琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする

请参阅评论部分。/請參閱評論部分。/Please see the comments section/>> 琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/

2018年09月29日 12時14分24秒 | 日記
请参阅评论部分。/請參閱評論部分。/Please see the comments section/コメント欄をご覧ください。
琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm


所有琉球人的姓氏和名字(姓和名)的名字最初是中國人的名字,直到僅有130年前。這是我的中國名字。 ↓。/All names of the Ryukyu people 's name (surnames and first names) were originally Chinese names, until only 130 years ago. This is my Chinese name. ↓./琉球人の名前の姓名(苗字と名)すべては元々は中国名でした、ほんの130年前までは。これが私の中国名です。↓。


我今天谈琉球的历史。 今天,我将介绍我,历时500年的氏族名称。/I want to tell you the history of the Ryukyu today ./今日は、500年続いた私の一族名を紹介します。
寛安彦 's chinese pronunciation is "Kuan An Yan".-1

換句話說,我沒有原來,它的日式姓氏。但琉球人民武士階層繼續留下它的中國名字,我們繼續在戶籍正式註冊,如所有的市政府今天了“的名字。”例如,“寛、惠、玄”,“弘武士”琉球三大武士的留下姓名後跟姓父親的家模具 - 中國名“寛”姓本村。○○寛命名。/In other words, it was not originally, that Japanese type last name is. However, the Ryukyus samurai keeps its Chinese name, and even now it continues to be registered as "first name" formally on all family registrations of city halls etc."Kuan, Kei, Gen" until the father 's family of "Kuan, Shizoku" among the three Ryukyus samurai families leaves the last name of the Chinese name "Kuan" as the name following the family name · Motomura. To Kuan ○ ○ and so on./つまり元々はなかったのです、その日本型の苗字は。しかし琉球人士族はその中国名を残しつづけています、現在でもすべての市役所などの戸籍上に正式に「名」として登録されつづけています。たとえば、「寛、恵、玄」琉球三大士族のうちの「寛、士族」の我が家の父の代までは中国名の苗字・「寛」を苗字・”本村”に続く名として残しています。○○”寛”というふうに。



對於正當防衛,似乎是沒有辦法,為了緊急疏散到,在家庭要生存是時候了。現在它不是琉球將是民族一切都完了。因為當時畢竟時代已被判處“斷頭台”,我們的祖先都是。失敗的“不人道和日本在膽小”,誰擁有只有豐100倍的琉球的人口和軍隊武裝的人數,日本遵循指示 。它被了無數琉球人 們實際上, 即使在那個時候,由恨日語等。


這是記者,但有前中國的這種琉球人民一個充滿愛的活動。什麼,事實上,琉球人民墓決定保存,現在要保護的是北京琉球人民墓。當然,你在中國的名字,死者遺體琉球武士,因為他們死了,同時保持一個完整的“中國名”看。 ↓

琉球人墓 復元・保存へ 北京側承認、保全会に伝達
2017年1月4日 11:37

北京の琉球人墓墓参団が北京入り 17日に訪問
2016年5月15日 05:01

北京の琉球人埋葬地危機 調査・収骨なく開発計画 研究者ら保存運動
2016年1月4日 05:05

>>Chan KC

本村 安彦
Chan KC 、感謝!!

>>Chan KC

>>Chan KC

本村 安彦

本村 安彦
抗日琉球的人對我也是從這個祖先重的情況。↓。/There is a heavy circumstance from such ancestral generations to this I of anti-Japanese Ryukyus people. ↓./反日琉球人のこの私にはこんな先祖代々からの重たい事情もあります。↓。




※☆☆☆。按照如文獻研究,或許你覺得這個釣魚島是(釣魚台=尖閣群島)中的“礦七”,而膚淺我,中國 - 因為這個島嶼只是琉球之間的七,大航海時代已經發現的是,在標記的航行時間。





二是在表達人民和他們的地方政府故鄉,如時間表達區“鄉鎮”。但是,這並不適用 於時代的歷史研究。其原因是與上述相同的第一個,因為它是一個島幾百年前只是公路在土地開始在存在於琉球敷設。在琉球教授的大學,琉球“海上交通比陸地路線是主要的交通工具”,其中是歷史的豐見山教授權威的歷史可生物後盾的,點綴著房子沿琉球海岸到現代它似乎是一個狀態,其中,在大多數情況下,通過交替小船電流。和第三的是,在“國家”,它代表一個廣泛的含義。


因此,“本村”閱讀中國“本村=”真“雲漢”村“兒子”的。→。“本村”的似乎已經成為日本 風格(“ 真正的”摩托車“村”村)的閱讀,那就是被用作“姓。順便說一句,這個姓氏和如何閱讀往往集中在九州島看來。




※。根據文獻研究等,明白一般認為是恐怕這 個「七個峰」雖然 是釣魚島





第二個人們表達自己的出生地的地 方自治體等時表達那個地域的「村和城市」。等可是這個時代考證就因為也不適合。因為理由是與上述的第一個一樣,被在琉球列島上(裡)存在的島的陸地街道開始舖的些許的數百年前所以。據說是在到琉球大學教授,有由作為琉球史學的權威的豐見山教授的「是比陸路海上交通主要的交通手段都」這個歷史學術的證實,近代為止的琉球海岸沿著的家家散佈狀態,是介小船的交流大部分。又三隻眼是那個,「ku」,這個表示寬廣的意義。


因而,"本村"的讀法中國式的「書虧損="真的"hon"村"son」。→。一般認為是"本村"成為日 本式的讀法("真的"moto"村"mura)的東西,「是作為姓被使用。順便這個姓及讀法好像集中在九州島多。


(假如是釣魚島(釣魚的台階=尖閣群島)的話,被想,但是好像作為為是琉球近海,并且到在琉球列島的陸地有七個山峰的程度不僅沒有大的島的而且飛行,飛行而連續不斷的島的形狀完全沒有,但是我家的商號順便是"七個山峰的房產"("7"Nana,"山峰"mine,"房產"ya)。 那個緣由是這樣:
※☆☆☆ 。 因為中國-琉球之間的這個島正好是七個所以,盡管是作為據文獻研究說人們認為這個"七個山峰"恐怕是釣魚島(釣魚的台階=尖閣群島)的學識淺薄的我,但是,明白作為航海時代的航海時的記號大在的。
但是,一個眼睛不在所謂"國家"相當這個。 理由是這個我家的商號名以及那個緣由是被推測是在在超過500年之前的~幾千年之前的時分。 假如是那時的琉球的國家的話,結果是∶在叫琉球王族的事情事情成為,因為太誇大了,并且各種各樣的條理變得不對得上所以我們全然不相當這個。 斷然否定這個。
是在人們表達自己的出身地的地方自治體的時候第二個表達那片地域的"村莊或者市鎮"。 但是,這個也不在時代考證看來適用。 理由和如上所述的第1個一樣,并且是在大道被在存在于琉球列島的島的陸地開始鋪了的僅僅幾百年之前。 以好像曾作為是到在琉球大學教授有出自作為琉球歷史學的權威人物的豊見山教授的"海上交通也從陸路"曾作為主要的交通工具的歷史性的證明的近代的琉球,并且沿海岸的房子正分散地存在的狀態的小船為中介的交流是大多數。 以及第3個那,是"kuni",并且這個表現廣闊的意思。
在人們表達自己的村落的時候使用的語言是"本村莊"(讀法,中國式dehonson="真的的"hon"村"son)。 在琉球以及日本,也一般。 在領導或者統治者主要使用用這個讀法的表達的現代的琉球以及日本。
順便去,本"村"的讀法中國式的" honson="真的的"hon"村"son。" →. 認為本"村"變成了日式的讀法("真的"moto"村"mura)"集中于這個姓以及讀法九州島在什麼被作為姓使用順便,好像多"。
我能夠從作為我家的商號的"七個山峰的房產"("7"Nana,"山峰"mine,"房產"ya)以及祖先開始了"kuni(kuni)"的緣由這樣推測。) /

是。 因為它似乎是來自東京情婦的國際社會的非個性人士。 你應該小心,可能會想到“美國和日本情婦”,台灣華人以及琉球。

2018年09月24日 20時18分38秒 | 日記

是。 因為它似乎是來自東京情婦的國際社會的非個性人士。 你應該小心,可能會想到“美國和日本情婦”,台灣華人以及琉球。

Yes. Because it seems to be a non-personality person from the international community in the mistress of Tokyo. You should be careful, it may be thought that "American and Japanese ladies", Taiwanese Chinese as well as Ryukyus.

