English Collection


take to

2009年06月06日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム
Agatha Christieの "Murder in the Mews" の中の会話です。
"Did he and Mr. Laverton-West meet at all?"
"Only once, I think. They didn't take to each other much. That is to say, Major Eustace made himself as agreeable as he could to Charles, but Charles wasn't having any. Charles has got a very good nose for anybody who isn't well-quite-quite."
"take to" は明らかに慣用句のようですが知らないイデオムなので早速調べます。
OneLook Quick Definitions: 1.develop a habit; apply oneself to a practice or occupation ("Men take to the military trades"), 2. have a fancy or particular liking or desire for
Dictionary.com: a. to devote or apply oneself to; become habituated to: to take to drink.
b. to respond favorably to; begin to like: They took to each other at once.
c. to go to: to take to one's bed.
d. to have recourse to; resort to: She took to getting up at five to go jogging before work.
2.あるいはb.の意味が近いようですね。 こう言う基本的な単語のイデオムは多過ぎて私にとっては難しい単語より反って難しい場合が多いのです。
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