English Collection



2023年02月14日 | 英単語
Mieko Kawakamiの "Heaven" を読んでいます。


Ninomiya slipped upside the head. My glasses were hanging from one ear; my cheek was burning and a second later I tasted blood.
"Shut up. Nobody asked you to speak. Get his pants."
I kicked, trying to stop them, but the guys locked me in a full nelson and under my belt. I heard the girls laughing.

"nelson" を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: a move in which a wrestler stands behind his/her opponent, puts one or both arms under the opponent’s arm(s) and holds the back of the opponent’s neck. When done with one arm it is called a half nelson, and with both arms a full nelson.
・Collins Dictionary: any wrestling hold in which a wrestler places his or her arm or arms under the opponent's arm or arms from behind and exerts pressure with the palms on the back of the opponent's neck


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