11:16 from TweetDeck
Coding of facial expressions of pain in the laboratory mouse http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.1455
11:33 from TweetDeck (Re: @roncallari)
@roncallari They used HeliScope sequencer from Helicos Bioscience Co. but not DIY sequencer. RT http://bit.ly/cUOXoX
12:56 from TweetDeck
出来損ないタンパク質を分解する酵素「PNGase」の新機能を発見 (理化学研究所PR) http://bit.ly/9KAbBM
by maitoh on Twitter
Coding of facial expressions of pain in the laboratory mouse http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.1455
11:33 from TweetDeck (Re: @roncallari)
@roncallari They used HeliScope sequencer from Helicos Bioscience Co. but not DIY sequencer. RT http://bit.ly/cUOXoX
12:56 from TweetDeck
出来損ないタンパク質を分解する酵素「PNGase」の新機能を発見 (理化学研究所PR) http://bit.ly/9KAbBM
by maitoh on Twitter