琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする

(其中四個)民間傳說所引發的修辭經濟(修辭經濟)具有偏見的自由和民主,只有西方世界的凝聚力。 VS.這是一個人生產的動態經濟(模擬/經濟)。

2018年11月07日 09時04分29秒 | 日記


(其中四個)這就是為什麼我要堅持這一點。民間傳說所引發的修辭經濟(修辭經濟)具有偏見的自由和民主,只有西方世界的凝聚力。 VS.這是一個人生產的動態經濟(模擬/經濟)。反對中美之間的這場貿易戰。
byKanhiko(KuanYan)Yasuhiko Motomura



“像往常一樣(以往)”,兩個占主導地位的沖繩縣知事選舉候選人組。通過讓他們執行他們對日本政府的行為來實現兩個群體的緊張。 (它是在沖繩回歸之前舉行的,包括行政首席選舉,這是琉球歷史上的第一次公開選舉)。因此,兩個競選候選人之間真正的對抗軸線只不過是“我們將打擊日本政府”的“差異程度”。對於沖繩縣州長的候選人組,他們將與日本政府關係密切。他們為保障兩個群體的“金錢,榮譽,權力”而感到內疚。他們將把兩個團體自己與日本政府達成的正式協議聯繫起來。通過將這兩個群體與這兩個群體的“只要他們是日本人”這兩個詞達成密切協議,保證這兩個群體的“金錢,榮譽,權力”。作為回報,兩個團體都發揮了這種表現。他們將獲得支持,同時威脅和強迫沖繩縣知事選舉候選人組織這樣做。 “為了支持兩個群體,抗日琉球人的支持佔琉球內部的95%。”這是臟簽名。因為他們得到了抗日琉球人的支持,他們應該欺騙自己。由於他們的犯罪策略,構成總人口95%的抗日琉球人將彼此分開。與此同時,他們將背叛所有抗日琉球人,他們佔沖繩縣總督選舉運動組的95%人口。在實際階段,例如在大選結束後與日本政府進行實際預算收購談判。我們追逐抗日琉球人到絕望的邊緣。選舉結束後由沖繩縣知事自己宣布這個;在贏得自己之後,沖繩縣知事自己“我是沖繩人,在日本民族中忠誠,也是日本人”,等等。這很自私。因此,在獲勝後,它會以這種方式背叛琉球。即使沖繩縣知事選舉候選人小組方面似乎是“只是反日琉球政治家,所有人都瞄準琉球獨立獨立”,直到贏得大選。像老沖繩總督小組一樣。

他們這樣做並逐漸支持只有兩個候選資格團體獲得成功,抗日琉球的支持佔總人口的95%。 此外,他們一直運行到這樣的惡意犯罪,以便我們抗日琉球人嘲笑它; 他們故意向媒體洩露並報告說:“過度洩漏刑事案件和事故本身,做自己,威脅/勒索/援引他們做某事是件微不足道的事。在某些情況下,他們實際上將自己交給了犯罪分子。 用自己的雙手。” “關於核武器的真正的沖繩問題的真正本質”遠離人們的視線。因此,他們不斷讓媒體大量報導涉及導致洩密的美國軍事基地的瑣事。只有事故或軍事機密僅限於軍事機密以外的美國軍事基礎問題和只有無關的無關主題。他們只做幕後工作,以使其成為選舉的重點,同時進行鎮壓,“相對微不足道”的事件和事故不斷讓媒體大量報導。這些傢伙的鎮壓目標甚至包括這種“琉球獨立運動”的合法手段。無論是誰看到它,儘管“琉球獨立運動”對於解決“關於核武器的真正的沖繩問題的本質”是絕對必要的。這完全是他們的刑事案件。那是一個公然惡毒的人。他們讓選舉得以實施,因為它是“虛構虛構的”輿論。只有那些“相對輕微”的事件和事故本身他們繼續在媒體上大舉報導是因為因為已經成為一個熱門話題。
他們欺騙了琉球人並欺騙了他們,所以他們只是由他們的傀儡政治團體推動競選活動。沖繩琉球內部產生了“相對瑣碎”的案件·事故糾紛只會讓世界陷入困境。那些正在觀賞高見的人(欣賞天文台的景色)。他們從一開始就知道。 “如果洩漏相對較小的問題,就很容易進行討論擴展。”他們洩露的問題實際上是微不足道的。當然,公民之間可能會發生微妙的衝突。如果恰恰相反,他們肯定會演變成他們必須離開沖繩琉球的情況,如果要提到關於存在危險的核武器彈藥倉庫的真正的沖繩問題的真實性質。這對他們來說是最嚴重和最嚴重的問題,這是“真正的沖繩核武器問題的實質”。因此,它比它所說的容易。 “三名美國士兵仍然是年輕的12歲女孩被毆打和前美國士兵











