琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

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中国と無関係の琉球沖縄独立運動/Unrelated Okinawa Ryukyu independence movement with China

2014年01月30日 23時06分34秒 | 日記
中国と無関係の琉球沖縄独立運動/Unrelated Okinawa Ryukyu independence movement with China

「中国は沖縄が欲しいから、独立運動を煽っているのです。その尻馬に乗った馬鹿な男がわめいているだけ」← 琉球沖縄独立運動の最大の障害は、妨害する側のこのような琉球沖縄独立運動そのものがまるで中国の手先であるかのような説を持ち出す意見だ。

「彼らは1995年の10,21以来、既存基地の即時撤去を言うのを彼らは止めにしているが、私はそれを貫いている/They have to stop they 10, 21 since 1995, to say the immediate removal of the existing base, but I'm through it、、、」




2014年1月30日 沖縄県浦添市港川2-10-8 本村 安彦
電話番号 098ー876ー5536番
"Because China wants Okinawa, China officials'm fueled Ryukyu independence movement. Independence movement, stupid man of the" to follow the lead of China "is just screaming"
← The biggest obstacle of this Okinawa Ryukyu independence movement. It's opinions Okinawa Ryukyu independence movement itself of such disturbance side bring up the theory, such as if it were a hand of China at all.

But I completely different.
「彼らは1995年の10,21以来、既存基地の即時撤去を言うのを彼らは止めにしているが、私はそれを貫いている/They have to stop they 10, 21 since 1995, to say the immediate removal of the existing base, but I'm through it、、、」

I this in '20. It is a movement associated with the independence of the Ryukyus in Okinawa in a private capacity consistently. However, there is no possibility that any other country in the world, let alone the Chinese government also was even any contact. It's so irrelevant.

For example, two years ago. The arrested unfair "cooked up" in 2012 New Year's Day, the morning of April 27 to ~ were detained in detention Naha Branch. However, it was released that the trial was held in the morning of the 27th of the last day of his detention, in fact, was a false accusation becomes clear.

The four months. And my children, including college students and high school and junior high school and my wife left the house, and discredited important that everyone involved customers and about 100 people and friends and acquaintances and relatives of I was examined were. Since then, were destroyed and life honor.

Police, prosecutors, the court found that my family and I, that it is independent of any religious organization or political organizations of foreign and domestic. Was then released and also found that it's a single individual in the good citizens of all. However, I have to pursue to reverse now because there is no apology at all until today.
Okinawa Urasoe Shiminato river 2-10-8 Motomura Yasuhiko January 30, 2014
No. 098-876-5536 phone number