English Collection


raise the hackles

2023年08月09日 | 英単語
'make it stick' (三人の共著、副題はThe Science of Successful Learning)を読み始めました。
'Learning Is Misunderstood' の章から引用します。

There are few surer ways to raise the hackles of many students and educators than talking about testing. The growing focus over recent years on standardized assessment, in particular, has turned testing into a lightning rod for frustration over how to achieve the country's education goals.

"raise the hackles" の意味を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: the hairs on the back of the neck of a dog, cat, etc. that rise when the animal is afraid or angry; to make somebody angry: Her controversial article is bound to raise hackles.
・Dictionary.com: raise one's hackles, to arouse one's anger: Such officiousness always raises my hackles.
・Wiktionary Usage notes: In everyday speech, primarily used in phrase to raise someone's hackles (“to make one angry”), as in “It raises my hackles when you take that condescending tone”.

鳥や犬、猫に "hackle" があるのを知りませんでした。
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