Reader's Digest 1月号の定番記事 "Smart Animals" からの抜粋です。
One day, while sitting on the verandah, watching their frolicking with amusement, I realised that Babetta was in serious training mode with Sophie. She would run the length of the backyard fence with Sophie in tow, then jump over the fence into the bushland on the other side. Sophie would follow her to the fence but then stop abruptly, unable to clear it.
"tow" に引っ張る意味がありますが、"in tow" は慣用句として覚えた方が良さそうです。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Accompanying or following someone: trying to shop with three children in tow is no joke
・Cambridge English Dictionary: If you go somewhere with a particular person in tow, they are with you: She arrived at the party, with a tall, silver-haired man in tow.
- miner's lettuce 9ヶ月前
- meme 2年前
- head calls 2年前
- cutworm 4年前
- X-ray machine 8年前
- hush puppies 8年前
- Things I Hate 8年前
- fence straddling 9年前
- irrupt 10年前
- ロマネスク収穫 11年前