English Collection


salt away

2023年08月15日 | 英単語
'make it stick' (三人の共著)を読んでいます。 'Embrace Difficulties' の章から引用します。

Much of how we run out day-to-day lives is guided by the ephemera that clutter our short-term memory and are, fortunately, soon forgotten--how to jigger the broken latch on the locker you used when you suite up at the gym today; remembering to stop for an oil change after your workout. But the experiences and learning that we want to salt away for the future must be made stronger and more durable--in Mia's case, the distinctive moves that will enable her to hit the ground without breaking an ankle, or worse.

"salt away" の意味を調べます。

・Collins Dictionary: If someone salts away sums of money, they save the money for the future, often illegally.: The president was accused of salting away millions of dollars in foreign accounts.
・Wiktionary: To save or preserve (especially money) for future use.: You have more than two thousand salted away, I know, Moses, between prize-money, wages, adventures, and other matters.
・The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms: Also, salt down. Keep in reserve, store, save, as in He salted away most of his earnings in a bank account. This idiom alludes to using salt as a food preservative.
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2023年08月14日 | 英単語
'make it stick' (三人の共著)を読んでいます。 'To Learn, Retrieve' の章から引用します。

The frustration many people feel toward standardized, "dipstick" tests given for the sole purpose of measuring learning is understandable, but it steers us away from appreciating one of the most potent learning tools available to us. Pitting the learning of basic knowledge against the development of creative thinking is a false choice. Both need to be cultivated.

"pit" には穴(オーケストラのピットボックスなどを含んだ)の他に桃などの果物の種など色々な意味があり、上の文に出て来た "pit against" は過去に3度も取り上げましたが、8/8/2017に取り上げた時は語源にも触れているので、これを思い出せば直ぐに意味が分かるのですが。
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2023年08月10日 | 英単語
'make it stick' (三人の共著)を読んでいます。 'To Learn, Retrieve' の章から引用します。

To be most effective, retrieval must be repeated again and again, in spaced out sessions so that the recall, rather than becoming a mindless recitation, requires some cognitive effort. Repeated recall appears to help memory consolidate into a cohesive representation in the brain and to strength and multiply the neural routes by which the knowledge can later be retrieved. In recent decades, studies have confirmed what Mike Ebersold and every seasoned quarterback, jet pilot, and teenaged texter knows from experience--that repeated retrieval can so embed knowledge and skills that they become reflexible: the brain acts before the mind has time to think.

"teenaged texter" が何だか分からなかったのですが、辞書を見たらな~んだでした。

・Collins Dictionary: a person who communicates by text messaging:
・Wiktionary: One who texts; one who sends text messages.:
・Urban Dictionary: a person who prefers to send text messages instead of picking up the phone: Sam is such a texter
電話よりメールを好む人のニュアンスがある様ですね。 My ex hates to talk, she's a texter.
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raise the hackles

2023年08月09日 | 英単語
'make it stick' (三人の共著、副題はThe Science of Successful Learning)を読み始めました。
'Learning Is Misunderstood' の章から引用します。

There are few surer ways to raise the hackles of many students and educators than talking about testing. The growing focus over recent years on standardized assessment, in particular, has turned testing into a lightning rod for frustration over how to achieve the country's education goals.

"raise the hackles" の意味を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: the hairs on the back of the neck of a dog, cat, etc. that rise when the animal is afraid or angry; to make somebody angry: Her controversial article is bound to raise hackles.
・Dictionary.com: raise one's hackles, to arouse one's anger: Such officiousness always raises my hackles.
・Wiktionary Usage notes: In everyday speech, primarily used in phrase to raise someone's hackles (“to make one angry”), as in “It raises my hackles when you take that condescending tone”.

鳥や犬、猫に "hackle" があるのを知りませんでした。
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teasing apart

2023年08月08日 | 英単語
'make it stick' (副題はThe Science of Successful Learning)を読み始めました。

'Learning Is Misunderstood' の章から引用します。

Subsequent experiments at Washington University, aimed at teasing apart some of the questions the earlier studies had raised, assessed the benefits of rereading among students of differing abilities, in a learning situation paralleling that faced by students in classes. A total of 148 students read five different passages taken from text books and Scientific American.

からかう意味の "tease" は知っていますが、この "teasing apart" の "teasing" はその意味とは無関係ですね。 "teasing apart" の慣用句は無かったので "tease" で意味を調べました。
・Collins Dictionary: to gently shred or pull apart (tissues, etc.) for microscopic examination, cellular research, etc.
更に他の辞書も見ると、"teasing something apart" の説明が次の辞書にありました。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to look at the separate features of something in a detailed way in order to separate out different features and see how they relate to each other: The researchers are aiming to tease apart the mysteries of the ocean's carbon cycle.

