryukyu independently" that the thing to notice early.

I was sixtieth birthday last year, but there is no possibility that it will be imprisoned or have been dominated by both physically and spiritually both from anyone this 60 years. Ryukyu people like 95% of other living in won fair and square Copy all the Baie is a true Ryukyu people. It is to isolate the last 20 years by the fact that through '20 that the position that different standing with them.

In other words, they had become a pro-Japanese and flatter in Japanese hiding in the Ryukyu people until yesterday. It is that it is flowing in the same direction right now they the same ruling of the 5% only about remains wrote Cross-legged on the seat nonchalant as it is called? Whether.

Ryukyu people true of 95% of all our citizens, it does not now and now, even yesterday was or become a pro-Japanese and Japanese or flatter.

In fact, to the co-author and out this doing this also is not a flow for the common people of the Ryukyu true.

They's a mistake the means for the end Nakaima Governor of Okinawa Prefecture same, this is a fine line of distinction between vested interests of maintaining pro-Japanese.

As proof, they have to stop they 10, 21 since 1995, to say the immediate removal of the existing base, but I'm through it.
Urasoe Shi minato gawa 2-10-8, telephone 098-876-5536, Motomura Yasuhiko

On Fri, 2014/1/24, 屋良朝助 <7777777@ntt-i.net> wrote:

> 出版情報です 「環」最新号「沖縄はなぜ日本から独立しなければならないか」 グループのメインページ|掲示板Yahoo!グループ-ヘルプ
> [ml_ryukyu_400130]グループの掲示板に投稿があったことを、Yahoo!グループよりお知らせいたします。
> ---
> 出版情報です
>  ツイッター  上田 章 @akiradaeu1
> 藤原書店から出版されている総合学芸誌「環」最新号の小特集は「沖縄はなぜ日本から独立しなければならないか」?執筆陣は松島泰勝、大田昌秀、新川明、三木健、普久原均、海勢頭豊、石垣金星、仲村渠克、親川志奈子諸氏。 ガンディーやマンデラのような人達が沖縄にも出現するかも知れない予感がする
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Makoto Shibata‏@bonaponta

陸自情報保全隊元隊長の証言許可、防衛相が拒否 : 社会 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/news/20140121-OYT1T00284.htm?from=tw …







(2014年1月21日22時20分 読売新聞)


Are those who sees the earthquake and tsunami in eastern Japan which was the foundation of the Fukushima nuclear accident and attacks from other countries to dignitaries of the Japanese government .

Thus, the Japan of today , are those who are aware of the state to combat among the members of the Diet from all political parties and all , including the opposition .

In addition, the fire was on the ass in Japan has become a debt of 800 trillion yen debt up years of blistering . But Japan , so had been gone through the plans to 10 trillion yen at a time every year reduction in measures such as regional system , there was a room that does not show the true nature of Japanese soldiers still at that time .

However , the bailout of 3,11 in 2011 and without being able to run , true character became the dew will not go wrong . Since its determination that there is only war Yasukuni Shrine of August 15 of the 5 months later , Japan , seems to have decided that going to war among such system .

I feel "new evidence went up. Story! White apology!'m From it in Korean first, the Japanese government" and

"I killed Pick up children came out when pregnant women hung up. Belly had one person to. During military of Japan killed at once 83 people Koreans Unplug the sword all at once"
関東大震災での朝鮮人虐殺 犠牲者身元を初確認=韓国
聯合ニュース 1月21日(火)16時36分配信
The first check = Korea Korean massacre victims of identity in the Great Kanto Earthquake
36 minutes delivery (Tue) 16:00 January 21 Yonhap News

I will continue still↓