English Collection


running afoul of the third commandment

2018年07月30日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 6月号の記事 'Gadzooks! The Surprising Sources Of Great Sayings' からの引用です。
記事の中でタイトルに使われている "Gadzooks" について触れています。"Zounds!" "Egad!" "Cripes!" These silly explamations, called minced oaths, were originally Bible-friendly alternatives to swearing. The idea was that if you shouted "Gadzooks!" instead of "God's hooks!"--a reference to the nails from the Crucifixion--you could stub your toe without running afoul of the third commandment. Other minced oaths: gosh (God") and jeepers ("Jesus"). Christians have been shouting gadzooks since the 1690s.
なるほど "God's hooks!" から来た silly explamationですか。
ところで "afoul of" の意味も分からないので辞書を見ます。
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: To be in severe disagreement, trouble, or difficulty with someone or something; to be at odds with someone or something, especially due to disobeying rules or laws. Always look into the laws of any place you visit, or you may end up unwittingly running afoul of the local police.
・The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms: Also, run foul of. Come into conflict with, as in If you keep parking illegally you'll run afoul of the police. This expression originated in the late 1600s, when it was applied to a vessel colliding or becoming entangled with another vessel, but at the same time it was transferred to non-nautical usage. Both senses remain current.
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