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2023年08月07日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 6月号の単語クイズ "WORD POWER" に覚えたい言葉が一つありました。

それは "rebus" で意味は "riddle made of pictures" 、例文は 'Sandro made the scavenger hunt trickier by using rebuses for the clues.' とありました。


・Vocabulary.com: A rebus is a puzzle that uses symbols or pictures to represent the sounds of words. A picture of an eye, a heart, and a ewe might be used to say "I love you." Isn't that sweet?
A rebus uses pictures and symbols to convey a message in what may be considered a fun code. The letters ICU might be used to stand for the sentence “I see you.” The word rebus could be depicted with the letters RE followed by a picture of a school bus. Some children's books use rebuses as a way of introducing kids to the reading process, but rebuses can also be quite challenging, even for the adult mind.
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2023年08月05日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 6月号のFilm、TV、Booksの紹介記事からの引用です。

Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger
Milan Carter plays Luke's "guy-in-the-van" techie sidekick, with comedian Fortune Feunster--the true sleeper cell of the show--as a fellow agent.
Each episode ends on a cliffhanger and is as bingeable as the last.

"cliffhanger" は、この後どうなるのだろうと言う終わり方だと推測できますが、"bingeable" はどんな意味でしょうか? 辞書を見ます。

・Merriam-Webster: having multiple episodes or parts that can be watched in rapid succession : suitable for binge-watching: The premise of this remarkable new bingeable dramedy doesn't reveal itself until the pilot's halfway mark.
・Word Spy: Compulsively and excessively watchable or consumable, particularly a TV show or food.: Fast-forward another decade, and we're living in a golden age of binge-watching, as streaming video services like Netflix and Hulu Plus replace DVDs as the binger's medium of choice. If you get caught up in "Breaking Bad" (or any number of other bingeable shows), good luck extracting yourself.
・Wiktionary: On which one can binge: Maybe the bingeable series will become television’s preferred mode of storytelling, and maybe it will simply get stranger and stranger until it goes away: The sheer berserkness of “Sense8,” the Wachowski siblings’ globe-trotting Netflix soap opera, suggests that a certain fin de siècle decadence may already be setting in.

最後に引用した辞書の定義で "binge drinking" を思い出しました。
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same age

2023年08月03日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 6月号の記事 "LIFE in these United States" からの引用です。

My uncle was in his 90s when he saw a doctor about his bum leg. After examining him, the doctor said with a shrug. "You know, Mr. Whitney, at your age you have to expect things like this."
Uncle Charlie wasn't buying it. "Doc," he said, "my other leg is the same age, and it don't hurt."

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in his element

2023年08月02日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 6月号の記事 "The Mariner vs. the Sea" からの引用です。

It's just past 8 p.m. on August 1.
Laurnt Camprubi is about 15 miles off the coast of northwestern Spain, hoisting the mainsail on the deck of the 39-foot sailboat Jeanne. Ever since he left Lisbon, Portugal, the day before, he has been fighting the elements. But he is in his element too.

"elements" は 5/7/2016 に取り上げていますが、最後の文にある "element" は別物ですね。
辞書を見ます。 慣用句で "in one's element" がありました。

・Merriam-Webster: in a place or situation where one is comfortable and does well: At school she was (really) in her element.
・Collins Dictionary: In a situation which is entirely suitable, familiar, or enjoyable.: You can tell he's completely in his element when he's talking about fossils.

1/18/2018には "brave the elements" も取り上げています。
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dude ranch

2023年08月01日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 6月号の記事 "LIFE in these United States" からの引用です。

At a dude ranch in Texas, the cowboy preparing the horses asked my wife if she wanted a Western or English saddle. "What's the difference?" she asked.
"One has a horn and one doesn't," he said.
"The one without the horn is fine. I don't expect we'll run into too much traffic."

Goosewing Ranchというサイトに "Western saddle" と "English saddle" の違いの説明が写真付きで出ていました。 確かにWestern saddleにはhornが付いていて、English saddleには付いていませんね。
English saddles are much lighter and have fewer bells and whistles than their western counter-parts. There is less leather between you and the horse, and therefore you can ‘feel’ the horse more.
ところで "dude ranch" はどんな牧場か気になったので辞書を引きました。

・Oxford English Dictionary: an American ranch (= a large farm) where people can go on holiday and do the sort of activities that cowboys do
・Collins Dictionary: a ranch used as a holiday resort offering activities such as riding and camping: I wanted a real working ranch, not a dude ranch with an infinity pool and a spa and a yoga class.
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