English Collection


Walk On

2012年03月18日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム

是非紹介したい記事が Reader's Digest のFebruary 2012号にありました。
Walk Onと題された記事は、タイの少女が留学先のシンガポールで駅のホームから落とされて足に大怪我をしたのですが、下記の記事抜粋でもある程度分かると思いますが、なげかない、うらまない、非常に強い意志の持ち主で大変感動しました。 記事の全文がインターネットにも掲載されていることを見つけたのでそのリンク先を抜粋文の下に示します。
Just as the train approached the station, the crowd pressed forward. I felt someone pushing on my backpack, and though I tried to resist, I lost my balance. Seconds before the train arrived, I fell across the tracks. Before I knew what was happening, the train’s front wheels rolled across my legs.

It was all very strange. Even though I could hear people screaming, I didn’t fully realise what had happened. Then I looked at my legs. The train wheel had run directly over my right kneecap and just below my left kneecap. It was like each leg had been cut in two. The bones were completely broken, and there was only flesh and tattered skin below the point where the wheel had hit each leg.

Finally, he told me that they would not be able to reattach my legs. I accepted what he said. Whatever was going to happen would happen. There’s no point in crying about what’s already lost.

I think my positive attitude comes from how my parents raised me. This is what my dad said in an interview: “I tell both of my daughters that nothing is certain. I could die tomorrow or in the next five years. Anything could happen - like a tsunami - so we always have to be prepared. We have to face everything head-on. If we have presence of mind, we will know how to solve our problems.

Walk Onの記事は次ぎのURLで読むことができます。

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