Kanhiko(KuanYan)Yasuhiko Motomura






因此,他們將居住在東京的外國居民和世界各地的外國人分開。與其針對琉球沖繩社會的陰謀同時進行。此外,他們故意在大眾媒體上揭露/貶低“美國和東京的妾(情婦)的孩子”,誘導,威脅,強迫和強迫所有有投票權的人的投票行為。它也被選為美國和東京妾(情婦)的孩子的代表,他的活躍的前提是他自己當選,因為他是自己當選的,因為它是如此新的玉城 - 丹尼(玉城・デニー=Tamaki - Denny)州長(沖繩縣知事)也。除了以前所有的沖繩縣知事選舉外,當選的沖繩總督還是親日本琉球和東京的妃子(情婦)。
對於真正瞄準琉球獨立的人來說,他們是泡沫。 “沖繩選舉委員會和琉球沖繩媒體”,與日本內閣秘書處的地方政府中心日本司法支援中心(所謂的法律平台)以及琉球沖繩媒體“合作”另一方面,那些試圖代表琉球獨立的人的可信度,他們正在破壞和削減他們的收入來源。(注4)。

順便提一下,這個沖繩的日本司法支援中心(所謂的沖繩法律平台)的實際情況。法律研究和情報活動的問題在於如何合法地處理和隱瞞他們的人權侵犯案件,這些案件將不可避免地引起所有有權投票的人的投票行為“沖繩日本司法支持中心” ,“沖繩琉球對抗日本琉球家族”。作為日本國家保護主義哲學活躍的“日本司法黑暗”的成員。

17/06/23 02:20

沖繩的日本司法支援中心,導演當山尚幸(Naoyuki Thoyama) ....

2017/06/23 - Yasuhiko Motomura

寛彦(KuanYan)本村安彦(Kanhiko(KuanYan)Yosuhiko Motomura)



(Four of them)That is why I want to insist on this. Rhetorical economy (Rhetoric · Economic) invoked by folklore that holds prejudiced freedom and democracy that are only for the Western world cohesion purpose. VS. It is a dynamic economy (analog / economic) produced by one person. Against this trade war between China and the United States.
by.Kanhiko (KuanYan) Yasuhiko Motomura

The concrete content of the intriguing public opinion guidance method by those who want to imitate the two largest political parties in the United States is as follows.

The real culprit that is also the offender of the following incident is Tokyo. And the masterpiece is America, the world 's top economic power. And it ranked third behind the ranking fall, is Japan that is down.
Japan wants to imitate the two largest political parties in the United States as much as wanting to massacre the Ryukyu nation; they first break "between Ryukyuans and between Chinese and Taiwanese". And then they advertise information that contains lies and cheat people all over the world. All the Okinawa prefectural governor election candidate groups who are only acting as if they are opposed to the Japanese government policy are all as illegal as possible as anti-Japanese Ryukyu politicians seeking independence of the Ryukyus By committing crimes such as dissemination and deceiving anti - Japanese forces around the world. However, this fact is never going to be outraged, even inside the Ryukyu Okinawa. Anyway, the existing mass media of Ryukyu Okinawa is a member of both Okinawa Prefecture Governor 's candidacy group. By the way, the above "they advertise information including lies and cheat people. To commit a crime such as dissemination of an illegal rumor ", in this sense, it means in this way;

