English Collection


Uncle George made all that milk

2009年12月31日 | 英語学習
Holy Cow! 丑年の今年もモオ今日で終わり。 そこで牛の話で私の英語日誌を締めることにします。(リーダーズダイジェスト11月号のKidsコーナーにあった記事です。)
When a distant relative of mine passed away recently, I thought it was time to introduce the concept of death to my five-year-old daughter, Amy.
I reminded her of the time we spent at his farm and the loss we face now.
"It's very sad, your Uncle George is dead," I said. "Now when you go to the farm you won't be getting any fresh milk."
Amy, with a look of utter disbelief, replied, "Wow! You mean Uncle George made all that milk? I thought it was the cows."
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