English Collection



2010年02月06日 | 英語学習
English Collectionを始めて今日で丁度3年経ちました。投稿も今日の話題が916番目になります。昨年は全く海外旅行に行かなかったのでブログを休んだ日は余りなかったと思います。いつまで続くか分かりませんが当分はこのペースを続けられそうです。
さて今日の話題です。O. Henryの短編 The Sphinx Apple に覚えておきたい単語がありました。
I have not found woman to be so unspritual or venal.
"venal" がその単語です。 意味は:
・OneLook Quick Definitions: capable of being corrupted ("A venal police officer")
・Dictionary.com: 1. willing to sell one's influence, esp. in return for a bribe; open to bribery; mercenary: a venal judge. 2. able to be purchased, as by a bribe: venal acquittals. 3. associated with or characterized by bribery: a venal administration; venal agreements.
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: A venal person is willing to behave in a way that is not honest or moral in exchange for money; a venal ruler; A venal activity is done in order to get money; a venal regime; They are accused of being involved in venal practices.
Random House Dictionaryに次ぎの説明がありました。
A corrupt politician is one originally honest who has succumbed to temptation and begun questionable practices. A dishonest politician is one lacking native integrity. A venal politician is one so totally debased as to sell patronage.
日本の英字新聞でこの単語に会うのも難しい話ではなさそうです。 Happyanniversary
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