"As usual (as ever)", both dominant Okinawa prefectural governor election candidate group. Both groups are stretched by letting them perform the acts that they strike against the Japanese government. (It was held before the return of Okinawa, including the administrative chief election which was the first public election in the history of the Ryukyus). So the real confrontation axis between the two campaign candidates is nothing but the "degree of difference" that "we will strike the Japanese government". For both Okinawa Prefecture Governor 's candidacy group, which they will close up with the Japanese government. They guilty for guaranteeing "money, honor, power" of both groups. They will link the formal agreement that the two groups themselves made with the Japanese government. Guaranteeing "money, honor, power" for these two groups by linking the two groups with a close agreement with the terms "as long as they are Japanese" for these two groups. In return for both groups to play that performance. They will get support while intimidating and forcing both Okinawa Prefectural Governor Election candidacy groups to do so. "To support both groups, support from the anti-Japanese Ryukyu people accounting for 95% of the inside of the Ryukyus." It is dirty signature. Because they gain support from the anti - Japanese Ryukyus who should deceive themselves by deceiving themselves. And as a result of their criminal tactics, the anti-Japanese Ryukyu people, which make up 95 per cent of the total population, will be separated from each other. Meanwhile, they will betray all anti-Japanese Ryukyus who make up 95% of their population by both Okinawa Prefectural Governor Election Campaign Group. At the practical stage such as negotiations on actual budget acquisition with the Japanese government after the election is over. And we chase anti-Japanese Ryukyu people to the edge of despair. By the Okinawa prefectural governor himself after the election announcing this by himself; by the Okinawa prefectural governor himself after winning himself, "I am an Okinawan person who has loyalty in the Japanese nation and is also a Japanese," and so on. It is selfish. As a result it will betray Ryukyu in that way, after winning. Even as the Okinawa Prefectural Governor Election candidate group side seems to be "just anti-Japanese Ryukyu politicians who are all aiming for independent independence of the Ryukyus" until winning the election. Like the old Okinawa Governor group.

And they do so and gradually support only the two candidacy groups to succeed, the support of the anti-Japanese Ryukyu who make up 95% of the total population. Besides, they run until such a malicious crime, so that we anti - Japanese Ryukyu people mockingly over it; They intentionally leak to the press and report it, "It is a trivial thing to do excessive leakage of Criminal case and accidents themselves, doing themselves, threatening / extortioning / invoking them to do something. In some cases they actually handed themselves to the crime with their own hands. " With the intention of keeping "the true nature of the true Okinawa problem concerning nuclear weapons" away from people's eyes. Therefore, they keep letting the press massively report only criminal cases involving trivial U.S. military bases that caused the leak. Only accident or military secrets limited to US military base problems other than military secrets and only unrelated themes unrelated. And they do nothing but behind-the-scenes to make it the point of elections, and at the same time run repression, that "relatively trivial" incidents and accidents kept letting the press massively report. Their target of repression by these guys includes even this legitimate means of this "Ryukyu independence movement". No matter who sees it, despite the fact that the "Ryukyu independence campaign" is absolutely essential for solving the "true nature of the true Okinawa problem concerning nuclear weapons". This is totally a criminal case by them. That's the one who is blatantly malignant. And they let the election run as it is public opinion that was "built fictitiously fictionally". Only that "relatively minor" incidents and accidents themselves They have continued to let reported in a big way in the media is because of because has become a hot topic.
They deceived the Ryukyuans and deceived them, so they pushed into the election campaign only by the puppet politicians group by them. Ryukyu Okinawa internally generated a "relatively trivial" case · Accident dispute only to make the world troubled. And those who are doing sightseeing of Takami (enjoying the view from the observatory). They knew from the beginning. "It is easy for discussion expansion to occur if relatively small problems are leaked." The problem that they leaked is actually trivial and small in fact. As a matter of course, subtle conflicts between citizens are likely to occur. If it is the opposite, they will surely evolve into a situation where they have to leave Ryukyu Okinawa, if the true nature of the true Okinawa problem concerning the existence of that dangerous nuclear weapons ammunition warehouse is to be mentioned. This is the worst and serious problem for them so much, this "essence of the true Okinawa problem on nuclear weapons" is. Therefore, it is easier than it is argued. "Three US soldiers are still young 12 year old girl assaulted and former US soldiers
Even villainous crimes such as rape and murder against a 20 - year - old girl are leaking them to the press, diverting the essence of the problem, deceiving the world deceitably. Moreover, it is the use of the case for private purpose interesting purpose, all of these baddies of theirs.
Moreover, if the press reported that "the accusation to reveal the actual condition of ammunition warehouse dedicated to nuclear weapons" reported on the world first by the Ryukyu Shimpo on May 19, 1994 was once again reported. It would be that the Ryukyus will be united immediately by the Ryukyus people anti-Japanese.











Kanhiko (KuanYan) Yasuhiko Motomura

Therefore, they want to avoid the discussion leading to this big change.
And ultimately it is to stabilize and maintain the Japan-U.S. Alliance by diverting the eyes of people all over the world from the "Okinawa nuclear disarmament" problem, where their dirty techniques will win and succeed. They did so and confiscated the citizens until yesterday, endlessly.

Needless to say "Ryukyu Okinawa Liberation from Japan" is also the liberation of the "East China Sea and the Western Pacific" at the same time. In other words, this "quarter of Japanese territorial waters / territories / airspace" will quietly disappear and "anti-Japanese Ryukyu people and" anti-Japanese people of "Chinese and East Asia" can be freely utilized , Other than the child of the Japanese demon:



It is trying to collect the situation with dirty means of creating itself the least human emergency situations inside this Ryukyu Okinawa and hiding themselves. Therefore, the real criminal is Tokyo in the offender of this so-called "match-pump" crime.

Therefore, they divide foreign residents living in Tokyo and foreigners all over the world. Simultaneously with its plot against Ryukyu Okinawa society. And furthermore, they intentionally expose / droop only "the child of the US and Tokyo's concubine" in the mass media, and induce, threaten, compel and force the voting behavior of all those who have the right to vote. It is also selected as a representative of the United States and Tokyo 's concubine' s child, who is active on the premise that it is natural that he is elected by himself, because he is elected himself, as it is so A new Tamaki - Denny Governor (Okinawa Prefectural Governor) also. As well as all the previous Okinawa prefectural governorate elections, the elected Okinawa governor was Pro-Japan Ryukyuan and also Tokyo's concubine.
For people who are truly aiming for Independence of the Ryukyus, they foam. "The Okinawa Election Commission and the Ryukyu Okinawa The Media", which is integrated with the Japan Judiciary Support Center (so-called Legal Terrace) which is the local government center of the Japanese Cabinet Secretariat, and the Ryukyu Okinawa The Media "collaborate with the Japanese media. On the other hand, the credibility of those trying to stand for that Ryukyu independence, which they are damaging and cut off their income source. (Note 4).

(※ Note 4. Okinawa's Japan Judiciary Support Center Director and Okinawa Election Committee Chairperson are the same person, that is, the lawyer belonging to this Okinawa Bar Association is a traitor, "Pro-Japan Ryukyu people to perfection Because he is a lawyer who is also a lawyer and a child of a concubine in Tokyo.
Incidentally, the actual situation of this Okinawa's Japan Judiciary Support Center (so-called Okinawa legal terrace). It is a matter of legal research and intelligence activities that how to legally deal with and conceal human rights violation cases by them who will inevitably arise in inducing the voting behavior of all those who have the right to vote " "Okinawa's Japan Judiciary Support Center", "Ryukyu Okinawa against anti-Japanese Ryukyu family". As a member of "the darkness of the judiciary of Japan" which is active based on the Japanese nation 's protectionist philosophy).

"It was around this time that I posted this post. A woman journalist named Shiori, which is a problem in the current Diet session, met with Yamaguchi Hiroyuki in Washington "
17/06/23 02:20

Image of "Legal terrace support denial decision":
Okinawa's Japan Judiciary Support Center, Director, Naoyuki Thoyama ....
2017/06/23 - by Yasuhihiko Motomura

Kanhiko (KuanYan) Yasuhiko Motomura

By the way, Ryukyu Okinawa The mass media, including the Japanese media, is responsible for crushing candidates who hold Ryukyu independence. It is already foamed, at the stage before the last Okinawa prefectural election in 2014:




