琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする

2011年5月30日と8月13日の辺野古弾薬庫/Henoko arsenal of August 13 and May 30, 2011

2014年01月23日 11時45分38秒 | 日記
2011年5月30日と8月13日の辺野古弾薬庫/Henoko arsenal of August 13 and May 30, 2011



↓検索(在日米軍の核 - 山崎淑子の「生き抜く」ジャーナル!)<... NBC長崎放送 報道局-関口達夫さん渾身のアメリカ取材レポート=TBS報道特集:『今タブーを破る!>


Following URL accusation of " core which is sealed ," which was broadcast on NBC Nagasakihoso at midnight on the 30th of the 5th after the raid to Urasoe police station home on May 24, 2011 three years before the " Okinawa nuclear secret agreement " is a video coverage . I also recorded appearance .

In addition , this report is five p.m. Saturday 13 to threatened Urasoe police station and Okinawa Women's Center is to restrain his wife in August 12 the same year of its three months later , it hits on the day following the day on which was kidnapped my daughter it has been broadcast again in TBS news feature from the half .

"Nuclear 4_CIA of 20,110,813 U.S. military in Okinawa in the nucleus during training ... " I use as part of the finish in the second half of the last image of Dereruere , a former U.S. soldier is my image . In addition , the term " architect of Okinawa" casters et al use the " confidentiality of nuclear 5_ U.S. forces in Japan 20,110,813 of U.S. forces in Japan " ending of the show we are talking about me.

↓ Search ( nucleus of U.S. forces in Japan - Yoshiko Yamazaki and " survive " journal !) <... NBC news bureau Nagasakihoso - American coverage report = TBS special coverage of the whole body Sekiguchi Tatsuo : to break the " taboo now ! >

The '17 before ↓

1994年5月11日の辺野古弾薬庫/Henoko arsenal of May 11, 1994

Henoko arsenal of May 11, 1994.
It is one of the base where there are storage warehouse of nuclear weapons only based on Okinawa nuclear secret pact has been reported to the U.S. military base.
It would violate national policy of Japan and "three non-nuclear principles" of Article 9 in the "Weapons of mass destruction".