예. 왜냐하면 그것은 도쿄의 정부에서 국제 사회의 인격이 아닌 사람으로 보인다. 조심해서 "류큐"뿐만 아니라 "미국과 일본의 숙녀", 대만의 중국인이라고 생각할 수도 있습니다.

Vâng. Bởi vì nó có vẻ là một người phi cá tính từ cộng đồng quốc tế trong tình nhân của Tokyo. Bạn nên cẩn thận, có thể nghĩ rằng "phụ nữ Mỹ và Nhật", người Trung Quốc Đài Loan cũng như Ryukyus.

Oo. Sapagkat tila isang hindi personalidad mula sa internasyonal na komunidad sa mistress ng Tokyo. Dapat kang maging maingat, maaaring naisip na "mga Amerikano at Japanese ladies", Taiwanese Chinese pati na rin si Ryukyus.



2018/9/22(土) 午前 7:41

2018/09/22 07:20

2018/09/22 02:04

18/09/21 22:58


2018-09-22 11:38:41

琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm

感謝您的寶貴意見!/Thank you for your valuable comments!/귀중한 의견에 감사드립니다./Cảm ơn bạn đã bình luận có giá trị của bạn!
/Salamat sa iyong mga mahahalagang komento!/あなたからの貴重なコメントありがとうございます!。

復活的琉球人將盡力而為!可以肯定的是,20年後到2038年它將超過80%,但它仍然占到50%以上,即使是現在,“我們已經復活了第一代抗日琉球和我們的孩子(二十幾歲)所有琉球公平投票權選民組合了超過這個年齡的孩子)“。 1953年12月25日,日本於1952年4月28日從琉球群島撤出僅一年,除了琉球人重新入侵“美國和日本”的奄美群島。

The reviving Ryukyu people will do their best! It is certain that it will be more than 80% by 2038 after 20 years, but it still accounts for more than 50%, even now, "We have revived the first generation of anti-Japanese Ryukyus and our children (twenty The number of all Ryukyu fair voting rights voters who combined the children over the age) ". On December 25, 1953, only one year after Japan's withdrawal from all the Ryukyu Islands on April 28, 1952, except for Ryukyuans who revived the Amami archipelago re-invaded by "America and Japan".

부활하는 류큐 사람들이 최선을 다할 것입니다! 20 년 후에는 2038 년까지 80 % 이상이 될 것이 확실하지만 지금도 50 % 이상을 차지하고있다. "우리는 1 세대 반일 류큐와 우리 아이들을 되살렸다. 모든 류큐 유권자 투표권 투표자) 1952 년 12 월 25 일, 1952 년 4 월 28 일에 일본이 류큐 제도에서 철수한지 1 년 만에, "아메리카와 일본"에 의해 다시 침범 한 아마미 열도를 부활시킨 류큐 인을 제외하고.

Người Ryukyu hồi sinh sẽ làm hết sức mình! Chắc chắn rằng nó sẽ hơn 80% vào năm 2038 sau 20 năm, nhưng nó vẫn chiếm hơn 50%, ngay cả bây giờ, "Chúng tôi đã hồi sinh thế hệ đầu tiên của Ryukyus chống Nhật và con cái của chúng tôi (hai mươi tất cả các cử tri bỏ phiếu công bằng của Ryukyu, những người kết hợp các trẻ em trên độ tuổi) ". Vào ngày 25 tháng 12 năm 1953, chỉ một năm sau khi Nhật rút khỏi tất cả quần đảo Ryukyu vào ngày 28 tháng 4 năm 1952, ngoại trừ Ryukyuans, người đã phục hồi lại quần đảo Amami bị xâm chiếm bởi "Mỹ và Nhật Bản".

Ang reviving Ryukyu mga tao ay gawin ang kanilang mga pinakamahusay na! Tiyak na ito ay higit sa 80% sa pamamagitan ng 2038 pagkatapos ng 20 taon, ngunit ito pa rin ang account para sa higit sa 50%, kahit na ngayon, "Kami ay revived ang unang henerasyon ng anti-Hapon Ryukyus at ang aming mga anak (dalawahan Ang bilang ng lahat ng Ryukyu fair voters ng mga botante na nagkaloob sa mga bata sa edad) ". Noong Disyembre 25, 1953, isang taon lamang matapos ang pag-withdraw ng Japan mula sa lahat ng mga Ryukyu Islands noong Abril 28, 1952, maliban sa mga Ryukyuans na nagbalik sa Amami archipelago na muling inatake ng "America at Japan".



感謝您的寶貴意見!/Thank you for your valuable comments!/あなたからの貴重なコメントありがとうございます!。

2018年09月21日 22時58分46秒 | 日記

感謝您的寶貴意見!/Thank you for your valuable comments!/あなたからの貴重なコメントありがとうございます!。

復活的琉球人將盡力而為!可以肯定的是,20年後到2038年它將超過80%,但它仍然占到50%以上,即使是現在,“我們已經復活了第一代抗日琉球和我們的孩子(二十幾歲)所有琉球公平投票權選民組合了超過這個年齡的孩子)“。 1953年12月25日,日本於1952年4月28日從琉球群島撤出僅一年,除了琉球人重新入侵“美國和日本”的奄美群島。

The reviving Ryukyu people will do their best! It is certain that it will be more than 80% by 2038 after 20 years, but it still accounts for more than 50%, even now, "We have revived the first generation of anti-Japanese Ryukyus and our children (twenty The number of all Ryukyu fair voting rights voters who combined the children over the age) ". On December 25, 1953, only one year after Japan's withdrawal from all the Ryukyu Islands on April 28, 1952, except for Ryukyuans who revived the Amami archipelago re-invaded by "America and Japan".



感謝您的寶貴意見!/Thank you for your valuable comments!/あなたからの貴重なコメントありがとうございます!。

是。 因為它似乎是來自東京情婦的國際社會的非個性人士。 你應該小心,可能會想到“美國和日本情婦”,台灣華人以及琉球。

Yes. Because it seems to be a non-personality person from the international community in the mistress of Tokyo. You should be careful, it may be thought that "American and Japanese ladies", Taiwanese Chinese as well as Ryukyus.



新東亞世界/新东亚世界/New East Asia world/새로운 동아시아의 세계/Thế giới mới Đông Á/New East Asia world/新東アジア世界

2018年09月19日 17時58分30秒 | 日記

新東亞世界/新东亚世界/New East Asia world/새로운 동아시아의 세계/Thế giới mới Đông Á/New East Asia world/新東アジア世界

從今天開始,我將以“東亞大爆炸(big bang)”和“復活琉球人/复活的琉球人”為主題撰寫一篇關於肝臟的文章,現在它是“在美國和日本跳舞”這兩個日本和美國的代理商以及這兩個像這樣“幾乎無限灰色”的候選人“挑戰作為9月30日在沖繩縣的縣知事選舉的最高候選人”。 “這兩者中的每一個都有目的”泡沫和破壞在琉球沖繩崛起的琉球獨立(琉球重建國家)的勢頭。 “
順便說一句,這兩個叛徒也是他們的代表,他們都是“東京嬪妃(情婦/情妇)的子女”。 1972年當時所有人都成為“東京嬪妃(情婦/情妇)”的沖繩琉球領導人。


“整個東亞和琉球裡面。台灣海峽問題在台灣旁邊的琉球”以及過度信息操縱的主要原因使損害可能爆發。實際上,正是因為“美國和日本”的激進行為,即使在上述2011年8月13日的電視廣播節目引起原始入侵之後,“琉球和東亞”仍然被入侵入侵。這是世界上任何人都接受的嚴格事實。 “美國和日本”實施非法入侵行為,同時轉移問題的實質是造成東亞損害的主要原因。這就是為什麼在“整個東亞,琉球,或者這個時候”的“與琉球相鄰的台灣海峽”中爆發了虛假信息造成的損害,這是“中國人民解放軍的軍事統一台灣”可能性理論“正如騷亂的情況清楚地表明:
2018-09-02 00:01聯合報 蘇起


因為在一年多之後我可能不會離開我的腦海,我尖銳地指出我在上面提到了一點 - “沖繩是東京的妃子(情婦)/冲绳是东京的妃子(情妇)”。它記得這似乎是對“美國中央情報局特工和可疑讀者”的個人評論。在Fb的小組網站上,我不時被邀請加入該小組。這個網站是一個“自由市場導向的志願者網站”,生活在沖繩島的外國工人親自駐紮在駐紮在美國軍隊的沖繩島。 “Okinawa is Tokyo's concubine”“(沖繩是東京的妃子(情婦)/冲绳是东京的妃子(情妇))“的評論是我在該網站上的一篇帖子。

現在已經過了一年多的痛苦的單句評論。我別無選擇,只能承認我的演講活動沒有具備“銳利和說服力”,因為它是從頭開始的,就像從眼睛的評論。當然,有一段時間以來,我一再指出沖繩琉球的領導人都是“親ー日本琉球人”等等。但是,如果我回顧一下今天我一直在做的演講活動的結果,我不禁乖乖地接受我缺乏能力。因為在那個評論中我指出了我自己迄今尚未表達的角度。多虧了這一點,我漸漸地意識到了一些非常重要的事情並感謝我的感激之情。 “在我自己的無意識結構中似乎存在某種障礙。”所以我可能會錯過像評論這樣的觀點“,現在我很想反思。我認為對於那些評論說”沖繩是東京的妾(情婦/情妇)“的美國人“也許我自己也想表達一下”親 - 日本琉球人真正想要“東京的嬪妃(情婦/情妇)”。我自己想用合理的詞語來表達,但我找不到這樣一個準確的詞。或者它只是“我找不到它?”,“我開始認為我是唯一一個只有不成熟敏感性的建築師。”因此,現在我是美國人“謝謝!我覺得我要感謝你。即使他是美國政府的工作人員,如中央情報局,或任何參與此類工作的人。

另一方面,我認為事後可以考慮這些因素; “因為我自己當時是一名反日琉球人”,琉球的抗日琉球佔總人口的95%“每個人都不認為他們自己就是”東京的嬪妃(情婦/情妇)。 “這可以說是東亞所有抗日勢力的人民,那麼為什麼會寫這樣的評論呢?關於評論的深刻思考的真正目標。”

結果,我得出以下結論。這個結論正是“我們必須以極度危機的方式挑戰未來的東亞抗日力量。特別是琉球的抗日琉球人必須受到生活的挑戰。”這條評論準確地捕捉了現代的象徵1972年沖繩回歸以來的琉球沖繩社會。“沖繩的歷史和政治舞台的舞台。 “但這只是對”虛擬現實環境“的虛擬現實的一種評論,它已浮出水面,當時它已成為”東京的妃子(情婦/情妇)“因為當時沖繩琉球的所有領導人因此,這個評論不是針對“佔整個人口的95%的整個抗日琉球人”的評論。當然,“復活的琉球人/复活的琉球人不是對我們的評論。

順便說一句,“復活的琉球人/复活的琉球人”是1972年沖繩回歸之前出生於琉球政府(1952年 - 1972年)的真正的抗日琉球。※1952年4月28日是令人難忘的一天,曾經的琉球人通過發布舊金山和平條約,日本的撤軍能夠重振琉球政府。

因此,在返回沖繩時,我們不是沖繩琉球的領導者。 我們的抗日琉球不是“東京的妾(情婦/情妇)”。 另外,我們是抗日琉球人沒有關係,他們都變成了“東京的嬪妃(情婦/情妇)”回到沖繩那個時候沖繩琉球的領導人是什麼。 因此,我們抗日琉球是什麼都沒有,甚至是“東京妾(情婦/情妇)的孩子”。 然而,有一個被認為是“東京妃子(情婦/情妇)的孩子”的現實,甚至對抗我們的抗日琉球人。

因此,我們將失去任何東西,這種誤解。解決這種誤解是不可能的,特別是如果琉球抗日琉球人應對風險。只有外國人不應該學習的主題才能真正理解琉球的歷史。我們不應該錯過將來改變的努力,“這樣一個錯誤的評論(=承認西方世界的琉球)”; “這個世界上甚至沒有一個人像琉球人一樣抗拒生命,”這一點基於“指出”沖繩“反對日本和美國”問題的本質的前提。換句話說,這個評論是作為一個前提的同義詞,它是“琉球中沒有人格的人”。而且,毫無疑問,即使對世界形勢的現實,它也在這方面取得了進展。通過這種方式,我們對琉球的美好未來不會永遠存在,因為這個“目前最糟糕的琉球沖繩的地位”顯而易見。換句話說,琉球本人的獨立將永遠不可能,因為它無人看管。即使我們的抗日琉球人民已經過去,我們也無法得到國際社會的合作。在世界各地繼續被誤解是不可能的,“每個琉球人都是”東京妾(情婦/情妇)“中的”非擬人族群/非拟人族群“。


除非我們成為“真正的東亞大爆炸”,否則這種謠言傳播肯定會在未來繼續傳播。 因為有不可避免的原因,根據主題,毫無疑問這是一篇文章,我不會明確提到“抗日琉球人”。 當我沒有明確說“琉球人是反日本”的時候,看到我的帖子的外國人,即使所有現在的琉球人都被視為“東京妾(情婦/情妇)的孩子”,也無法幫助。 和琉球沖繩的“政治,經濟,文化”中露出的“東京妾(情婦/情妇)的孩子”一樣。 - 正如我想的那樣,我想的確如此。 當我想到這一點時,直到昨天我才能說的話就好像我是“東京的妃子(情婦/情妇)”,好像沖繩一樣。

接下來,我感興趣的是,例如,“它是什麼意思”,它是東京妾(情婦/情妇)的孩子“?當我查看它時,就是這樣的事情,有一個妾(情婦/情妇)的孩子;一個孩子出生在 沒有結婚的男人和女人。

確實如此。 即便如此,那個時候。 然後在那個時候,“如果你不與日本結婚,你就不會離開日本並保持一種不幸的關係”從下一代到下一代,流動的潮流,現在的沖繩領導人的結束它是。

無論你怎麼說都不應該這樣做。 真正的大爆炸對我們來說是絕對必要的。


好吧,所以我想到了“大爆炸”的意思,我詳細研究了它。 然後,“大爆炸”具有這種意義; 大爆炸(big bang)是一個大爆炸,被認為是在所謂的宇宙開始時發生的。 G. Gamov於1948年提倡。廣泛地在社會中,“指的是金融體系的重大改革等”。 (這是一個巧合或必然,這是一個有趣的故事,主張G·加莫夫在1948年提倡這個“大爆炸(big bang)”。事實上,同一年·1948年12月10日,它也是“世界”的那一天 我在上文詳細寫的“人權宣言”通過聯合國大會並由此宣布。)

這也將在本章的開頭重複。因此,從今天開始,我將以“東亞大爆炸(big bang)”和“復活琉球人/复活的琉球人”為主題撰寫一篇關於肝臟的文章,現在它是“在美國和日本跳舞”這兩個日本和美國的代理商以及這兩個像這樣“幾乎無限灰色”的候選人“挑戰作為9月30日在沖繩縣的縣知事選舉的最高候選人”。 “這兩者中的每一個都有目的”泡沫和破壞在琉球沖繩崛起的琉球獨立(琉球重建國家)的勢頭。 “
順便說一句,這兩個叛徒也是他們的代表,他們都是“東京嬪妃(情婦/情妇)的子女”。 1972年當時所有人都成為“東京嬪妃(情婦/情妇)”的沖繩琉球領導人:

September 6 - 11, 2018. KanHiko (KuanYan) Yosuhiko Motomura

順便說一句,沖繩琉球包括日本媒體在內的大眾媒體負責粉碎琉球獨立的候選人。 在2014年沖繩縣最後一次選舉之前的階段,它已經發泡了:

2018/09/15 23:19

2018/09/15 16:49

18/09/15 14:41

2018/9/16(日) 午前 2:16

2018-09-16 08:19:30


2018/09/16 01:05

2018/09/15 19:01

18/09/15 15:34

2018/9/16(日) 午前 3:59

2018-09-16 08:32:38


2018/09/19 20:38

2018/9/19(水) 午後 10:30

2018/09/19 18:36

18/09/19 17:58

2018-09-19 22:49:42


琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm

New East Asia world/新東亞世界/新东亚世界/새로운 동아시아의 세계/Thế giới mới Đông Á/New East Asia world/新東アジア世界

From today I will write an article with the liver under the theme of "Big Bang in East Asia" and "Ryukyu Renbu revived", now it is "Dancing in America and Japan "Both agents in Japan and the United States and these two candidates who are" almost unlimitedly gray "like this are" challenging as the top candidate for the prefectural governor election in Okinawa Prefecture on September 30 th It is ". "Each of these two have a purpose" to foam and destroy the momentum of Ryukyu independence (Ryukyu rebuilding country) which is rising in Ryukyu Okinawa. "
It is absolutely necessary that it is indispensable that "ritual foot pictures" against "the former US president and the Japanese premier of Japan including the Japanese Emperor" is indispensable.
Moreover, although each of these two people themselves are "the Ryukyusu revived" generation, it is presumed that "each of these two people are themselves Japanese", "like the one used until May 15, 1972 Betraying the intention of the Ryukyus people who occupy 95% of the total population desiring Ryukyuans own government ''.
Incidentally, these two traitors are also their representatives, all of them "the children of Tokyo's concubines". Of;The leaders of Ryukyu Okinawa at that time in 1972 when all of them became "Tokyo's concubines".

Because there is a reality that the nature of the problem has been negated, even this "real essence of the East Asia problem" that everyone in the world admits can be taken into the topic of other fake information like this time Easily replaced. No matter how I express it like this, based on my testimony on the television news program shown when you click on the URL above:

"The whole East Asia and Ryukyus inside. The Taiwan Straits issue in Taiwan next to the Ryukyu "as well as for the main cause of excessive information manipulation so that the damage may outbreak. Actually, it is because the aggressive acts of "America and Japan" such as that even after the television broadcasting program of August 13, 2011 mentioned above caused the original invasion, "Ryukyu and East Asia" still invaded by the invasion To. This is a rigid fact that anyone in the world accepts. The illegal invasion act itself carried out by "America and Japan" while shifting the essence of the problem is the main cause of East Asia damage. That's why damage caused by false information has broken out in the "Taiwan Strait that is adjacent to Ryukyu as in this whole East Asia, Ryukyus, or this time", this "Unification of Taiwan by the military force of the Chinese People's Liberation Army" Possibilities theory "As the case of the riot clearly shows:
2018-09-02 00:01聯合報 蘇起


Because I may not leave my mind after more than a year, I was sharply pointed out that I mentioned a little in the above- "Okinawa is Tokyo's concubine". It remembers that it seemed like a personal comment on "American CIA agent and suspicious reader". At Fb's group site I was posted from time to time I was invited to join the group. This site is a "free market-oriented volunteer site" that foreign workers living in Okinawa island collect personally in Okinawa Island stationed in the US military. The comment that "Okinawa is Tokyo's concubine" is for one of my posts on that site.

Now that more than a year has passed since the painful single sentence comment. I have no choice but to acknowledge that my speech activity was not equipped with "sharpness and persuasive power" as it is from scratch like comments from the very eye. Certainly, for some time myself I have repeatedly pointed out that the leaders of Ryukyu Okinawa are all "Pro-Japan Ryukyu people" and so on. However, if I look back over the results of the speech activity I have been doing to today, I can not help accepting my lack of ability obediently. Because in that comment I am pointing out from the angle which I myself had not expressed so far. Thanks to that, gradually, I became more aware of something very important and appreciate my gratitude. "There seems to be some kind of barrier in my own unconscious structure. "So I might be missing the viewpoint like that comment", and now I am keen to reflect on. I think so to Americans who commented that "Okinawa is Tokyo's concubine". Perhaps I myself wanted to express that "Pro - Japan Ryukyu people are like" Tokyo 's concubines "in real intention. I myself wanted to express it with reasonable words like that comment but I could not find such an accurate word as such. Or was it just about "I could not find it?", "I'm beginning to think that I'm the only architect who has only immature sensitivities yet." Therefore, now I am an American "Thank you! I feel like I want to thank you. Even if he is a staff member of the US government such as the CIA, or anyone involved in such kind.

On the other hand, I think that it is possible to develop such considerations afterwards; "Because I am an anti-Japanese Ryukyu man myself, of course," Ryukyu's anti-Japan Ryukyu who makes up 95% of the total population "Everyone does not think that they themselves are" Tokyo's concubines. "It can be said to the people of all anti-Japanese forces in East Asia, so why did such comments have been written? About the true target that the comment came to think deeply. "

As a result, I have reached the following conclusion. That conclusion is exactly "We have to challenge the East Asian anti-Japanese forces in the future with a sense of extreme crisis. Especially the Ryukyu anti-Japanese Ryukyu people have to challenge by life "." This comment accurately captures the symbol of modern Ryukyu Okinawa society since the return of Okinawa in 1972. "History of Okinawa And the stage of political scenes. "But that is only one comment on the virtual reality of the" pseudo environment, realistic environment "that drifts to the surface, and it has already become" Tokyo's concubine "at that time It is because all the leaders of Ryukyu Okinawa at the time of returning Okinawa are. Therefore, this comment is nothing as a comment targeting "our whole anti-Japanese Ryukyu who occupies 95% of the whole population." Of course, "Ryukyu people who revived It is not a comment for us that is.

By the way, "Ryukyusu who revived" is a genuine anti-Japanese Ryukyus who was born in the Ryukyus government (1952 - 1972) before the return of Okinawa in 1972. ※ April 28, 1952 is the memorable day when the Ryukyus who once fulfilled Japan withdrawal was able to revive the Ryukyus government, by issuing the San Francisco Peace Treaty.

Therefore, we are not leaders of Ryukyu Okinawa at the time of returning Okinawa. Our anti-Japan Ryukyus is not "Tokyo's concubine". In addition, we are anti-Japanese Ryukyu people are not related, all of them have become "Tokyo's concubines" What are the leaders of Ryukyu Okinawa at that time of returning Okinawa. Therefore, we anti-Japanese Ryukyus is nothing, even "child of the Tokyo's concubine". However, there is a reality that is thought to be the "child of the Tokyo's concubine", even against our anti-Japanese Ryukyu people. "

Therefore we shall lose anything, such a misunderstanding. It is impossible to solve this misunderstanding, especially if the Ryukyu anti-Japanese Ryukyu people tackle the risks. Only the theme that foreigners who should not have learned will understand the history of the Ryukyus in true sense. We should not miss the effort to change in the future, "Such a wrong comment (= recognition of the Ryukyus of the western world)"; "There is not even one person in this world such as a Ryukyu who resists with life," This point is based on the premise that "pointing out" the essence of the problem of Okinawa "against Japan and the United States". In other words, this comment is synonymous with being a premise and that it is "There is no personality person in the Ryukyus." Moreover, there is no doubt that it has made progress with this, even to the reality of the world situation. In this way our bright future for the Ryukyus does not come forever, as this "present worst Ryukyu Okinawa's status" is clearly telling. In other words, our independence by the Ryukyus himself will be forever impossible, as it is left unattended. We can not get the cooperation of the international community even if our anti-Japanese Ryukyu people have passed. It can not be okay to remain misunderstood all over the world, "every Ryukyus is a" non-personality ethnic group "in the" Tokyo's concubine ".

Therefore, in order to make it recognized by the international community, we must "Become a reviving Ryukyu" to be "a real East Asian Big Bang", that we "revived Ryukyu people" exist in reality To inform the world.

Such a dissemination of rumor will definitely continue in the future, unless we have become "real East Asian Big Bang". Because there are unavoidable reasons, depending on the theme, there is no doubt that it is a posting article that I will not explicitly mention as "anti-Japanese Ryukyu people". From a foreigner who watches my posts when I do not explicitly say that "Ryukyu people are anti-Japan", it can not be helped even if all the current Ryukyus people are regarded as "the child of Tokyo's concubine". It is the same as those of "the child of Tokyo's concubine" exposed in "politics, economics and culture" of Ryukyu Okinawa. - As I thought as certainly so far as I thought. When I think about it as inside out that what I was not able to say until yesterday was as if I was "Tokyo's concubine" as if Okinawa.

Next, I was interested in, for example, "What does it mean" that it is a child of Tokyo's concubine "? And when I looked it up, it was this kind of thing with a child of a concubine; a child born between men and women who are not married.

That's true. Even then, that time. And then at that time too, "If you do not marry with Japan you will not leave Japan and stay in an unlucky relationship" From the next generation to the next generation, the tide of flowing, the end of the current Okinawa leaders It is.

Whatever you say in this should not do. A real big bang is absolutely necessary for us.

By the way, I have interpreted and said that "Small Bang" is "reverse Big Bang", but by examining it, it was exactly the same.

Well, so I thought exactly what it means "big bang" and I looked into it in detail. Then, "big bang" has this meaning; Big bang (big bang) is a big explosion that is thought to have occurred at the beginning of the so-called universe. G. Gamov advocated in 1948. Widely in society in general, "refers to major reforms of the financial system, etc." (It was a coincidence or inevitability, it is an interesting story that the advocate G · Gamov advocated this "big bang" in 1948. In fact, this same year · On December 10, 1948, it is also the day that the "world declaration on human rights" that I wrote in detail above passed through the General Assembly of the United Nations and declared by this.)

This will be repeated at the beginning of this final chapter as well. So from today I will write an article with the liver under the theme of "Big Bang in East Asia" and "Ryukyu Renbu revived", now it is "Dancing in America and Japan "Both agents in Japan and the United States and these two candidates who are" almost unlimitedly gray "like this are" challenging as the top candidate for the prefectural governor election in Okinawa Prefecture on September 30 th It is ". "Each of these two have a purpose" to foam and destroy the momentum of Ryukyu independence (Ryukyu rebuilding country) which is rising in Ryukyu Okinawa. "
It is absolutely necessary that it is indispensable that "ritual foot pictures" against "the former US president and the Japanese premier of Japan including the Japanese Emperor" is indispensable.
Moreover, although each of these two people themselves are "the Ryukyusu revived" generation, it is presumed that "each of these two people are themselves Japanese", "like the one used until May 15, 1972 Betraying the intention of the Ryukyus people who occupy 95% of the total population desiring Ryukyuans own government ''.
Incidentally, these two traitors are also their representatives, all of them "the children of Tokyo's concubines". Of;The leaders of Ryukyu Okinawa at that time in 1972 when all of them became "Tokyo's concubines":

September 6 - 11, 2018. KanHiko (KuanYan) Yosuhiko Motomura

By the way, Ryukyu Okinawa The mass media, including the Japanese media, is responsible for crushing candidates who hold Ryukyu independence. It is already foamed, at the stage before the last Okinawa prefectural election in 2014:

2018/09/19 20:38

2018/9/19(水) 午後 10:30

2018/09/19 18:36

18/09/19 17:58

2018-09-19 22:49:42


琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm

2018/09/16 01:05

2018/09/15 19:01

18/09/15 15:34

2018/9/16(日) 午前 3:59

2018-09-16 08:32:38


2018/09/15 23:19

2018/09/15 16:49

18/09/15 14:41

2018/9/16(日) 午前 2:16

2018-09-16 08:19:30


新東アジア世界/New East Asia world/新東亞世界/新东亚世界/새로운 동아시아의 세계/Thế giới mới Đông Á/New East Asia world

私は今日からは、「東アジアのビックバン(big bang)。『蘇った反日琉球人』」を肝に銘じて記事を著述することにする、今こそ、「『アメリカと日本に踊らされて』日米両国それぞれのエージェントとおぼしき『限りなく黒に近い灰色』的なこの二人の立候補者が、『来る9月30日投票日の沖縄県の県知事選挙に当選最有力候補者として挑んでいる』」。「この二人各々は『琉球沖縄で高まる琉球独立(琉球復国)の機運を泡沫化して消滅させる』目的を持つ。


2018-09-02 00:01聯合報 蘇起















さて、では『ビッグ・バン(big bang)』とは正確にはどういう意味だろうか?。そう思い詳しく調べてみた。すると『ビッグ・バン(big bang)』とはこういう意味であった;ビック・バン(big bang)は、いわゆる宇宙の始まりに起こったと考えられる大爆発のことである。一九四八年にG・ガモフが提唱した。広く社会一般では『金融システムの大改革などを指す』とある。(偶然かはたまた必然だったのか。提唱者のG・ガモフがこの『ビッグ・バン(big bang)』を提唱したのが1948年だったとは。これまた興味深い話である。実はこの同年・1948年の12月10日はなんと、上記で私が詳しく著したあの『人権に関する世界宣言』が国際連合総会を通過し、且つ、これによって宣言された日でもある。)

これはこの最終章の冒頭でも述べたが繰り返す。そこで私は今日からは、「東アジアのビックバン(big bang)。『蘇った反日琉球人』」を肝に銘じて記事を著述することにする、今こそ、「『アメリカと日本に踊らされて』日米両国それぞれのエージェントとおぼしき『限りなく黒に近い灰色』的なこの二人の立候補者が、『来る9月30日投票日の沖縄県の県知事選挙に当選最有力候補者として挑んでいる』」。「この二人各々は『琉球沖縄で高まる琉球独立(琉球復国)の機運を泡沫化して消滅させる』目的を持つ。



2018/09/19 20:38

2018/9/19(水) 午後 10:30

2018/09/19 18:36

18/09/19 17:58

2018-09-19 22:49:42


琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm

2018/09/15 23:19

2018/09/15 16:49

18/09/15 14:41

2018/9/16(日) 午前 2:16

2018-09-16 08:19:30


2018/09/16 01:05

2018/09/15 19:01

18/09/15 15:34

2018/9/16(日) 午前 3:59

2018-09-16 08:32:38


新東アジア世界/New East Asia world/新東亞世界/新东亚世界/새로운 동아시아의 세계/Thế giới mới Đông Á/New East Asia world

2018年09月15日 15時34分27秒 | 日記

新東アジア世界/New East Asia world/新東亞世界/新东亚世界/새로운 동아시아의 세계/Thế giới mới Đông Á/New East Asia world


2018-09-02 00:01聯合報 蘇起















さて、では『ビッグ・バン(big bang)』とは正確にはどういう意味だろうか?。そう思い詳しく調べてみた。すると『ビッグ・バン(big bang)』とはこういう意味であった;ビック・バン(big bang)は、いわゆる宇宙の始まりに起こったと考えられる大爆発のことである。一九四八年にG・ガモフが提唱した。広く社会一般では『金融システムの大改革などを指す』とある。(偶然かはたまた必然だったのか。提唱者のG・ガモフがこの『ビッグ・バン(big bang)』を提唱したのが1948年だったとは。これまた興味深い話である。実はこの同年・1948年の12月10日はなんと、上記で私が詳しく著したあの『人権に関する世界宣言』が国際連合総会を通過し、且つ、これによって宣言された日でもある。)

そこで、私は今日からは『東アジアのビック・バン(big bang)・蘇った反日琉球人』を肝に銘じて著述することにする。「その各々が『琉球沖縄で高まる琉球独立の機運を泡沫化』する目的を持つ。それこそ『歴代の米国大統領と、日本天皇を含む日本歴代首相』に対する『踏み絵の儀式』が不可欠なほど絶対必要な。『限りなく黒に近い灰色な、日米両国それぞれのエージェントとおぼしき二人の立候補者が、来る9月30日投票日の沖縄県知事選挙戦に当選最有力候補者として挑んでいる今こそ。ちなみにこの二人がその『東京の妾の子』たちすべての代表者でもあります。そのすべてが『東京の妾』になってしまった1972年当時の琉球沖縄のリーダーたちの:



New East Asia world/新東亞世界/新东亚世界/새로운 동아시아의 세계/Thế giới mới Đông Á/New East Asia world/新東アジア世界
18/09/15 14:41

Because there is a reality that the nature of the problem has been negated, even this "real essence of the East Asia problem" that everyone in the world admits can be taken into the topic of other fake information like this time Easily replaced. No matter how I express it like this, based on my testimony on the television news program shown when you click on the URL above:

"The whole East Asia and Ryukyus inside. The Taiwan Straits issue in Taiwan next to the Ryukyu "as well as for the main cause of excessive information manipulation so that the damage may outbreak. Actually, it is because the aggressive acts of "America and Japan" such as that even after the television broadcasting program of August 13, 2011 mentioned above caused the original invasion, "Ryukyu and East Asia" still invaded by the invasion To. This is a rigid fact that anyone in the world accepts. The illegal invasion act itself carried out by "America and Japan" while shifting the essence of the problem is the main cause of East Asia damage. That's why damage caused by false information has broken out in the "Taiwan Strait that is adjacent to Ryukyu as in this whole East Asia, Ryukyus, or this time", this "Unification of Taiwan by the military force of the Chinese People's Liberation Army" Possibilities theory "As the case of the riot clearly shows:
2018-09-02 00:01聯合報 蘇起


Because I may not leave my mind after more than a year, I was sharply pointed out that I mentioned a little in the above- "Okinawa is Tokyo's concubine". It remembers that it seemed like a personal comment on "American CIA agent and suspicious reader". At Fb's group site I was posted from time to time I was invited to join the group. This site is a "free market-oriented volunteer site" that foreign workers living in Okinawa island collect personally in Okinawa Island stationed in the US military. The comment that "Okinawa is Tokyo's concubine" is for one of my posts on that site.

Now that more than a year has passed since the painful single sentence comment. I have no choice but to acknowledge that my speech activity was not equipped with "sharpness and persuasive power" as it is from scratch like comments from the very eye. Certainly, for some time myself I have repeatedly pointed out that the leaders of Ryukyu Okinawa are all "Pro-Japan Ryukyu people" and so on. However, if I look back over the results of the speech activity I have been doing to today, I can not help accepting my lack of ability obediently. Because in that comment I am pointing out from the angle which I myself had not expressed so far. Thanks to that, gradually, I became more aware of something very important and appreciate my gratitude. "There seems to be some kind of barrier in my own unconscious structure. "So I might be missing the viewpoint like that comment", and now I am keen to reflect on. I think so to Americans who commented that "Okinawa is Tokyo's concubine". Perhaps I myself wanted to express that "Pro - Japan Ryukyu people are like" Tokyo 's concubines "in real intention. I myself wanted to express it with reasonable words like that comment but I could not find such an accurate word as such. Or was it just about "I could not find it?", "I'm beginning to think that I'm the only architect who has only immature sensitivities yet." Therefore, now I am an American "Thank you! I feel like I want to thank you. Even if he is a staff member of the US government such as the CIA, or anyone involved in such kind.

On the other hand, I think that it is possible to develop such considerations afterwards; "Because I am an anti-Japanese Ryukyu man myself, of course," Ryukyu's anti-Japan Ryukyu who makes up 95% of the total population "Everyone does not think that they themselves are" Tokyo's concubines. "It can be said to the people of all anti-Japanese forces in East Asia, so why did such comments have been written? About the true target that the comment came to think deeply. "

As a result, I have reached the following conclusion. That conclusion is exactly "We have to challenge the East Asian anti-Japanese forces in the future with a sense of extreme crisis. Especially the Ryukyu anti-Japanese Ryukyu people have to challenge by life "." This comment accurately captures the symbol of modern Ryukyu Okinawa society since the return of Okinawa in 1972. "History of Okinawa And the stage of political scenes. "But that is only one comment on the virtual reality of the" pseudo environment, realistic environment "that drifts to the surface, and it has already become" Tokyo's concubine "at that time It is because all the leaders of Ryukyu Okinawa at the time of returning Okinawa are. Therefore, this comment is nothing as a comment targeting "our whole anti-Japanese Ryukyu who occupies 95% of the whole population." Of course, "Ryukyu people who revived It is not a comment for us that is.

By the way, "Ryukyusu who revived" is a genuine anti-Japanese Ryukyus who was born in the Ryukyus government (1952 - 1972) before the return of Okinawa in 1972. ※ April 28, 1952 is the memorable day when the Ryukyus who once fulfilled Japan withdrawal was able to revive the Ryukyus government, by issuing the San Francisco Peace Treaty.

Therefore, we are not leaders of Ryukyu Okinawa at the time of returning Okinawa. Our anti-Japan Ryukyus is not "Tokyo's concubine". In addition, we are anti-Japanese Ryukyu people are not related, all of them have become "Tokyo's concubines" What are the leaders of Ryukyu Okinawa at that time of returning Okinawa. Therefore, we anti-Japanese Ryukyus is nothing, even "child of the Tokyo's concubine". However, there is a reality that is thought to be the "child of the Tokyo's concubine", even against our anti-Japanese Ryukyu people. "

Therefore we shall lose anything, such a misunderstanding. It is impossible to solve this misunderstanding, especially if the Ryukyu anti-Japanese Ryukyu people tackle the risks. Only the theme that foreigners who should not have learned will understand the history of the Ryukyus in true sense. We should not miss the effort to change in the future, "Such a wrong comment (= recognition of the Ryukyus of the western world)"; "There is not even one person in this world such as a Ryukyu who resists with life," This point is based on the premise that "pointing out" the essence of the problem of Okinawa "against Japan and the United States". In other words, this comment is synonymous with being a premise and that it is "There is no personality person in the Ryukyus." Moreover, there is no doubt that it has made progress with this, even to the reality of the world situation. In this way our bright future for the Ryukyus does not come forever, as this "present worst Ryukyu Okinawa's status" is clearly telling. In other words, our independence by the Ryukyus himself will be forever impossible, as it is left unattended. We can not get the cooperation of the international community even if our anti-Japanese Ryukyu people have passed. It can not be okay to remain misunderstood all over the world, "every Ryukyus is a" non-personality ethnic group "in the" Tokyo's concubine ".

Therefore, in order to make it recognized by the international community, we must "Become a reviving Ryukyu" to be "a real East Asian Big Bang", that we "revived Ryukyu people" exist in reality To inform the world.

Such a dissemination of rumor will definitely continue in the future, unless we have become "real East Asian Big Bang". Because there are unavoidable reasons, depending on the theme, there is no doubt that it is a posting article that I will not explicitly mention as "anti-Japanese Ryukyu people". From a foreigner who watches my posts when I do not explicitly say that "Ryukyu people are anti-Japan", it can not be helped even if all the current Ryukyus people are regarded as "the child of Tokyo's concubine". It is the same as those of "the child of Tokyo's concubine" exposed in "politics, economics and culture" of Ryukyu Okinawa. - As I thought as certainly so far as I thought. When I think about it as inside out that what I was not able to say until yesterday was as if I was "Tokyo's concubine" as if Okinawa.

Next, I was interested in, for example, "What does it mean" that it is a child of Tokyo's concubine "? And when I looked it up, it was this kind of thing with a child of a concubine; a child born between men and women who are not married.

That's true. Even then, that time. And then at that time too, "If you do not marry with Japan you will not leave Japan and stay in an unlucky relationship" From the next generation to the next generation, the tide of flowing, the end of the current Okinawa leaders It is.

Whatever you say in this should not do. A real big bang is absolutely necessary for us.

By the way, I have interpreted and said that "Small van" is "reverse Big Bang", but by examining it, it was exactly the same.

Well, so I thought exactly what it means "big bang" and I looked into it in detail. Then, "big bang" has this meaning; Big bang (big bang) is a big explosion that is thought to have occurred at the beginning of the so-called universe. G. Gamov advocated in 1948. Widely in society in general, "refers to major reforms of the financial system, etc." (It was a coincidence or inevitability, it is an interesting story that the advocate G · Gamov advocated this "big bang" in 1948. In fact, this same year · On December 10, 1948, it is also the day that the "world declaration on human rights" that I wrote in detail above passed through the General Assembly of the United Nations and declared by this.)

So from today I will write "Big Bang (big bang) · reborn anti-Japanese Ryukyu people" with the liver in mind. "Each of them has the aim of" foaming the Ryukyu independence momentum rising in the Ryukyu Okinawa. "It is absolutely necessary that it is indispensable that "a ritual of a step walk" against "the past presidents of the US and the Japanese premier of Japan including the Japanese emperor" is indispensable. "Nearly black gray, agents of both Japan and the United States and two candidates are challenging for the Okinawa prefectural election campaign on the coming Voting Day of September 30 as the most promising candidate. By the way, these two people are also representatives of all of the "Tokyo's concubineous children." All the leaders of the Ryukyu Okinawa at that time in 1972 when all became "Tokyo's concubines":

September 6 - 11, 2018. KanHiko (KuanYan) Yosuhiko Motomura

By the way, Ryukyu Okinawa The mass media, including the Japanese media, is responsible for crushing candidates who hold Ryukyu independence. It is already foamed, at the stage before the last Okinawa prefectural election in 2014:

New East Asia world/新東亞世界/新东亚世界/새로운 동아시아의 세계/Thế giới mới Đông Á/New East Asia world/新東アジア世界

2018年09月15日 14時41分54秒 | 日記

New East Asia world/新東亞世界/新东亚世界/새로운 동아시아의 세계/Thế giới mới Đông Á/New East Asia world/新東アジア世界

Because there is a reality that the nature of the problem has been negated, even this "real essence of the East Asia problem" that everyone in the world admits can be taken into the topic of other fake information like this time Easily replaced. No matter how I express it like this, based on my testimony on the television news program shown when you click on the URL above:

"The whole East Asia and Ryukyus inside. The Taiwan Straits issue in Taiwan next to the Ryukyu "as well as for the main cause of excessive information manipulation so that the damage may outbreak. Actually, it is because the aggressive acts of "America and Japan" such as that even after the television broadcasting program of August 13, 2011 mentioned above caused the original invasion, "Ryukyu and East Asia" still invaded by the invasion To. This is a rigid fact that anyone in the world accepts. The illegal invasion act itself carried out by "America and Japan" while shifting the essence of the problem is the main cause of East Asia damage. That's why damage caused by false information has broken out in the "Taiwan Strait that is adjacent to Ryukyu as in this whole East Asia, Ryukyus, or this time", this "Unification of Taiwan by the military force of the Chinese People's Liberation Army" Possibilities theory "As the case of the riot clearly shows:
2018-09-02 00:01聯合報 蘇起


Because I may not leave my mind after more than a year, I was sharply pointed out that I mentioned a little in the above- "Okinawa is Tokyo's concubine". It remembers that it seemed like a personal comment on "American CIA agent and suspicious reader". At Fb's group site I was posted from time to time I was invited to join the group. This site is a "free market-oriented volunteer site" that foreign workers living in Okinawa island collect personally in Okinawa Island stationed in the US military. The comment that "Okinawa is Tokyo's concubine" is for one of my posts on that site.

Now that more than a year has passed since the painful single sentence comment. I have no choice but to acknowledge that my speech activity was not equipped with "sharpness and persuasive power" as it is from scratch like comments from the very eye. Certainly, for some time myself I have repeatedly pointed out that the leaders of Ryukyu Okinawa are all "Pro-Japan Ryukyu people" and so on. However, if I look back over the results of the speech activity I have been doing to today, I can not help accepting my lack of ability obediently. Because in that comment I am pointing out from the angle which I myself had not expressed so far. Thanks to that, gradually, I became more aware of something very important and appreciate my gratitude. "There seems to be some kind of barrier in my own unconscious structure. "So I might be missing the viewpoint like that comment", and now I am keen to reflect on. I think so to Americans who commented that "Okinawa is Tokyo's concubine". Perhaps I myself wanted to express that "Pro - Japan Ryukyu people are like" Tokyo 's concubines "in real intention. I myself wanted to express it with reasonable words like that comment but I could not find such an accurate word as such. Or was it just about "I could not find it?", "I'm beginning to think that I'm the only architect who has only immature sensitivities yet." Therefore, now I am an American "Thank you! I feel like I want to thank you. Even if he is a staff member of the US government such as the CIA, or anyone involved in such kind.

On the other hand, I think that it is possible to develop such considerations afterwards; "Because I am an anti-Japanese Ryukyu man myself, of course," Ryukyu's anti-Japan Ryukyu who makes up 95% of the total population "Everyone does not think that they themselves are" Tokyo's concubines. "It can be said to the people of all anti-Japanese forces in East Asia, so why did such comments have been written? About the true target that the comment came to think deeply. "

As a result, I have reached the following conclusion. That conclusion is exactly "We have to challenge the East Asian anti-Japanese forces in the future with a sense of extreme crisis. Especially the Ryukyu anti-Japanese Ryukyu people have to challenge by life "." This comment accurately captures the symbol of modern Ryukyu Okinawa society since the return of Okinawa in 1972. "History of Okinawa And the stage of political scenes. "But that is only one comment on the virtual reality of the" pseudo environment, realistic environment "that drifts to the surface, and it has already become" Tokyo's concubine "at that time It is because all the leaders of Ryukyu Okinawa at the time of returning Okinawa are. Therefore, this comment is nothing as a comment targeting "our whole anti-Japanese Ryukyu who occupies 95% of the whole population." Of course, "Ryukyu people who revived It is not a comment for us that is.

By the way, "Ryukyusu who revived" is a genuine anti-Japanese Ryukyus who was born in the Ryukyus government (1952 - 1972) before the return of Okinawa in 1972. ※ April 28, 1952 is the memorable day when the Ryukyus who once fulfilled Japan withdrawal was able to revive the Ryukyus government, by issuing the San Francisco Peace Treaty.

Therefore, we are not leaders of Ryukyu Okinawa at the time of returning Okinawa. Our anti-Japan Ryukyus is not "Tokyo's concubine". In addition, we are anti-Japanese Ryukyu people are not related, all of them have become "Tokyo's concubines" What are the leaders of Ryukyu Okinawa at that time of returning Okinawa. Therefore, we anti-Japanese Ryukyus is nothing, even "child of the Tokyo's concubine". However, there is a reality that is thought to be the "child of the Tokyo's concubine", even against our anti-Japanese Ryukyu people. "

Therefore we shall lose anything, such a misunderstanding. It is impossible to solve this misunderstanding, especially if the Ryukyu anti-Japanese Ryukyu people tackle the risks. Only the theme that foreigners who should not have learned will understand the history of the Ryukyus in true sense. We should not miss the effort to change in the future, "Such a wrong comment (= recognition of the Ryukyus of the western world)"; "There is not even one person in this world such as a Ryukyu who resists with life," This point is based on the premise that "pointing out" the essence of the problem of Okinawa "against Japan and the United States". In other words, this comment is synonymous with being a premise and that it is "There is no personality person in the Ryukyus." Moreover, there is no doubt that it has made progress with this, even to the reality of the world situation. In this way our bright future for the Ryukyus does not come forever, as this "present worst Ryukyu Okinawa's status" is clearly telling. In other words, our independence by the Ryukyus himself will be forever impossible, as it is left unattended. We can not get the cooperation of the international community even if our anti-Japanese Ryukyu people have passed. It can not be okay to remain misunderstood all over the world, "every Ryukyus is a" non-personality ethnic group "in the" Tokyo's concubine ".

Therefore, in order to make it recognized by the international community, we must "Become a reviving Ryukyu" to be "a real East Asian Big Bang", that we "revived Ryukyu people" exist in reality To inform the world.

Such a dissemination of rumor will definitely continue in the future, unless we have become "real East Asian Big Bang". Because there are unavoidable reasons, depending on the theme, there is no doubt that it is a posting article that I will not explicitly mention as "anti-Japanese Ryukyu people". From a foreigner who watches my posts when I do not explicitly say that "Ryukyu people are anti-Japan", it can not be helped even if all the current Ryukyus people are regarded as "the child of Tokyo's concubine". It is the same as those of "the child of Tokyo's concubine" exposed in "politics, economics and culture" of Ryukyu Okinawa. - As I thought as certainly so far as I thought. When I think about it as inside out that what I was not able to say until yesterday was as if I was "Tokyo's concubine" as if Okinawa.

Next, I was interested in, for example, "What does it mean" that it is a child of Tokyo's concubine "? And when I looked it up, it was this kind of thing with a child of a concubine; a child born between men and women who are not married.

That's true. Even then, that time. And then at that time too, "If you do not marry with Japan you will not leave Japan and stay in an unlucky relationship" From the next generation to the next generation, the tide of flowing, the end of the current Okinawa leaders It is.

Whatever you say in this should not do. A real big bang is absolutely necessary for us.

By the way, I have interpreted and said that "Small van" is "reverse Big Bang", but by examining it, it was exactly the same.

Well, so I thought exactly what it means "big bang" and I looked into it in detail. Then, "big bang" has this meaning; Big bang (big bang) is a big explosion that is thought to have occurred at the beginning of the so-called universe. G. Gamov advocated in 1948. Widely in society in general, "refers to major reforms of the financial system, etc." (It was a coincidence or inevitability, it is an interesting story that the advocate G · Gamov advocated this "big bang" in 1948. In fact, this same year · On December 10, 1948, it is also the day that the "world declaration on human rights" that I wrote in detail above passed through the General Assembly of the United Nations and declared by this.)

So from today I will write "Big Bang (big bang) · reborn anti-Japanese Ryukyu people" with the liver in mind. "Each of them has the aim of" foaming the Ryukyu independence momentum rising in the Ryukyu Okinawa. "It is absolutely necessary that it is indispensable that "a ritual of a step walk" against "the past presidents of the US and the Japanese premier of Japan including the Japanese emperor" is indispensable. "Nearly black gray, agents of both Japan and the United States and two candidates are challenging for the Okinawa prefectural election campaign on the coming Voting Day of September 30 as the most promising candidate. By the way, these two people are also representatives of all of the "Tokyo's concubineous children." All the leaders of the Ryukyu Okinawa at that time in 1972 when all became "Tokyo's concubines":

September 6 - 11, 2018. KanHiko (KuanYan) Yosuhiko Motomura

By the way, Ryukyu Okinawa The mass media, including the Japanese media, is responsible for crushing candidates who hold Ryukyu independence. It is already foamed, at the stage before the last Okinawa prefectural election in 2014:

新東アジア世界/New East Asia world/新東亞世界/新东亚世界/새로운 동아시아의 세계/Thế giới mới Đông Á/New East Asia world


2018-09-02 00:01聯合報 蘇起















さて、では『ビッグ・バン(big bang)』とは正確にはどういう意味だろうか?。そう思い詳しく調べてみた。すると『ビッグ・バン(big bang)』とはこういう意味であった;ビック・バン(big bang)は、いわゆる宇宙の始まりに起こったと考えられる大爆発のことである。一九四八年にG・ガモフが提唱した。広く社会一般では『金融システムの大改革などを指す』とある。(偶然かはたまた必然だったのか。提唱者のG・ガモフがこの『ビッグ・バン(big bang)』を提唱したのが1948年だったとは。これまた興味深い話である。実はこの同年・1948年の12月10日はなんと、上記で私が詳しく著したあの『人権に関する世界宣言』が国際連合総会を通過し、且つ、これによって宣言された日でもある。)

そこで、私は今日からは『東アジアのビック・バン(big bang)・蘇った反日琉球人』を肝に銘じて著述することにする。「その各々が『琉球沖縄で高まる琉球独立の機運を泡沫化』する目的を持つ。それこそ『歴代の米国大統領と、日本天皇を含む日本歴代首相』に対する『踏み絵の儀式』が不可欠なほど絶対必要な。『限りなく黒に近い灰色な、日米両国それぞれのエージェントとおぼしき二人の立候補者が、来る9月30日投票日の沖縄県知事選挙戦に当選最有力候補者として挑んでいる今こそ。ちなみにこの二人がその『東京の妾の子』たちすべての代表者でもあります。そのすべてが『東京の妾』になってしまった1972年当時の琉球沖縄のリーダーたちの:

